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Curated by Gerrit Bes
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Rescooped by Gerrit Bes from Curation, Social Business and Beyond
November 3, 2013 6:10 AM!

Here's How to Get Your Message In Front Of Early-Stage B2B Buyers

Here's How to Get Your Message In Front Of Early-Stage B2B Buyers | Latest Social Media News |
A recent article in BtoB Magazine highlights how marketing to the electronics engineering vertical is changing due to technological innovation and the demands of a more specialized (and time-constrained) workforce.

Via janlgordon
janlgordon's curator insight, November 2, 2013 4:56 PM

Derek Edmond wrote this article for searchengineland - I selected it because in today's world there's too much noise - getting attention from the right people will require knowledge and strategy.

The focus of the article centers around content marketing designed to attract buyers at every stage of the buying cycle, particularly early-stage awareness. which is exactly where you want to be.

Here's what you need to know:

Search is one of the first places where buyers start.

According to Pardot’s 2013 State of Demand Generation Report, 72% of product research for a future business purchase beginning on Google.

But savvy search engine marketers understand that onsite content is only one destination buyers will look to find information, assuming that content is found in search engine results.

Here's something you need to do:

Where B2B Marketers Start Buying Research: Pardot 2013 State of Demand Generation Report

Placing content marketing assets in destinations that provide a good opportunity to be found in search engine results — and also represent locations where target audiences find and share information — which is a critical component of B2B SEO.

The direct correlation is through inbound link acquisition. The long-term opportunity is the association with trusted communities and places of industry influence and trust.

There are twenty different third party sites and sources B2B marketers should consider for placing content in their SEO strategy.

I have highlighted a few that caught my attention:

Google Properties (YouTube, Google+, etc) — unique, quality content throughout Google properties isn’t just about social networking. It should provide a direct association between an organization, its thought leaders, and keyword-related objectives to the search engine.

Industry-Specific Forums — for informational search queries, we often find forum threads in search results. Forum communities are an underrated resource for developing valuable discussions and establishing brand / individual trust.

Selected by Jan Gordon for Curatti covering Curation, Social Business and Beyond

Read more here: []

Rescooped by Gerrit Bes from Curation, Social Business and Beyond
July 26, 2012 11:42 PM!

Reimagining Business with a Social Mindset

This video and article and download full report is from Deloitte Consulting. It is timely and relevant!, If you're wondering what social business is all about and how it relates to your business, you'll find lots of insights to help you understand and act on this information for your business today.


Here is an excerpt from a response by Sandy Petland from MIT Labs that gives you just a glimpse into what you'll find in this material:.


"Social business is built on top of social networks, which most organizations already have in place.


For years I've been studying connection science” – studying how relationships and personal interactions shape society and business.


**Social business is a manifestation of that thinking, with companies transforming how they organize and operate based on


individual roles, social networks and the power of connections.


**Social business can have huge potential inside and outside the enterprise, across employees, customers, prospects and business partners.


Here is a takeaway that caught my attention:


Start at the beginning -


**Map the individuals in your potential social networks


**know what behaviors you are trying to affect and how you might meaningfully engage these into persistent communities


**Use this information to guide the development of tools, roadmaps and roll-out plans – not the other way around.


**Focus on results that can be measurable and attributable



Selected by Jan Gordon coveriing  "Curation, Social Business and Beyond"


See article, video and read more about social business here: []


used in this document social data revolution - January 2012

Via janlgordon
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Rescooped by Gerrit Bes from Curation, Social Business and Beyond
August 18, 2012 1:28 AM!

The Culture Of Personality: The What, Why & How of Social Business

The Culture Of Personality: The What, Why & How of Social Business | Latest Social Media News |

I selected this piece by Matt Ridings from SideraWorks because we all talk about social business but what is it, why should we care, how do we measure it and why is it important for our business?


This piece along with a slideshare answers some of these questions and gives you a mindset and framework to work with.


Here are some highlights:


What is Social Business?


**The answer differs if you're describing the purpose, the processes or the outcomes - Depending on your point of view as the customer, the employee or a partner  -  the answer can differ even more


Here is a definition of social business:


Social busines is the creation of an organization that is optimized to benefit the entire ecosystem. Customers, employees, partners, owners by embedding collaboration and active engagment into its operations and culture. The result is a more responsive, adaptable, effective and untimately more successful company.


Here are some of the challenges:


**How do we develop a common vocabulary and context so] that all parties have a clear understanding of what it is they're trying to achieve or become?


**How to 'audit' something like culture to the degree that you can provide a meaningful representationn of its curfrent attributes at individual, group anad organization - wide levels?


**How do you represent the objective in a way that is easily understood in relation to the audit?


Selected by Jan Gordon covering "Curation, Social Business and Beyond"


Read full article and see slideshare here: []

Via janlgordon
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Rescooped by Gerrit Bes from Curation, Social Business and Beyond
July 24, 2012 2:35 AM!

10 Types of “Tweets” That Encourage REAL Connection

10 Types of “Tweets” That Encourage REAL Connection | Latest Social Media News |

 Great post by Kim Garst, Twitter can be a very powerful tool to build your business if you use it wisely.




The purpose of Twitter and all social media, is not to make money, but to brand YOU and your business and build relationships with potential and existing customers. The money will follow if you put your customers FIRST.


**Mix your "business" talk with "life" talk




"Twitter challenges personal brands to reach out to their audience differently than they would in traditional marketing and/or social media platforms."


Here are some highlights that caught my attention:


**The resource sharing tweet - Find a great article or a resource that you know your target audience could benefit from


**The quotable tweet - This one speaks for itself


**Tip of the Day Tweet - great way to provide relevant content to your target audience by providing them a valuable piece of info that they can use either personally or profesionally. This also builds vlaue for you as an expert within your niche.


Selected by Jan Gordon covering "Content Curation, Social Business and Beyond"


Read full article here: []

Via janlgordon
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