Les invertébrés ? Ce sont toutes ces espèces animales sans colonne vertébrale, dont beaucoup sont menacées d'extinction... [en anglais] | Insect Archive | Scoop.it
. Biodiversity Offsetting – can it deliver for species? Some questions to think about.

[...] Invertebrates are vitally important to a healthy planet – humans and other life forms could not survive without them. The food we eat, the fish we catch, the birds we see, the flowers we smell and the hum of life we hear, simply would not exist without bugs.

Despite their crucial role invertebrates often have a bit of a raw deal in planning. They tend to be of lowest priority when a development is planned, and mitigation to reduce the impact of a development generally doesn’t cater for their specific needs. Buglife’s concern is whether these issues and more will be translated into any offsetting system developed.


via Confidences Canopéennes