International Economics: IB Economics
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International Economics: IB Economics
A collection of articles relating to the 'international' elements of Economics and relating to IB, Pre-U and A-Level Economics.
Curated by Graham Watson
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Scooped by Graham Watson
June 1, 2022 12:32 PM!

Davos 2022 meeting was a missed opportunity over globalisation | Joseph Stiglitz | The Guardian

Davos 2022 meeting was a missed opportunity over globalisation | Joseph Stiglitz | The Guardian | International Economics: IB Economics |
Business and political elite embraced new ethos at WEF without reflecting on past mistakes
Graham Watson's insight:

Joseph Stiglitz argues that Davos 2022 represents another missed opportunity - yet another - to reflect on the existing global order and it's weaknesses. He argues that, in part, this reveals the myopia of an organisation still uncritically committed to globalisation but with little willingness to tackle the structural issues that remain. 


He highlights broken global supply chains, issues with food and energy production and an intellectual property regime that has allowed pharmaceutical companies to profit from the pandemic. Does the new world order need to go beyond the previous model and re-invent itself. 

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Scooped by Graham Watson
January 16, 2022 1:59 AM!

So no one’s going to Davos: our guide to the big issues that won’t be tackled | Davos | The Guardian

So no one’s going to Davos: our guide to the big issues that won’t be tackled | Davos | The Guardian | International Economics: IB Economics |
We bring you Not the World Economic Forum, where monetary hawks fly and bankers explain why China is all right, really
Graham Watson's insight:

A tongue-in-cheek look at what might have been on the agenda at Davos this year, even though the World Economic Forum have cancelled the gathering, again.


Lots to ponder: global inequality - without any sense of irony at a meeting of the super-rich ; inflation, China's place in the world, cryptocurrencies, medicine and the concept of 'Building Back Better'.

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Scooped by Graham Watson
February 6, 2020 4:04 AM!

This Kenyan company makes fuel from human poo | Pioneers for Our Planet 

Sanivation, a company based in Kenya, are making fuel out of human faeces. When combined with sawdust and rose waste, the faecal sludge is transformed into sustainable coal briquettes which burn for longer and emit just a third of the emissions of regular coal.
Graham Watson's insight:

What's not to like about this World Economic Forum clip? R


Recycling of the first order, the circular economy, environmentally-friendly, health enhancing, and developmentally beneficial. A Kenyan firm is producing fuel out of faeces and, I suspect, other firms in other countries will be attempting to copy this innovation.



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Scooped by Graham Watson
December 3, 2019 3:23 AM!

In Chad climate change is already a reality

Hindou Oumarou Ibrahim is a Mbororo pastoralist and President of the Association for Indigenous Women and Peoples of Chad (AFPAT). Here, she explains what it’s like to live in a place where the effects of climate change are already being felt.

Graham Watson's insight:

An excellent clip for showing the very real ways that climate change has impacted upon pastoralists in Chad. Most obviously, the disappearance of 90% of Lake Chad has impacted upon the 40 million people who were dependent upon it for their lifestyles.


As a result, there's been a massive increase in internal migration and highlights the fact that those people who suffer most from climate change aren't those responsible for creating the climate emergency.

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Scooped by Graham Watson
January 30, 2019 5:13 AM!

Historian berates billionaires at Davos over tax avoidance | Business | The Guardian

Historian berates billionaires at Davos over tax avoidance | Business | The Guardian | International Economics: IB Economics |
Rutger Bregman tells panel that the real issue is the rich not paying their fair share
Graham Watson's insight:

If you haven't seen Rutger Bregman attacking the global elite for tax evasion on YouTube over the issue of tax avoidance, among other things, then where have you been?


His assault on the ego of Davos man/woman also includes an aside that highlights the hypocrisy of so many people arriving by private jet to hear a talk on climate change.


Neither are unreasonable positions.

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Scooped by Graham Watson
January 27, 2019 2:24 AM!

Davos 2019: 10 things we learned at the World Economic Forum | Business | The Guardian

Davos 2019: 10 things we learned at the World Economic Forum | Business | The Guardian | International Economics: IB Economics |
WEF lacked buzz without Donald Trump as unease over Brexit and global recession dominated the summit
Graham Watson's insight:

A brief snapshot of Davos in the Observer: has Davos lost its lustre? This year's event failed to capture the headlines - and there are even suggestions that the format has become tired. 


But as the article notes - echoing Oscar Wilde: there's only one thing worse than being invited to Davos - and that's not being invited. 

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Scooped by Graham Watson
January 20, 2019 9:29 AM!

Davos 2019: do the global elite have the will to fix the world's problems? | Business | The Guardian

Davos 2019: do the global elite have the will to fix the world's problems? | Business | The Guardian | International Economics: IB Economics |
Globalisation, populism and Brexit are among the issues at the World Economic Forum
Graham Watson's insight:

The Guardian looks at the issues likely to be on the agenda at Davos, in between the canapes and the arrival of the ghastly Trump entourage.

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Scooped by Graham Watson
January 16, 2022 1:36 PM!

The Davos razzmatazz is gone, but the issues are more urgent than ever | Larry Elliott | The Guardian

The Davos razzmatazz is gone, but the issues are more urgent than ever | Larry Elliott | The Guardian | International Economics: IB Economics |
Urgent questions from the climate crisis to tax avoidance remain on the table
Graham Watson's insight:

Larry Elliott writes about the postponement of Davos but highlights the issues and the hypocrisy that surrounds them. Climate change, tax avoidance and vaccine apartheid remain the issues at the forefront of the global agenda, which generate a lot of fine words, often by those best able to tackle them who then find numerous ways of avoiding tackling them directly. 


It's rumoured that Davos may take place later in the year; however, will there by much appetite for it.

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Scooped by Graham Watson
June 9, 2020 3:42 AM!

Ethiopia plans to plant 5 billion trees this year to fight climate change

“Like other parts the world, Ethiopia has also been confronted with climate change and environmental degradation. Such effects have contributed to flooding, soil erosion, deforestation and biodiversity loss. 

Graham Watson's insight:

Ethiopia has announced plans to plant 5 billion trees this year to help fight climate change, and to counter environmental degradation. It marks a shift in emphasis, and explicit acceptance of sustainable developmental goals. 

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Scooped by Graham Watson
January 26, 2020 9:20 AM!

Inequality makes climate change much harder to tackle | Larry Elliott | Business | The Guardian

Inequality makes climate change much harder to tackle | Larry Elliott | Business | The Guardian | International Economics: IB Economics |
What Davos didn’t face up to is that we can’t expect poor people to make all the sacrifices
Graham Watson's insight:

Larry Elliott with a typically astute article looking at the fallout from the World Economic Forum meeting at Davos, where climate change was at the top of the agenda. 


However, for all the talk about tackling the issue, Elliott points out that many of the proposals to tackle the issue impose significant costs on the poorest members of global society, not least in the form of higher taxes. And that might be something that makes them unpalatable. 

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Scooped by Graham Watson
February 1, 2019 11:06 AM!

'This is about saving capitalism': the Dutch historian who savaged Davos elite | Business | The Guardian

'This is about saving capitalism': the Dutch historian who savaged Davos elite | Business | The Guardian | International Economics: IB Economics |
Rutger Bregman never intended to take billionaires to task over tax at World Economic Forum
Graham Watson's insight:

Larry Elliott cstches up with Rutger Bregman, the man of the moment, who savaged the assembled billionaires at Davos. He reveals that his outburst about tax avoidance was, in large part, brought about by his reaction to the week and the gap between the rhetoric and reality of the week. 


It must be difficult for attendees to have a conscience whilst wolfing down hummingbird wings and the like at Davos. 

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Scooped by Graham Watson
January 28, 2019 2:40 AM!

Davos 2019: the yawning gap between rhetoric and reality | Larry Elliott | Business | The Guardian

Davos 2019: the yawning gap between rhetoric and reality | Larry Elliott | Business | The Guardian | International Economics: IB Economics |
When it comes to the environment and inequality, world leaders need to start doing what they say
Graham Watson's insight:

Larry Elliott looks back at Davos and, rather unfairly I think, points out the disconnect between what the global elite say and what they do. I don't think it's fair, not because it isn't true but because I don't think that this year is any different to any other year.


If anyone is under the illusion that Davos is going to resolve the world's problems, or is going to focus on improving the lot of the world's poor, than they're horribly mistaken. It's a talking shop, a networking event and the place for the world's largest narcissists to be seen.  

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Scooped by Graham Watson
January 22, 2019 2:52 AM!

Pre-Davos survey shows sixfold rise in global CEOs' gloom | Business | The Guardian

Pre-Davos survey shows sixfold rise in global CEOs' gloom | Business | The Guardian | International Economics: IB Economics |
Rising protectionism and slide in US-China ties fuel pessimism of chief executives, says PwC
Graham Watson's insight:

The headline tells you all you need to know.

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Scooped by Graham Watson
January 20, 2019 9:25 AM!

Action not words needed over biggest public health failure of our time: pneumonia | Larry Elliott | Business | The Guardian

Action not words needed over biggest public health failure of our time: pneumonia | Larry Elliott | Business | The Guardian | International Economics: IB Economics |
Global elite at Davos 2019 must do more than talk about real-world problems
Graham Watson's insight:

It's Davos time again - and this time, Larry Elliott argues that the world's global elite should be looking to tackling an influenza epidemic, unfashionable though it may be. 


It's a fascinating and oft-overlooked topic.

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