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Curated by Gerrit Bes
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Rescooped by Gerrit Bes from Curation, Social Business and Beyond
October 13, 2013 5:31 AM!

Why Smart Social Marketers Think Mobile First

Why Smart Social Marketers Think Mobile First | Latest Social Media News |

Via janlgordon
Manú Iñaki's curator insight, February 11, 2014 2:33 PM

Los usuarios de smartphones son importantes para la mercadotecnia


willdonovan's curator insight, February 27, 2014 7:42 AM

INFOGRAPHIC ALERT: The Social Case for Mobile 1st

Brenton Millers's curator insight, March 28, 2014 12:48 AM

This info graphic created by Unified shows statistics of how social marketers target people on a mobile platform.

Rescooped by Gerrit Bes from Mobile Marketing Strategy and beyond
May 27, 2013 4:28 AM!

How Consumers Are Using Their Phones and What It Means for Marketers

How Consumers Are Using Their Phones  and What It Means for Marketers | Latest Social Media News |
Four clear trends have emerged. ;

Via janlgordon
janlgordon's curator insight, May 26, 2013 10:33 PM

This timely article is from Businessinsider about how consumers are using their phones and what marketers need to know.

Here are some highlights:

"Mobile is no longer a communications utility, but a media distribution hub" According to eMarketer, mobile now accounts for 12 percent of Americans' media consumption time, triple its share in 2009.

Where ius this consumer attention being focused? Mobile apps - Time spent on apps dwarfs time spent on the mobile web and smartphone owners now spend 127 minutes per day in mobile apps.

Here are four usage trends developers and publishers should consider:

1. The rise of gaming: Games are the largest mobile app category anad the biggest money-maker in the app stores, accounting for 70% of Apple's top-grossing apps.

2. Mobile-social synergies: social networking apps are the second largest time bucket for mobile users. 39% of mobile users access social networks.

3. The piggyback rule: The only tried-and-true way for a mobile success is to take a popular usage category and build a product that piggybacks on that activity to provide a unnique mobile-native experience.

4. Portal erosion: Mobile is a fragmented space and consumers seem to like it that way.

Selected by Jan Gordon for Curatti covering Mobile Marketing Strategies and Beyond

Read full article here:

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