How Fast is the New FileMaker Cloud? | 24USoftware | Learning Claris FileMaker |

The first version of FileMaker Cloud was released back in March 2017 and it brought something quite new to the platform.


It allowed to consume relatively little resources while being lightly used, and at the same time was ready for rapid burst of power when you needed it.

Based on the user feedback and experience, which included steep learning curve to set up and administer AWS, FileMaker (now Claris) announced its successor at the FileMaker Developer Conference 2019.


FileMaker Cloud 2, finally released on the 30th of October 2019, removes all the technical difficulty and delivers an easy to use hosting platform for any custom FileMaker app.

All the complexity is handled by Claris.

But how fast or slow is it and what should you know before deciding to throw away your old Mac mini you're using to run FileMaker Server and move your databases to FileMaker Cloud?


Let me put the other aspects, such as cost or security, aside for now, and focus solely on performance.