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Curated by Gerrit Bes
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Rescooped by Gerrit Bes from Curation, Social Business and Beyond
July 1, 2012 12:23 AM!

How to Understand, Identify & Engage with Social Influencers [Infographic]

How to Understand, Identify & Engage with Social Influencers [Infographic] | Latest Social Media News |

I chose this infographic and article from Blackbaud because it helps you go from social media to social business. It was written for non-profits but it definitely applies to any business as well.


By understanding how to evaluate people by their degree of influence and their ability to help change behavior in others can be invaluable to you and your organization.


**It's also important to use this information to understand how you and your organization fit into this mix. They say knowledge is power, once you have a clearer picture, you can shift what you're doing and take your business or cause to the next level for greater results.




"Understanding the Value of Your Social Media Influencers: How to Identify and Empower Those Who Can Engage an Entire Community!

(Download the White Paper Today!)"


Here are some highlights:


**Learn how to use the information your consitiuents are sharing to attract more people to your mission, campaign.


**Learn how to analyze your database and assign social scores to engagers that represents their ability to interact with and influence others across their online networks


**Based on the social score you assign to these individuals, you can then segment them into one of four categories, each of which plays a diferent role on social networks, relevant to your business


Here are the categories:


Key Influencers - They have a powerful impact not only the people they know but also others they don't know. Their posts are widely spread and shared by more people than many other people



Engagers - These people have well-established social networks and are strong influencers of people they know personally


Multichannel Consumers - They enjoy keeping up with social media conent and occasionally participate. Their influence is not a dominent part of their persona


Standard Consumers These engagers read and watc updates more than they create new content or make comments. They are more influenced by family and friends.


Selected by Jan Gordon covering "Content Curation, Social Business and Beyond"


Read article and see infographic here: []

Via janlgordon
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Rescooped by Gerrit Bes from MarketingHits
June 4, 2012 2:45 AM!

How to Identify Relevant Online Influencers with These 3 Tools

How to Identify Relevant Online Influencers with These 3 Tools | Latest Social Media News |

This piece and infographic is from Adam Vincenzini on his blog.


I selected this article because it's another way for you to find key influencers and these tools will help to narrow your search


Here are some highlights:


Instead of focusing on the subjectivity of this process (and how this insight is deployed) Here's how you can use a combination of free tools to narrow your search.


Where do online influencers operate?

**They are active everywhere:


     Most popular are:

     blogs, Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, Online

     communities, discussion boards




**Influencers are active on Twitter

**Influencers operate some for of blogging hub


Focus on the intelligence you can glean from Twitter initially then verify this initial sweep with blog (or relevant hub) data


The initial steps involve:


1. Search by keyword

2. Search by location


3 tools useful in the process: The first two you can also search by location:


** - then run this through another influencer tool -   

     tweetlevel to give it even more relevance (this isn't fool proof)




There are more suggestions in this piece having said that:


**No matter how hard we try, a 100% fool proof influence rating is near on impossible because influence is not a science, it can't be.


** this can help narrow things down, significantly


Selected by Jan Gordon covering "Content Curation, Social Business and Beyond"


Read full article here: []

Via janlgordon, Brian Yanish -
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