International Economics: IB Economics
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International Economics: IB Economics
A collection of articles relating to the 'international' elements of Economics and relating to IB, Pre-U and A-Level Economics.
Curated by Graham Watson
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Scooped by Graham Watson
May 22, 2021 11:14 AM!

Finding Solutions to Development Challenges in Nature, Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services

Many of the best solutions to development challenges are found in nature. Nature creates jobs, nature improves resilience, nature is a key solution to climate change, and investing in nature makes economic sense. As we work to help countries achieve a green, inclusive, and resilient recovery from COVID-19, the World Bank has supported the creation and consolidation of more than 115 million hectares of marine, coastal and land protected areas.



Graham Watson's insight:

This World Bank clip looks at the importance of biodiversity to developement, arguing that sustainable development requires due care to be taken of the Earth's natural resources if we are to generate truly sustainable development. 

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Scooped by Graham Watson
May 11, 2021 4:50 PM!

PROGREEN, the Global Partnership for Sustainable and Resilient Landscapes

Healthy forests and land-based ecosystems provide multiple, essential services to life on the planet, such as water cycle regulation, carbon sequestration, and habitat for biodiversity. They also sustain livelihoods, providing people with food, fuel, shelter, and jobs. However, forests and landscapes are under significant and increasing threat due to deforestation and land degradation driven by land conversion for agriculture, infrastructure, mining and other activities and unsustainable management of natural resources.

Graham Watson's insight:

Another World Bank clip launching its PROGREEN initiative, highlighting the importance of the environment to developmental outcomes and recognising the need to protect it to secure sustainable, and inclusive, growth.

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