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Rescooped by Yves Carmeille "Libre passeur" from Freelance
March 10, 2018 4:55 AM!

Travailler le week-end pourrait faire chuter votre stress

Travailler le week-end pourrait faire chuter votre stress | KILUVU |
L'auteur Laura Vanderkam, laissant entendre que le stress pourrait être combattu… par des heures sup’ réalisées le week-end.

Via Cecile Verdier
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Scooped by Yves Carmeille "Libre passeur"
August 9, 2017 10:46 PM!

How to Adopt a Healthy Lifestyle for Personal Development

How to Adopt a Healthy Lifestyle for Personal Development | KILUVU |

"In order to deal with all the stress that works brings on a daily basis, it's important to incorporate a healthy lifestyle for personal development." VIA |

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Rescooped by Yves Carmeille "Libre passeur" from iGeneration - 21st Century Education (Pedagogy & Digital Innovation)
February 2, 2018 5:21 AM!

Learning Anxiety: 10 Ways to Calm Your Mind - InformED by By Marianne Stenger

Learning Anxiety: 10 Ways to Calm Your Mind - InformED by By Marianne Stenger | KILUVU |
It’s no secret that our emotional state can affect our learning abilities, and although a bit of anxiety about an exam or upcoming assignment is normal, when that stress builds up too much, it can hinder our ability to take in, process, and store new information. Unfortunately, anxiety is on the rise among students, and... Read More

Via Tom D'Amico (@TDOttawa)
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