Create, Innovate & Evaluate in Higher Education
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Create, Innovate & Evaluate in Higher Education
All about Educational Innovation, new tools & trends, MOOCs in Higher Education
Curated by Alfredo Corell
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Rescooped by Alfredo Corell from Digital Presentations in Education
November 8, 2013 1:56 PM!

Resonate - present visual stories

Resonate - present visual stories | Create, Innovate & Evaluate in Higher Education |

Present visual stories that transform audiences.

Via Baiba Svenca
Alfredo Corell's insight:

Online guidelines by Nancy Duarte.

Nice, free, and direct to your interests to prepare a visual story

Belinda Suvaal's curator insight, November 13, 2013 12:58 AM

Complete guide to storytelling. Resonate with your audiciences, how its done. Very useful, informative and entertaining #bookmark!


Richard Baxter's curator insight, November 15, 2013 4:47 AM

Really thought provoking stuff for Medical communications - the age old problem of how to make your presentations memorable

Judih Weinstein Haggai's curator insight, December 7, 2013 10:20 PM

love this book. and check it out

Rescooped by Alfredo Corell from 21st Century Learning and Teaching
August 7, 2012 12:35 PM!

Education Competencies: Presentation skills

Education Competencies: Presentation skills | Create, Innovate & Evaluate in Higher Education |
The Education Competencies represent many of the attributes, behaviors, areas of knowledge, skills, and abilities required for successful job performance. Learn about the proficiency levels and how to develop skills related to presentation skills.




Read more and download the "Education Competency Wheel" [PDF 126 MB]:


Via Baiba Svenca, Gust MEES
Colin's comment August 9, 2012 9:34 AM
A way that I've found that's good to improve my presentation skills is Present.Me. Check it out guys it's helped me so much and I can attach a video of myself presenting to my PowerPoint presentation!
Rescooped by Alfredo Corell from Educación a Distancia y TIC
October 23, 2012 6:34 PM!

Criterios para crear presentaciones digitales (Gustavo Cucuzza)

Muy sencillos pasos para crear presentaciones dignas que puedan exponerse y evaluarse.

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