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Curated by Gerrit Bes
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Rescooped by Gerrit Bes from Curation Revolution
October 30, 2015 5:48 AM!

Share Your Favorite About Us Pages - Curagami

Share Your Favorite About Us Pages - Curagami | Latest Social Media News |

Favorite About Us pages shares an e-commerce master class video on how to create a great About Us page and asks for your favorite About Us Pages examples.

Great About Us Pages:

* Tell A Story.
* Share Values

* Outline a Movement

* Help Build Community

Share your favorite about us pages in reactions (on, comments on the Curagmai post or email martin(at)
Thanks, Marty  

Via Martin (Marty) Smith
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Scooped by Gerrit Bes
June 30, 2015 10:32 AM!

Content Creation: 28 Experts Reveal Their Best 3 Tips

Content Creation: 28 Experts Reveal Their Best 3 Tips | Latest Social Media News |
Do you want to master content creation? If so, you must read the responses I've received from 28 of the best content marketers out there. Are you ready?
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Rescooped by Gerrit Bes from MarketingHits
April 27, 2015 8:20 AM!

How to Write Content That Engages Mobile Readers

How to Write Content That Engages Mobile Readers | Latest Social Media News |
Google’s new emphasis on mobile-friendly search results doesn’t require just good mobile design, it requires great mobile copywriting–Content Marketing Institute.

Via malek, Brian Yanish -
malek's curator insight, April 25, 2015 7:11 PM

Don’t write less. Write better

Thanks @Os Ishmael.

Marco Favero's curator insight, April 27, 2015 8:01 AM

aggiungi la tua intuizione ...

Adam J. Kovitz's curator insight, April 27, 2015 9:57 AM


Rescooped by Gerrit Bes from Curation Revolution
February 4, 2014 10:10 AM!

Content Shock Makes Crowdfunding More Valuable via CrowdFunde

Content Shock Makes Crowdfunding More Valuable via CrowdFunde | Latest Social Media News |
Mark Schaefer's "content shock" says what all content marketers know. Content marketing sustainable. Crowdfunding is sustainable & perfect for New SEO.

Via Martin (Marty) Smith
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Rescooped by Gerrit Bes from Curation Revolution
January 23, 2014 7:44 AM!

Why We Are All Content Curators Now - ScentTrail Marketing

Why We Are All Content Curators Now - ScentTrail Marketing | Latest Social Media News |

This post shares a story, a story of a piece of content written for @ janlgordon How did Startup Trends 2014 II go from being a laggard at social shares to outshining its brother post (Startup Trends 2014 I)?

Ongoing curation and GPlus provide the answers and proving why we are all content curators now. The piece also shares some "down the SEO rabbit hole" content curation and creation perspective.

Promise to write more "down the SEO rabbit hole" content soon.


Via Martin (Marty) Smith
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Rescooped by Gerrit Bes from Inspiring Social Media
January 15, 2014 6:50 AM!

What Social Media Is Most Important To You?

What Social Media Is Most Important To You? | Latest Social Media News |

Most Important Social Media
Friend asked a great question but in the wrong way. Social Media isn't important to me in and of itself, but each social media channel can help communicate marketing messages and thus become valuable and important.

Key is "matching the hatch" to borrow a fly fishing term.

Matching the hatch puts the right kind of content, what Gary Vaynerchuk calls "native content', on each social net when THAT information is important to communicating a marketing message. Here is how I answered:

Depends on what I'm trying to accomplish.

If I want comments and discussion GPlus.
If I want feedback from friends Facebook.
If I want to generally test
If I want a "set it and forget it" content solution
If I have something happening now or want to newsjack Twitter.
To raise money on creative or gaming projects Kickstarter.
If I want to share videos YouTube.

If I want to serialize stories Storify.
If I want to test an infographic Pinterest. 
If I want to do something with audio then SmartCloud.
If I want to create sustainable and potentially "evergreen" content then I use WP blogs. Content becomes "evergreen" based on how it performs (views, shares, conversions).
If I want to sell something ecom then Shopify. 

Match the hatch to get the most from your content, your growing social media tribe, your time and content marketing and curation efforts.  

Via Martin (Marty) Smith, John van den Brink, Lisa Sicard
malek's curator insight, January 15, 2014 11:00 AM

It's the singer, not the song. Thrilling article about match the hatch for your content

Rescooped by Gerrit Bes from Curation Revolution
January 9, 2014 4:34 AM!

Content Curation and SEO Response - ScentTrail Marketing

Content Curation and SEO Response - ScentTrail Marketing | Latest Social Media News |

What is content curation and how can it help SEO? This post shares how content curation creates more reach faster and protects your Internet marketing.


This post is a response to Your Guide To Conent Curation for SEO by @jaysondemers (Jayson DeMers) for Search Engine Journal. Jayson's post is dissonat to my content curation experience in several important ways.

Your Guide To Content Curation For SEO is brilliant, includes orginal thinking and cagegorization I haven't thought of or about and gets more right than wrong.

That said, it felt important to sit on the ground and discuss where my content curation experience over the last three years differs from Jayson's declarations.


I linked his post and be sure to read mine and his, comment and share your thoughts since understanding what content curation IS and how it relates to SEO feels important :). M

Via Martin (Marty) Smith
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Rescooped by Gerrit Bes from Curation Revolution
December 27, 2013 4:37 AM!

CONTENT: How Netflix + Roku Is Changing Content Curation

CONTENT: How Netflix + Roku Is Changing Content Curation | Latest Social Media News |
How Netflix + Roku Is Changing Content Curation In Competitors Beware Ways.

Via Martin (Marty) Smith
Martin (Marty) Smith's curator insight, December 26, 2013 3:35 PM

Netflix + Roku is changing content curation. By making content a flexible layer of presentation a small number of titles feels infinite, relevance and User Generated Content goes up along with profits while costs go down. and very content curator and Internet marketer could learn a thing or two from Netflix + Roku. 

Lori Wilk's curator insight, December 26, 2013 5:30 PM

This was very helpful.

Rescooped by Gerrit Bes from Blogging Effectively
December 15, 2013 7:35 AM!

Content Curation For Everyone Step 1 | Steven J Healey

Content Curation For Everyone Step 1 | Steven J Healey | Latest Social Media News |
  Visit here My Blog...

Via Thomas Schoessow, Steven Healey
Steven Healey's curator insight, December 14, 2013 1:54 PM

The second in a series of blog posts about curating relevant content to share with your network

Rescooped by Gerrit Bes from Curation Revolution
November 27, 2013 11:18 AM!

5 Quick & Easy Content Marketing Tips For SMBs & Startups

5 Quick & Easy Content Marketing Tips For SMBs & Startups | Latest Social Media News |

Here are the content marketing tips for #startups and #smbs shared in this post:

1. Create content before, during and after events.

2. Support great posts about you by writing about them.

3. Don't SELL, CURATE instead.

4. Create content with an eye toward what you want.

5. Tools matter. ;

Via Martin (Marty) Smith
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Rescooped by Gerrit Bes from Curation Revolution
November 16, 2013 4:04 AM!

Content Marketing Tangled Up In Blue ScentTrail Marketing

Content Marketing Tangled Up In Blue ScentTrail Marketing | Latest Social Media News |

How can content create Dylan's sense of space? How can stories confuse, thrill and teach? What your content's tone? Confident? Fun? Mysterious? Kind? Are words music? Do they sing off the page?

Wait before you roll eyes and click away. Why create content? Writing is an intimate act, a share between siblings, a whisper in an early quiet dawn. Great content is calm. We read or listen because we must.

Tangled Up In Blue.

Via Martin (Marty) Smith
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Rescooped by Gerrit Bes from Curation Revolution
October 26, 2013 4:58 AM!

Top 10 Curation Revolution Scoops Of All Time

Top 10 Curation Revolution Scoops Of All Time | Latest Social Media News |

Top 10 Scoops By Clicks

1. Future of Markeing [Infographic] 


2. 21 Content Types We Crave


3. SEO, LinkedIn & The Real You, How LinkedIn Is Crowdsoucing You

4. New SEO vs. Old SEO Smackdown [Infographic]

5. How and Why Google Killed Long Tail of Search [Infographic]


6. 12 Experts Share Top Cureation Tips

7. Why Content Gets Shared: Social Mentions Study

8.  The Content Marketing Mix [Infographic]


9. Six Ways To Expand Your Social Media Reach [Infographic]


10. Storytelling Is The New SEO [Slideshare]

 Wow, 5 Infographics contributing 52% of top 10 clicks, a study and a Slideshare. Will do views next and compare and contrast. 

Via Martin (Marty) Smith
malek's curator insight, October 26, 2013 8:08 AM

Another proof what we call 'time' isn't chronological but spatial, the leap change in short period.

Rescooped by Gerrit Bes from Content Curation Info
October 17, 2013 6:06 AM!

Content Marketing & Curation Becoming Important For B2C and B2B Says New Content Marketing Institute Study

Content Marketing & Curation Becoming Important For B2C and B2B Says New Content Marketing Institute Study | Latest Social Media News |
MarketingProfs and the Content Marketing Institute (CMI) have followed up their study of B2B content marketing trends with research into the emerging trends in the B2C

Via Martin (Marty) Smith, Ally Greer, Stefanie Blackburn
Deanna Dahlsad's curator insight, October 15, 2013 5:00 PM

I'm still not convinced that curation is all that new or different than blogging or other online publishing activities. (Blogging is not dead.) Nor am I convinced it is the most important thing you can do in terms of marketing. (And just because "everyone is doing it" doesn't sway me either; like momma always said about if so & so jumped off a bridge...) But I don't think curation can be overlooked much longer. Curation needs to be evaluated for several major factors:

a) can it fit within your scope (Do you have the time & skill set? Can you do this in house or should you hire?)

b) purpose (to maintain existing clients/customers, to reach new ones?)

b) where would it fit? (Not all curation sites are the same; some are more suitable for products, brands, B2B or B2C reach, demographics, etc.)

Deanna Dahlsad's curator insight, October 15, 2013 5:00 PM

I'm still not convinced that curation is all that new or different than blogging or other online publishing activities. (Blogging is not dead.) Nor am I convinced it is the most important thing you can do in terms of marketing. (And just because "everyone is doing it" doesn't sway me either; like momma always said about if so & so jumped off a bridge...) But I don't think curation can be overlooked much longer. Curation needs to be evaluated for several major factors:

a) can it fit within your scope (Do you have the time & skill set? Can you do this in house or should you hire?)

b) purpose (to maintain existing clients/customers, to reach new ones?)

b) where would it fit? (Not all curation sites are the same; some are more suitable for products, brands, B2B or B2C reach, demographics, etc.)

Alessandro Rea's curator insight, October 17, 2013 5:28 AM

While B2B marketers are beginning to adopt B2C best practices when it comes to e-commerce, B2B marketers have traditionally invested more of their budgets into content marketing than their B2C counterparts, making it interesting to see how both sides measure up in this rapidly-growing area. There are many more similarities than one might expect.

Rescooped by Gerrit Bes from Curation Revolution
September 10, 2015 7:42 AM!

5 Tips To Magazine Your Content Marketing via Curagami

5 Tips To Magazine Your Content Marketing  via Curagami | Latest Social Media News |

Future of Content Marketing For Online Merchants
Online merchants are learning hard lessons about content marketing. Mainly that it takes a lot of time, effort and money. What if you could increase your customers engagement, support and loyalty without spending an arm and a leg? Interested?

This Curagami post shares tips on how to think like a magazine editor - at least an online magazine content editor. It shares five tips including:

  • Find 3 – 5 content groups that interest your visitors.
  • Decide your schedule (we recommend monthly updates at first because that is a big commitment that must be kept to gain trust).
  • Curate content from trusted sources such as brands, manufacturers and even competitors.
  • Automate at least one of your content groups with feeds.
  • Find and nurture free visual media sources such as Haiku Deck.

Read more about evergreen content and why thinking like a magazine editor can help your online store create TRIBE and MONEY on Curagami:  

Via Martin (Marty) Smith
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Rescooped by Gerrit Bes from Curation Revolution
May 28, 2015 3:34 AM!

Social Patient: Social Media Tips for Healthcare - Scenttrail

Social Patient: Social Media Tips for Healthcare - Scenttrail | Latest Social Media News |

Note: May 27th, 2015
I wrote this post at the end of 2012. I was frustrated. My doctors, hospitals and healthcare providers don’t understand “social me”. Convinced recognizing my links, likes and loves in social media is an important part of helping me feel better I wrote Martin’s Hug for Healthcare – the 1,000 word rant. 

Today heard HOPE from my friend Janet Kennedy, founder of . Janet told me about the Mayo Clinic's upcoming social media summit. There is hope in the universe. 

Via Martin (Marty) Smith
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Rescooped by Gerrit Bes from Backlinks for your Blog
March 6, 2014 2:52 AM!

20 Favorite Content Curators on Are #MustFollows

20 Favorite Content Curators on Are #MustFollows | Latest Social Media News |

20 Scoopiteers who've taught me more than I can repay in one lifetime about #contentmarketing and #contentcuration are #MustFollows :

@Robin Good

@Ally Greer

@Ana Cristina Pratas

@ janlgordon

@Brian Yanish -

@Dr. Karen Dietz


@Thomas Faltin

@Jeff Domansky

@Alex Butler

@The Fish Firm

@massimo facchinetti

@Giuseppe Mauriello

@Mariano Pallottini

@Jesús Hernández

@Guillaume Decugis

@Cendrine Marrouat -

@Neil Ferree

@Jesús Hernández

Via Martin (Marty) Smith, John van den Brink, 508webdesign, Neil Ferree
malek's curator insight, June 24, 2014 11:18 AM

@Neil Ferree You made my day again.

massimo scalzo's curator insight, June 25, 2014 3:56 AM

Marty Smith gives us a list of persons who know HOW....We can take a look at thema and see how they curate Content. Thank you Marty!

Rémy Ginoux's curator insight, July 10, 2014 6:21 PM

Possible Inspiring readings for Summer Vacation...

Rescooped by Gerrit Bes from Curation, Social Business and Beyond
January 27, 2014 5:04 AM!

‘Content Shock’, Curation and The Golden Opportunity

‘Content Shock’, Curation and The Golden Opportunity | Latest Social Media News |
At what point does the exponential increase in content production make the cost of trying to grab and hold attention no longer cost-effective?

Via janlgordon
janlgordon's curator insight, January 26, 2014 2:00 PM

Quite a stir was made a week ago, when Mark Schaefer published his Content Shock article on the businessesgrow blog.


A paraphrasing of the question he asked was, ‘At what point does the exponential increase in content production make the cost of trying to grab and hold attention no longer cost-effective?’


The topic resonated me as well as many others and the responses were swift, including  Shel Holtz, Sonia Simone of Copyblogger and Marty Smith, the first two of which are discussed in the piece published in (Marty’s piece was published too late to be included).



We don’t feel that Content Shock is something that any of us need to be concerned over. 


Let’s not forget that


As content continues to grow, search keeps pace by constantly improving. “


Semantic Search may be beyond most people now, but it will become a part of everyone’s life even if in the same mysterious way that a car engine helps that wonderful machine convey us from point A to point B.”


And amongst those who stand to gain from the situation are:


“Discerning Curators who understand the needs of their readers because they are consumers of the same content, only sharing what blows them away!”


… a statement which is at least partly backed up here by an end user perspective:


When I need to research something, I go to a few trusted sources and get what I want, when I want it.”



The message to readers is: “If someone is out there filtering the deluge of articles that you might otherwise have to work your own way through…. it removes the burden of you having to deal with the ever growing content mountain.”


So is Content Shock real?  With all the excellent curators and filtering tools available ....... Only for those who insist on reading every source for themselves

Reviewed and written by Jan Gordon for Curatti covering Curation, Social Business and Beyond

janlgordon's comment, January 26, 2014 5:45 PM
Massimo, thank you, happy you liked the article
Rescooped by Gerrit Bes from Curation Revolution
January 17, 2014 6:32 AM!

Great Content Curators See Patterns Others Don't So Curation Is Highly Disruptive

Great Content Curators See Patterns Others Don't So Curation Is Highly Disruptive | Latest Social Media News |
What Is Content Curation Curation is an active filtering of the web’s infinite content and it may be the most disruptive Internet marketing tactic. Curators do more than simply assign meta value via categorization.

Via Martin (Marty) Smith
Martin (Marty) Smith's curator insight, January 16, 2014 9:40 AM

Disruptive & Exploding Content Curation
Wish I could tell you I plan to write sentences that will resonate and define something like content curation in a helpful way. The plan is to LOVE what I do and want to share it as often and as many ways as possible almost everything after that is accident (lol). 

Content curation is about to explode. It has too, as's CEO Guillaume noted a good argument could be made that all content that ever needs to be created already has. This means the shift is to the curators.

I read something attributed to uber-curator Maria Popova. She supposedly said each time an Internet marketer uses the word "curator" real curators kill a kitten. Popova was being dramatic, but I take her point. 

Our "curation" is digital curation - the active filtering, theming and organizing of a monster fire hose of content pointed at all of us. Our ability to read and make sense of the world may mean we are all "curators". A contemporary life requires curation. 

Wish I could plan my day to create another piece of content as well received and helpful as this post, but it doesn't work that way. Better to focus on digging the ditch that needs digging than worrying too much about "viral marketing" or "legacy" content (is my thinking :). M  


Rescooped by Gerrit Bes from Curation Revolution
January 15, 2014 6:53 AM!

How To Create Binge Worthy Content & Why That's Important

How To Create Binge Worthy Content & Why That's Important | Latest Social Media News |
Netflix data shows a propensity for "binge watching". How do we create content marketing to encourage a binge?


This Haiku Deck shares tips on how to make your content marketing "binge friendly". 

Via Martin (Marty) Smith
Tagmotion's curator insight, January 15, 2014 6:33 PM

Great insight that binge viewing is a big part of 'how we watch'. Could be an opportunity for Tagmotion, to promote multiple programs quickly by  opening up highlights (within programs) for sharing..

Rescooped by Gerrit Bes from Curation Revolution
January 1, 2014 6:11 AM!

'Layering' Is The New SEO

'Layering' Is The New SEO | Latest Social Media News |
Search Engine Optimization or SEO is no longer what it was a couple of years back. Now, an SEO specialist needs to widen his skill-set to survive in his profession, and shift towards Search Marketing Integration or SMI.

Via Martin (Marty) Smith
Martin (Marty) Smith's curator insight, December 30, 2013 11:24 PM

Have you noticed a trend toward calling everything the "new SEO"? I'm guilty too with my Storytelling Is The New SEO deck on Slideshare ( ). We are wrestling with what the absence of so much busy work creates.

I agree with this well written statement about the "new SEO":

"Search Marketing Integration merges the world of marketing with keyword themes and link building to get soaring organic visibility and better ROI. SMI is all about effective use of cross-departmental initiatives. In short, success in an SEO campaign will no longer come from the irrelevant and redundant tactics. The caliber to integrate SEO with the marketing initiatives (branding, press releases, events, products, etc.) of an organization will measure true SEO success."

Not sure about the "soaring" part, but I know any website I manage makes more money with a Phil Buckley or a Bill Ross along for discussions about "blue oceans", keywords and content.

Phil never loved the busywork anyway. Now he, and his fellow SEO experts have more time for thinking BIG PICTURE and helping to create content strategies, new Key Performance Indicators (KPIs), strategies and tactics that can WIN and WIN FAST in this new "social shares rule all" post SEO Is Dead world.

Agnipravo Sengupta's comment, January 1, 2014 12:38 AM
I read an interview of Rand Fishkin where he pointed out that SEO should not remain as an independent sector. It should play a greater role by taking active part in every other sectors of an organization and act as a "layer" over them.
Rescooped by Gerrit Bes from Digital Curation for Teachers
December 16, 2013 4:49 AM!

Why Conversations Crush Platforms, Blogs and Websites ScentTrail Marketing

Why Conversations Crush Platforms, Blogs and Websites ScentTrail Marketing | Latest Social Media News |

We must become conversation-centric and tool agnostic. Curation is about gathering, gaining, adding and sharing important conversations to your business, life and love. What are your most important conversations?

Via catspyjamasnz
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Rescooped by Gerrit Bes from MarketingHits
December 14, 2013 6:00 AM!

SEO For Content Marketers Preview

SEO For Content Marketers Preview | Latest Social Media News |

Content Marketers Beware Bear Traps Ahead
Realized so many newbies are creating content sharing 5 hard won tips from the SEO wars might help keep friends from falling in as many SEO bear traps as I've visited. Here is a sneak preview of next Tuesday's Post:

5 Quick SEO Tips For Content Marketers

* Use of canonicals to avoid dupe content especially with WordPress.
* How to safely "copy" or "curate" content into your blog or website.
* Paying attention to Titles & Tags or little things that matter.
* Keywords are your friend.
* How to use SoLoMo (Social, Local, Mobile) as a content marketer.

If you have other questions or tips you would like me to write in let me know before Sunday night and I will include. Look for the full post next Tuesday on

Read my previous posts here:

Via Brian Yanish -
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Rescooped by Gerrit Bes from Curation Revolution
November 22, 2013 6:23 AM!

5 "Secret" and Disruptive Content Curation Tools - Atlantic BT

5 "Secret" and Disruptive Content Curation Tools - Atlantic BT | Latest Social Media News |

Sharing Our Secrets
Any secret has at least two parts. TOOLS are one part ofour content curation secret and how we knit these five "secret" and highly disruptive tools into a content and social marketing engine the other part.

5 Scret and Disruptive Content Curation Tools


Used one way these tools are harmless, used another they become a RPG capable of launching bombs sure to disrupt any busines segment. 

Via Martin (Marty) Smith
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Rescooped by Gerrit Bes from Curation Revolution
November 9, 2013 4:48 AM! Launches To Move Content Marketing From Conversation To Conversion Launches To Move Content Marketing From Conversation To Conversion | Latest Social Media News |

One of the best curators, Jan Gordon, launched Editors of Chaos today. Jan's laudable mission is to increase relevance and knowledge while decreasing spam and the mount of info we all attempt to wrestle to the ground daily. Go Jan Go!

Via Martin (Marty) Smith
Martin (Marty) Smith's curator insight, November 9, 2013 12:26 AM

Great mission, great curators, writes and editors of chaos mean Curatti will quickly become an indispensible tool to separate wheat from chafe.

Scooped by Gerrit Bes
October 17, 2013 5:57 AM!

Instagram Tips for Growing Your Visual Footprint | Social Media Today

Instagram Tips for Growing Your Visual Footprint | Social Media Today | Latest Social Media News |
How can your business use Instagram more effectively to engage with your target audience? Here's a grab-bag of Instagram tips and tools.
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