Information and digital literacy in education via the digital path
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Information and digital literacy in education via the digital path
Literacy in a digital education world and peripheral issues.
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Scooped by Elizabeth E Charles
January 26, 2022 3:34 PM!

Why Students Should Be Involved in Data Privacy Conversations | EdTech Magazine

Why Students Should Be Involved in Data Privacy Conversations | EdTech Magazine | Information and digital literacy in education via the digital path |
As the University of California San Diego’s inaugural chief privacy officer, I’m responsible for ensuring that the university handles all personal data — whether student, employee or research data — responsibly and ethically. We live in a new world where Big Data and data-driven and data-informed decisions influence everything, and our data practices have a significant impact on privacy in ways they didn’t just 10 years ago.
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Scooped by Elizabeth E Charles
June 24, 2021 4:32 PM!

The Key to Detecting Misinformation? Your Own Curiosity | EdSurge News

The Key to Detecting Misinformation? Your Own Curiosity | EdSurge News | Information and digital literacy in education via the digital path |

The classic book “How to Lie With Statistics,” first published in 1954, is probably the biggest bestseller of all time on how to make sense of numbers. But it has left a troubling legacy—leading to a distrust of all kinds of statistics, even ones that can help make sense of things like today’s global pandemic.


That’s the argument made by Tim Harford, an economist and BBC journalist. And his research shows that the author of “How to Lie With Statistics,” Darrell Huff, took steps to use his arguments to actively obscure rather than to inform. “

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Scooped by Elizabeth E Charles
October 10, 2020 7:04 PM!

Critical literacies for a datafied society: academic development and curriculum design in higher education | Research in Learning Technology

Critical literacies for a datafied society: academic development and curriculum design in higher education | Research in Learning Technology | Information and digital literacy in education via the digital path |
Participation in democracy, in today’s digital and datafied society, requires the development of a series of transversal skills, which should be fostered in higher education (HE) through critically oriented pedagogies that interweave technical data skills and practices together with information and media literacies. If students are to navigate the turbulent waters of data and algorithms, then data literacies must be featured in academic development programmes, thereby enabling HE to lead in the development of approaches to understanding and analysing data, in order to foster reflection on how data are constructed and operationalised across societies, and provide opportunities to learn from the analysis of data from a range of sources. The key strategy proposed is to adopt the use of open data as open educational resources in the context of problem and research-based learning activities. This paper introduces a conceptual analysis including an integrative overview of relevant literature, to provide a landscape perspective to support the development of academic training and curriculum design programmes in HE to contribute to civic participation and to the promotion of social justice. 
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Scooped by Elizabeth E Charles
May 22, 2019 7:36 PM!

How librarians can engage citizens to use open access contents and op…

Conference on Learning Information Literacy across the Globe
10.5.2019 Frankfurt am Main
#LILG_2019 #biblioVerifica #crowdSearcher #iloOER

The slides describes the BiblioVerifica blog, which is an attempt by librarians to fight misinformation by using media and data literacy, engaging citizens as awareness users of the social networks, chats and blogs.
Biblioverifica aims to be a public engagement project based on information literacy practices, implementing tips and tricks about search tools, reliable sources, verification strategies. This non-profit initiative promotes fact-checking based on open resources as data, journals, tools, etc.
Esther Fernández Ramos's curator insight, May 26, 2019 3:34 PM
Una misiĂłn que comparten bibliotecarios e investigadores es contribuir a mejorar la sociedad. El acceso abierto es una herramienta que puede ser muy Ăştil, pero como todas las herramientas necesita ser conocida y utilizada para desarrollar su potencial. 

Hemos de trabajar para que el contenido en abierto ayude a formar ciudadanos más informados y capaces de tomar decisiones con la mejor base posible.
Scooped by Elizabeth E Charles
August 4, 2018 6:14 AM!

Research Data Management Toolkit | Jisc

Research Data Management Toolkit | Jisc | Information and digital literacy in education via the digital path |
Have you ever felt lost when looking for material on Research Data Management? This toolkit aims to support you by signposting resources from a wide range of websites and organisations, sorted by topic and audience. Follow your pathway below or browse the website using the research data lifecycle chart.
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Scooped by Elizabeth E Charles
May 14, 2018 10:47 AM!

The 38 best tools for data visualization | Creative Bloq

The 38 best tools for data visualization | Creative Bloq | Information and digital literacy in education via the digital path |

It's often said that data is the new world currency, and the web is the exchange bureau through which it's traded. As consumers, we're positively swimming in data; it's everywhere from labels on food packaging design to World Health Organisation reports. As a result, for the designer it's becoming increasingly difficult to present data in a way that stands out from the mass of competing data streams.

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Scooped by Elizabeth E Charles
March 15, 2018 6:51 AM!

Checklist - European Data Portal

Checklist - European Data Portal | Information and digital literacy in education via the digital path |
Having access to data is a first step. Data is not an end in itself. Data can be used in different ways and for different purposes. Data can also be available with different licences, formats and quality.
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Rescooped by Elizabeth E Charles from Learning & Technology News
December 26, 2017 12:38 PM!

Storytelling with Data Visualization

Storytelling with Data Visualization | Information and digital literacy in education via the digital path |
Does your data tell a story and can you visualize it? We look at the history and thought processes behind data visualization and successful infographics.

Via Nik Peachey
Nik Peachey's curator insight, December 26, 2017 1:35 AM

Worth thinking about in terms of how we use data in the classroom.

Beatrice J. P. Vasconcelos's curator insight, December 26, 2017 5:19 PM
Achei bem legal...vou exercitar...
Scooped by Elizabeth E Charles
July 27, 2017 3:54 PM!

#DataLiteracy resources

#DataLiteracy resources | Information and digital literacy in education via the digital path |
There is a project, Supporting Librarians in Adding Data Literacy Skills to Information Literacy Instruction, which is funded by the (US) Institute of Museum and Library Services 2015-2017, which has a number of useful resources on its website. The goal is "to develop data and statistical literacy skills so librarians can better support critical comprehension skills in their students". The co-investogators in the project are Kristin Fontichiaro and Jo Angela Oehrli (university of Michigan).
One resource is their online book, Creating Data Literate Students, with chapters authored by various people.
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Rescooped by Elizabeth E Charles from Digital Literacies information sources
April 9, 2017 5:19 AM!


Solid | Information and digital literacy in education via the digital path |

Via Fiona Harvey
Fiona Harvey's curator insight, April 9, 2017 3:10 AM
Concerned about Fake news, vender lock in and privacy, Tim Berners-Lee has started this new project to do something about it
Scooped by Elizabeth E Charles
September 21, 2016 12:02 PM!

Why We Should All Be Data Literate

Why We Should All Be Data Literate | Information and digital literacy in education via the digital path |
If you’re data illiterate, there’s a good chance that your designs—based on the data you don’t understand—will be rubbish.
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Scooped by Elizabeth E Charles
May 17, 2014 5:49 AM!

How to Help Your Students Develop Data Literacy

How to Help Your Students Develop Data Literacy | Information and digital literacy in education via the digital path |
Can we really measure happiness? How does educational attainment vary across ZIP codes? What does math have to do with charity? Which team has the better athletes, Yankees or Red Sox? These are
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Scooped by Elizabeth E Charles
July 30, 2021 1:15 PM!

Webinar: Considering Data Literacy Using Kuhlthau's Information Search Process | Information Literacy Weblog

Webinar: Considering Data Literacy Using Kuhlthau's Information Search Process | Information Literacy Weblog | Information and digital literacy in education via the digital path |
A free online webinar on 16 August 2021 at 1pm US Central time (which is, for example, 7pm UK time) is Considering Data Literacy Using Kuhlthau's Information Search Process: Implications for Librarians and Data Providers, presented by Charissa Jefferson, Kristin Fontichiaro, Katrina Stierholz, and Lynette Hoelter and sponsored by the ACRL ULS Professional Development Committee.
"This panel discusses uses of Kuhlthau's Information Search Process (ISP) to illustrate ways that librarians can assist students and collaborate with data providers to improve the data search process. Librarians and data providers share similar data literacy goals, and this panel pools the expertise of both groups to focus on strategies and interventions that support novice researchers.
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Scooped by Elizabeth E Charles
November 3, 2020 7:07 PM!

Data Literacy Playground: Improving data literacy

Data Literacy Playground: Improving data literacy | Information and digital literacy in education via the digital path |
Data Literacy Playground is an online space where visitors can use, interact with, and understand the benefits and issues of using and sharing data so that they can make informed choices about data sharing and understand the data shared with them.
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Scooped by Elizabeth E Charles
March 13, 2020 3:51 PM!

Not all young people are 'digital natives' – inequality hugely limits experiences of technology

Not all young people are 'digital natives' – inequality hugely limits experiences of technology | Information and digital literacy in education via the digital path |

There is a belief that younger people are fully engaged with the digital world. But I am currently leading a project exploring people’s knowledge and use of online data, and the preliminary findings from our research has found that data literacy is not uniformly high among younger people, as is often assumed. Instead, some young people have very low levels of data literacy.

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Scooped by Elizabeth E Charles
April 16, 2019 6:03 AM!

Finding and Reusing Research Data | Webinar Video

Finding and Reusing Research Data | Webinar Video | Information and digital literacy in education via the digital path |

In this webinar organised by LIBER’s Research Data Management Working Group, Kathleen Gregory presented an overview of recent research investigating how researchers and librarians engage in practices of finding, understanding and reusing research data.

She provided some tips for finding research data and an opportunity for attendees to consider what this research means for developing services at their own organizations.

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Rescooped by Elizabeth E Charles from Digital Literacy in the Library
May 27, 2018 2:35 PM!

Visual and Data Literacy Resources - Michelle Luhtula

Visual and Data Literacy Resources - Michelle Luhtula | Information and digital literacy in education via the digital path |

Resources from Michelle's 89th webinar.

Via Mary Reilley Clark
Mary Reilley Clark's curator insight, May 26, 2018 12:20 PM

Another great webinar from Michelle Luhtula, this time on visual and data literacy. All the resources mentioned in the webinar are here in Michelle's Pearltree. You can watch the recorded webinar here. 

Scooped by Elizabeth E Charles
May 14, 2018 10:45 AM!

Online Data Science Courses

Online Data Science Courses | Information and digital literacy in education via the digital path |
Microsoft consulted data scientists and the companies that employ them to identify the core skills they need to be successful. This informed the curriculum used to teach key functional and technical skills, combining highly rated online courses with hands-on labs, concluding in a final capstone project.
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Scooped by Elizabeth E Charles
March 15, 2018 6:10 AM!

Information as a Second Language Enabling Data Literacy

Information as a Second Language Enabling Data Literacy | Information and digital literacy in education via the digital path |
Digital society demands of its citizens data literacy, developed for competitive advantage and agility. Data and analytics leaders must follow the example of English as a Second Language (ESL) and treat information as the new second language of business, government, communities and our lives.
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Scooped by Elizabeth E Charles
August 1, 2017 7:39 AM!

Programme with presentations [July 2017] | CILIP Conference

Programme with presentations [July 2017] | CILIP Conference | Information and digital literacy in education via the digital path |

The programme of the July 2017 CILIP conference with links to all the presentations.

Download a printable PDF version of the programme 

Room location map for University Place 

Wednesday 5 July 

08:15 Registration, refreshments and exhibition (Exhibition Hall) 09:45 Welcome : Nick Poole, Chief Executive Officer, CILIP (Theatre B) 

10:00 Keynote: Dr Carla Hayden, Librarian of Congress (Theatre B) 10:45 Refreshments and exhibition (Exhibition Hall) 

11:25 Marketing Workshop Using Data and Information Seminar …

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Suggested by Belle Balace
May 25, 2017 8:49 AM!

How to Create Pictographs and Icon Arrays in Visme [New Feature]

How to Create Pictographs and Icon Arrays in Visme [New Feature] | Information and digital literacy in education via the digital path |
A step-by-step tutorial on how to use Visme's free drag-and-drop pictograph maker and icon array tool to visualize percentages and statistics.
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Rescooped by Elizabeth E Charles from Educational Technology News
November 12, 2016 10:50 AM!

The Data Workout: How It's Impacting Teaching and Learning

The Data Workout: How It's Impacting Teaching and Learning | Information and digital literacy in education via the digital path |

"If you think data—in education, or any field—is cut and dry, think again. Working with data in the classroom, especially, can be either exhausting or exhilarating—depending on your fitness level. Data can be big, but also quite small. It’s often quantitative, but is increasingly qualitative."

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Rescooped by Elizabeth E Charles from Big Data + Libraries
January 2, 2017 1:05 PM!

Visualizations: Comparing Tableau, SPSS, R, Excel, Matlab, JS, Python, SAS

Visualizations: Comparing Tableau, SPSS, R, Excel, Matlab, JS, Python, SAS | Information and digital literacy in education via the digital path |
Here we ask you to identify which tool was used to produce the following 18 charts: 4 were done with R, 3 with SPSS, 5 with Excel, 2 with Tableau, 1 with Matla…
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