International Economics: IB Economics
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International Economics: IB Economics
A collection of articles relating to the 'international' elements of Economics and relating to IB, Pre-U and A-Level Economics.
Curated by Graham Watson
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Scooped by Graham Watson
April 11, 2:45 AM!

World’s coal power capacity rises despite climate warnings | Coal | The Guardian

World’s coal power capacity rises despite climate warnings | Coal | The Guardian | International Economics: IB Economics |
Increase of 2% last year driven by plant expansion in China and slowdown in US and Europe closures
Graham Watson's insight:

It seems as though global commitments to reduce fossil fuel consumption are weakening with the news that coal power capacity rose over the last year, largely driven by China. However, there's been a slowdown in the decommissioning of European coal-fired power stations, presumably as a result of the Ukraine war. 

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Scooped by Graham Watson
July 21, 2022 6:27 AM!

How reliant is Germany – and the rest of Europe – on Russian gas? | Germany | The Guardian

How reliant is Germany – and the rest of Europe – on Russian gas? | Germany | The Guardian | International Economics: IB Economics |
As Russia reopens Nord Stream pipeline at lower capacity, pressure remains to reduce consumption and dependency on Russia
Graham Watson's insight:

A quick explainer of the extent to which Europe is dependent upon Russian gas. It does what it says on the tin. 

Scooped by Graham Watson
June 26, 2022 10:20 AM!

History turns full circle as G7 alarm bells ring over energy once again | Larry Elliott | The Guardian

History turns full circle as G7 alarm bells ring over energy once again | Larry Elliott | The Guardian | International Economics: IB Economics |
First meeting in 1975 grappled with the oil shock – now it is Russia’s war in Ukraine creating angst
Graham Watson's insight:

Larry Elliott reflects upon the history seeming to repeat itself. The first meeting of the G7 was in response to the OPEC oil price shock, so it seems appropriate that this weekend's meeting is focused on another energy crisis, in this case the impact of Russia cutting its supply of gas to Europe. 


Germany has already had to adopt an emergency gas plan, but the signals from other economies are mixed, with the US and the UK tightening monetary policy. It has to be said - again - that we live in interesting times. 

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Scooped by Graham Watson
March 6, 2022 6:11 AM!

Russia’s economy is under siege, but will the west break first? | Larry Elliott Economics editor | The Guardian

Russia’s economy is under siege, but will the west break first? | Larry Elliott Economics editor | The Guardian | International Economics: IB Economics |
Sanctions will take time and ‘Ukraine fatigue’ could blunt west’s resolve as cost of living crisis deepens
Graham Watson's insight:

Larry Elliott looks at the impact of sanctions on the Russian economy and asks the question 'Who will blink first'?


It's clear that the Russian economy has been crippled by sanctions, but Europe's dependence upon Russian natural gas and oil, and the rising price of both means that Europe is going feel some of the pain too. 

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Scooped by Graham Watson
February 4, 2021 4:09 AM!

Brits snap up Australian wine that didn't go to China

Brits snap up Australian wine that didn't go to China | International Economics: IB Economics |
The UK is now the top destination for Australian wine as it looks to overcome crippling Chinese taxes.
Graham Watson's insight:

This BBC article is a fantastic article about the effect of protectionism on trade patterns, with Australian wine exporters reacting to Chinese tariffs by shifting their focus from the Chinese market to Europe, with the UK the major destination.


This is an example of trade diversion - it is far from an optimal outcome, and reflects a reduction in economic welfare for all concerned. Far from an optimal solution, it reflects a compromise, but one that involves a welfare loss.  

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Scooped by Graham Watson
September 23, 2019 12:24 PM!

Eurozone economy slows amid trade decline and Brexit fears | Business | The Guardian

Eurozone economy slows amid trade decline and Brexit fears | Business | The Guardian | International Economics: IB Economics |
German private sector shrinks, contributing to wider manufacturing recession
Graham Watson's insight:

Trouble in the Eurozone, with German growth slowing and the region as a whole stalling...


Watch this space.

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Scooped by Graham Watson
April 9, 2019 4:04 AM!

The west must avoid falling into the trap that stifled Japan | Mohamed El-Erian | Business | The Guardian

The west must avoid falling into the trap that stifled Japan | Mohamed El-Erian | Business | The Guardian | International Economics: IB Economics |
US and European policymakers once believed they had the tools to deal with sluggish recovery
Graham Watson's insight:

Is Europe the new Japan? Certainly, Mohamed El-Erian argues that it's displaying many features of 'Japanification': weak growth, disinflation and perpetually low interest rates.


He goes onto suggest that the solutions to these problems are tough - requiring prompt action and political consensus, and that the latter is, unfortunately, difficult to secure. 


Abenomics all round, I say!

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Scooped by Graham Watson
September 27, 2022 2:51 AM!

Leading economies sliding into recession as Ukraine war cuts growth, OECD finds | Business | The Guardian

Leading economies sliding into recession as Ukraine war cuts growth, OECD finds | Business | The Guardian | International Economics: IB Economics |
Impact of energy and inflation crises worse than forecast, with Europe most directly exposed to fallout of Russian invasion
Graham Watson's insight:

The OECD forecast recession ahead for much of Europe, in the wake of the invasion of Ukraine...

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Scooped by Graham Watson
July 17, 2022 10:25 AM!

Why a 2020s rerun of the Roaring Twenties remains wishful thinking | Larry Elliott | The Guardian

Why a 2020s rerun of the Roaring Twenties remains wishful thinking | Larry Elliott | The Guardian | International Economics: IB Economics |
The 1920s also began dismally. But for a fourth industrial revolution to happen, much more has to be done
Graham Watson's insight:

Larry Elliott looks at the prospects for the global economy and argues that we are wishful if we think that the next few years are going to see a repeat of the 1920s, with a Fourth Industrial Revolution and rapid growth. 


Instead, he suggests that there are four problems that need tackling -the re-establishment of a relatively calm macroeconomic environment, the need for higher levels of investment, an attempt to tackle inequality and greater global co-operation. 


Without it, we're likely to see continuing economic problems - and countries from Sri Lanka to developed European economies suffering. 

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Scooped by Graham Watson
March 9, 2022 3:12 AM!

How the US ban on Russian oil risks splitting the west’s response | Oil | The Guardian

How the US ban on Russian oil risks splitting the west’s response | Oil | The Guardian | International Economics: IB Economics |
Analysis: The lights will not be going out in America but the same cannot be said for the EU, given its energy dependence on Moscow
Graham Watson's insight:

Larry Elliot comments on the difference between the US ban on Russian oil - which will come at relatively little cost, given the small quantity of Russian oil that the US imports, and Europe's far greater dependence on Russian energy. He wonders whether it might split the Western alliance on the issue. 


He might  have a point - however, I would argue that with Spring just around the corner, and then Summer approaching, the real pinch point is likely to be more than 6 months away, and by then, I suspect, the West is banking on the war being over. 

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Scooped by Graham Watson
January 29, 2022 1:40 AM!

Energy crisis: where could Europe’s gas come from if Russia cuts exports? | Energy industry | The Guardian

Energy crisis: where could Europe’s gas come from if Russia cuts exports? | Energy industry | The Guardian | International Economics: IB Economics |
Threat of war with Ukraine has led to fears of gas shortages in Europe, but there are alternative supplies
Graham Watson's insight:

Given the ongoing uncertainty in Ukraine, the Guardian has a quick look at where else Europe might be able to get gas from if Russia cuts exports. The suggestions are the Qatar and Libya could step in, although the LPG would need transporting. Purely by coincidence, I started Tim Marshall's "Prisoners of Geography" - not a book about Sixth Form pupils and their choice of A-Level - and parts of the first chapter deal with exactly this issue in the wake of Russia's annexation of the Crimea.

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Scooped by Graham Watson
February 1, 2020 1:56 AM!

Eurozone growth close to stalling as French and Italian GDPs shrink | Business | The Guardian

Eurozone growth close to stalling as French and Italian GDPs shrink | Business | The Guardian | International Economics: IB Economics |
Brexit could further damage bloc’s economy, which grew just 0.1% in final quarter of 2019
Graham Watson's insight:

And it's not only us that's suffering - the European economy has stalled and Brexit is only likely to make this worse. The French and Italian economies are shrinking, and so the latest European growth figures are going to be exceptionally weak.


I wonder if any Brexiteers will make some crass reference to this in the week ahead.

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Scooped by Graham Watson
May 19, 2019 8:28 AM!

European companies can't compete against global giants | World news | The Guardian

European companies can't compete against global giants | World news | The Guardian | International Economics: IB Economics |
Finance ministers say Europe is increasingly dependent on Chinese and US technology
Graham Watson's insight:

An interesting insight into the global economy, with worrying implications for European economies, in that it implies that European companies are struggling to compete against US and Chinese rivals. 


Furthermore, it looks like the policy response is going to be to fostering more collaborative projects in Europe in the hope of offsetting the perceived technological advantages of global superpowers.

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Scooped by Graham Watson
January 3, 2019 10:12 AM!

Clouds gathering over global economy

Clouds gathering over global economy | International Economics: IB Economics |
BBC World Service economics correspondent Andrew Walker looks at what 2019 has in store for the global economy.
Graham Watson's insight:

Whither the global economy?


Or is it wither the global economy?

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