International Economics: IB Economics
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International Economics: IB Economics
A collection of articles relating to the 'international' elements of Economics and relating to IB, Pre-U and A-Level Economics.
Curated by Graham Watson
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Scooped by Graham Watson
July 24, 8:32 AM!

Russia is lying about its economic strength: sanctions are working – and we need more | Eight European finance ministers | The Guardian

Russia is lying about its economic strength: sanctions are working – and we need more | Eight European finance ministers | The Guardian | International Economics: IB Economics |
The signs are clear: everything is not as rosy in Putin’s Soviet-style war economy as Moscow would have us believe, write eight EU finance ministers
Graham Watson's insight:

A group of EU Finance minister have argued that EU sanctions on Russia are working, contrary to what Moscow is claiming, and that we should redouble them in attempting to limit the country's ability to prosecute the war in Ukraine. 

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Scooped by Graham Watson
April 17, 2:04 AM!

Russia to grow faster than all advanced economies says IMF

Russia to grow faster than all advanced economies says IMF | International Economics: IB Economics |
The IMF estimates Russia's economy will grow faster than the likes of the US, UK and Germany this year.
Graham Watson's insight:

It seems as though the Russian economy is going to grow by more than the UK, France and Germany, with the IMF predicting that it will grow by 3.2%. 


So much for sanctions and the Ukraine war damaging the Russian economy in the short-term.

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Scooped by Graham Watson
May 31, 2022 1:34 AM!

Russian oil: EU agrees compromise deal on banning imports

Russian oil: EU agrees compromise deal on banning imports | International Economics: IB Economics |
The latest round of EU-wide sanctions excludes pipeline oil imports after Hungary opposed a total ban.
Graham Watson's insight:

The EU's latest round of sanctions on Russia includes a compromise deal banning the majority of the bloc's Russian oil imports, although there are exemptions for pipeline oil imports for landlocked countries, like Hungary. 


It is hoped to reduce Europe's dependence upon oil - with the ban rising to 90% of Russian oil by the end of the year. 

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Scooped by Graham Watson
April 5, 2022 2:11 PM!

EU to propose fresh sanctions including ban on Russian coal | Russia | The Guardian

EU to propose fresh sanctions including ban on Russian coal | Russia | The Guardian | International Economics: IB Economics |
Plans include transaction ban on four key banks as EU says it is working on banning oil imports
Graham Watson's insight:

And here come more sanctions, additional sanctions on Russian banks, and an EU embargo of Russian coal. It seems as though events in Bucha have, rightly, drawn a response. 

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Scooped by Graham Watson
March 16, 2022 4:23 AM!

Britain blocks luxury exports to Russia worth hundreds of millions | Luxury goods sector | The Guardian

Britain blocks luxury exports to Russia worth hundreds of millions | Luxury goods sector | The Guardian | International Economics: IB Economics |
Government says ban is intended to ensure oligarchs and other members of the elite are deprived of goodsRussia-Ukraine war: latest updates
Graham Watson's insight:

The latest UK sanctions on Russia are blocking the sale of luxury goods there; however, despite it being an eye catching headline, Nils Pratley writes in the same newspaper about the relative lack of significance of this move. 


To quote: "Total UK exports to Russia in the 12 months to the end of September 2021 amounted to £4.3bn, of which £2.6bn was goods. Cars, the biggest contributor at £386m, will be covered, one assumes, but pharmaceutical products, next in the list, probably won’t be. Either way, a focused hit to trade in the UK’s 26th largest export market, accounting for just 0.7% of total UK exports, is bearable." But designed to have a big economic impact, it ain't.


However, that's not to deny the importance of the symbolism.

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Scooped by Graham Watson
March 11, 2022 3:45 AM!

War in Ukraine: How Asian economies are divided over Russia sanctions

War in Ukraine: How Asian economies are divided over Russia sanctions | International Economics: IB Economics |
Asian nations who joined western-led sanctions make up only 8% of Russia's global trade.
Graham Watson's insight:

The geopolitics of the Ukraine conflict laid bare: how has Asia responded to the conflict? It is notable that China and India haven't condemned the Russian invasion, but As the strapline says, Asian nations only account for 8% of Russia's trade.

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Scooped by Graham Watson
March 9, 2022 2:53 AM!

War in Ukraine: West hits Russia with oil bans and gas curbs

War in Ukraine: West hits Russia with oil bans and gas curbs | International Economics: IB Economics |
The US bans Russian oil, targeting the Russian economy's "main artery" over its invasion of Ukraine.
Graham Watson's insight:

Sanctions get serious - the West is looking to target the Russian energy sector by banning imports of oil, and banning or phasing out imports of natural gas. But look at how energy prices have spiked in the UK and EU as a result.

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Scooped by Graham Watson
March 8, 2022 2:59 AM!

War in Ukraine: Russia says it may cut gas supplies if oil ban goes ahead

War in Ukraine: Russia says it may cut gas supplies if oil ban goes ahead | International Economics: IB Economics |
A top official says Russia may close its gas lines to Germany if the West halts oil imports.
Graham Watson's insight:

Is this the next stage in the sanctions package? And how will Russia respond? And what are the implications for the global economy? 


It seems like there are some tough choices to be made, and a lot of unintended consequences, not least for climate change, with fossil fuel use likely to continue in the years ahead as the West weans itself of its dependence upon Russian oil. The only saving grace is that the power of OPEC to control global supply has weakened, but in the short-term expect higher energy prices for some time yet. 

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Scooped by Graham Watson
March 4, 2022 3:59 PM!

The Guardian view on economic war with Russia: target oligarchs not ordinary people | Editorial | The Guardian

The Guardian view on economic war with Russia: target oligarchs not ordinary people | Editorial | The Guardian | International Economics: IB Economics |
Editorial: Most Russians are unlikely to lose much sleep if the super-rich lose out. But they will be hurt in a wider economic war with the west
Graham Watson's insight:

Tomorrow's Guardian editorial hits the nail on the head - in theory. But in practice, it's a lovely example of why policymaking isn't straightforward and another way of dispelling the myth that we're all in this together. 


The oligarchs will have their ways of avoiding our sanctions, almost irrespective of what we do; sanctions will inevitably hit the ordinary Riussian. We have to hope that they are able to draw the right conclusions - but given the state control of the media, I'd say that's also unlikely. 

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Scooped by Graham Watson
March 1, 2022 3:03 AM!

Canada to ban imports of crude oil from Russia

Canada to ban imports of crude oil from Russia | International Economics: IB Economics |
Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said the move would send a "powerful message".
Graham Watson's insight:

Another lovely example of a policy pronouncement that means next to nothing. Canada has banned imports of crude oil - and yet, as the article notes: "Canada imported just C$289m (£170m) worth of energy products in 2021, according to Statistics Canada."


Much sound and fury....

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Scooped by Graham Watson
January 20, 2022 1:49 PM!

Keynes warned the world against using economic sanctions. His alternative is worth considering | Nicholas Mulder | The Guardian

Keynes warned the world against using economic sanctions. His alternative is worth considering | Nicholas Mulder | The Guardian | International Economics: IB Economics |
In 1924, the economist argued that aiding our allies is more effective than sanctioning our foes. That lesson should be heeded today
Graham Watson's insight:

It's really interesting to apply economic history to contemporary affairs - with this opinion piece in the Guardian suggesting that for all the bluster surrounding the situation on the Ukraine border, we'd be well-advised to follow Keynes teachings, and instead of imposing sanctions on our enemies, it would be better if we offered support to our friends. 


Geopolitics and economic history - ideal!

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Scooped by Graham Watson
November 1, 2020 9:59 AM!

Cubans lose access to vital dollar remittances after latest US sanctions | Cuba | The Guardian

Cubans lose access to vital dollar remittances after latest US sanctions | Cuba | The Guardian | International Economics: IB Economics |
Cuba closes Western Union offices after US blacklists a military-controlled firm that processes payments from Cubans abroad
Graham Watson's insight:

An interesting story in the Observer looking at how a new sanction being imposed on a military-controlled firm processing remittance payments from Cubans abroad. 


As a result, it's going to limit the ability of Cuban emigres to send money back to relatives on the island, damaging developmental prospects. Remittances are, in the case of Cuba, a significant source of income. 

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Scooped by Graham Watson
May 10, 2018 2:31 AM!

EU hurt as US flexes sanctions muscles

EU hurt as US flexes sanctions muscles | International Economics: IB Economics |
When the US decides to throw its weight about, non-US countries and companies can get hurt.
Graham Watson's insight:

More from the BBC, attempting to quantify the effect of the end of the Iran nuclear deal and the re-imposition of American sanctions. 

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Scooped by Graham Watson
June 6, 3:35 PM!

Steve Rosenberg: Russia's economy is growing, but can it last?

Steve Rosenberg: Russia's economy is growing, but can it last? | International Economics: IB Economics |
Russia’s economy has been cut off from the global financial system - but it is still growing. Why?
Graham Watson's insight:

This excellent in-depth assessment of the Russian economy looks at whether or not the Ukraine related sanctions have harmed it. 


The conclusion? Not for now - but is this just storing up long-term problems for the Russian economy. Zhou En-Lai would be in his element. 

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Scooped by Graham Watson
February 11, 10:18 AM!

Faisal Islam: Russia’s war economy cannot last but has bought time

Faisal Islam: Russia’s war economy cannot last but has bought time | International Economics: IB Economics |
Western nations must now weigh up the risks of diverting some seized assets to Ukraine.
Graham Watson's insight:

This BBC article looks at the state of the Russian economy and argues that the Russian war economy, after initially looking shaky at the start of the Ukraine war, has rebounded and pivoted to become a mobilised war economy. 


However, can it last? There are doubts but Russia will grow faster than any other G7 nations this year. 

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Scooped by Graham Watson
April 7, 2022 9:12 AM!

‘Their absence will be felt’: Italy fears economic hit as Russians stay away | Italy | The Guardian

‘Their absence will be felt’: Italy fears economic hit as Russians stay away | Italy | The Guardian | International Economics: IB Economics |
Tourism sector, winemakers and luxury goods producers expect downturn as Italy stands with Ukraine
Graham Watson's insight:

The implications of sanctions on Russia for other economies are made clear in this brief peek at the Italian economy, which used to be a place that attracted numerous Russian visitors.


However, Italian luxury goods producers are feeling the pinch; unsurprisingly, given that Russian tourists spend 65% more per day than the average tourist. 

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Scooped by Graham Watson
March 16, 2022 8:07 AM!

What’s stopping us from targeting these 20,000 hyper-rich Russians? Western elites | Thomas Piketty | The Guardian

What’s stopping us from targeting these 20,000 hyper-rich Russians? Western elites | Thomas Piketty | The Guardian | International Economics: IB Economics |
Why has no progress been made on an international financial registry? One simple reason: wealthy westerners don’t want one
Graham Watson's insight:

Thomas Piketty has a fairly punchy assessment of how we might go about tightening sanctions on Russia, starting with the super-rich, and an equally damning assessment of why we haven't done this already. 


He argues that the extent to which oligarchs have assets overseas makes tackling them relatively straightforward, but that wider measures, such as an international financial registry are being opposed because it runs contrary to the self-interest of the global elite.


If we all knew how little income tax the super-rich paid, we might think about readying the pitchforks!

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Scooped by Graham Watson
March 11, 2022 11:15 AM!

G7 nations draw up plans to impose heavy tariffs on Russia | Russia | The Guardian

G7 nations draw up plans to impose heavy tariffs on Russia | Russia | The Guardian | International Economics: IB Economics |
Group of wealthy nations considering options to further isolate Moscow over Ukraine war
Graham Watson's insight:

Are more tariffs on the way for Russia? It would seem to be the case that the G7 nations are on the point of removing Russia's most favoured trading nation status and imposing tariffs on most Russian exports, further isolating Moscow.

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Scooped by Graham Watson
March 9, 2022 3:12 AM!

How the US ban on Russian oil risks splitting the west’s response | Oil | The Guardian

How the US ban on Russian oil risks splitting the west’s response | Oil | The Guardian | International Economics: IB Economics |
Analysis: The lights will not be going out in America but the same cannot be said for the EU, given its energy dependence on Moscow
Graham Watson's insight:

Larry Elliot comments on the difference between the US ban on Russian oil - which will come at relatively little cost, given the small quantity of Russian oil that the US imports, and Europe's far greater dependence on Russian energy. He wonders whether it might split the Western alliance on the issue. 


He might  have a point - however, I would argue that with Spring just around the corner, and then Summer approaching, the real pinch point is likely to be more than 6 months away, and by then, I suspect, the West is banking on the war being over. 

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Scooped by Graham Watson
March 8, 2022 3:08 AM!

All-out economic warfare is the best way to stop Putin | Orysia Lutsevych | The Guardian

All-out economic warfare is the best way to stop Putin | Orysia Lutsevych | The Guardian | International Economics: IB Economics |
The west’s half-measures are no deterrent to Russia’s aggression. These are the steps governments must take urgently, says Orysia Lutsevych, of Chatham House’s Ukraine Forum
Graham Watson's insight:

A call to arms: Putin must fail, and here's how.


In short, Orysia Lutsevych asks for embargoes on oil and natural gas and a further ramping up of sanctions. And she's probably right in as much as it would bring the Russian economy to its knees. But what are the consequences of this? 

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Scooped by Graham Watson
March 6, 2022 6:11 AM!

Russia’s economy is under siege, but will the west break first? | Larry Elliott Economics editor | The Guardian

Russia’s economy is under siege, but will the west break first? | Larry Elliott Economics editor | The Guardian | International Economics: IB Economics |
Sanctions will take time and ‘Ukraine fatigue’ could blunt west’s resolve as cost of living crisis deepens
Graham Watson's insight:

Larry Elliott looks at the impact of sanctions on the Russian economy and asks the question 'Who will blink first'?


It's clear that the Russian economy has been crippled by sanctions, but Europe's dependence upon Russian natural gas and oil, and the rising price of both means that Europe is going feel some of the pain too. 

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Scooped by Graham Watson
March 1, 2022 4:12 PM!

Sanctions are neither new nor guaranteed to be effective – just look at Cuba | International trade | The Guardian

Sanctions are neither new nor guaranteed to be effective – just look at Cuba | International trade | The Guardian | International Economics: IB Economics |
Analysis: Economic penalties have been meted out since Napoleon’s day but there’s little proof they achieve the desired outcome
Graham Watson's insight:

This is an excellent little bit of economic history, with Larry Elliott highlighting the fact that previous instances where sanctions have been imposed on a nation with little effect. 


He looks at a number of countries that were faced with sanctions in various guises, noting that in the case of Cuba and Iran they seemed to have little obvious effect but that they did have more of an impact in South Africa, although the different context of the latter might have meant that their success was ever more likely.  

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Scooped by Graham Watson
February 28, 2022 2:36 AM!

Why the world is waging economic war on Russia

Why the world is waging economic war on Russia | International Economics: IB Economics |
Sanctions imposed by Western nations will cause major repercussions for Russia's financial system.
Graham Watson's insight:

Faisal Islam writes about the purpose of sanctions on Russia, seeing their purpose as removing the ability of the Russian central bank to support its currency, and weaken the Russian economy, making it clear that the blame for the current set of circumstances lies with one man. 

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Scooped by Graham Watson
March 26, 2021 4:17 AM!

US and UK ratchet up sanctions on Myanmar's military

US and UK ratchet up sanctions on Myanmar's military | International Economics: IB Economics |
A row over a Yangon development reflects a confused international response to the coup in Myanmar.
Graham Watson's insight:

The US and the UK have reacted to the military coup in Myanmar by imposing sanctions, targeting two conglomerates with links to the military junta.


However, it seems that there's little consistency of approach among the G8 nations. 

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Scooped by Graham Watson
June 27, 2018 3:00 AM!

US tells allies to halt Iran oil imports by November

US tells allies to halt Iran oil imports by November | International Economics: IB Economics |
Countries are warned that they must cut oil purchases from the Middle Eastern country to zero.
Graham Watson's insight:

Another aspect of US trade policy is looked at in this BBC article that highlights the fact that the collapse of the Iran nuclear deal is going to see sanctions reimposed on Iran.


The US-led initiative is likely to see US allies stopping importing Iranian oil, which has driven up its price.

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