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John Boitnott
August 22, 2014 3:42 PM
It's an issue that requires thinking outside the box--and if you can't, that's part of your problem.
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John Boitnott
July 20, 2014 7:55 PM
A well-designed website can lend a helping hand to SEO efforts, increase conversion rates, and improve interaction and engagement with site visitors.
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John Boitnott
July 11, 2014 2:16 PM
This guide will help you understand the definition of SEO, why it matters and how you can measure it in terms of your own business.
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John Boitnott
from SocialMoMojo Comms & Content
June 12, 2014 10:14 PM
Many marketing folks have started throwing Google+ by the wayside as they create online marketing strategies in favor of greener pastures over at Twitter, Facebook, Instagram or Vine. This is partl...
Via Jessica Kelly
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John Boitnott
April 22, 2014 12:43 PM
At this point, there’s no way that you aren’t aware of LinkedIn. And, there’s probably a good chance that you even have a LinkedIn account. And, why wouldn’t y…
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John Boitnott
from visualizing social media
April 7, 2014 12:56 PM
Each social media operates a bit differently, and each brand's followers have their own preferences and moods. The fact is that, there is no One-Size-Fits-All trick or strategy, however, there are some guidelines that can help you create the perfect social content.
Use this infographic to find tips on how to craft perfects posts for GooglePlus, YouTube, Blog, Tumblr, Vine, Twitter and Facebook.
Via Lauren Moss
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John Boitnott
from Social Media sites
March 13, 2014 7:25 PM
Whether you use them for reaching potential customers, interact with people, or to generate content, Social Media is a power tool for businesses. Check out some of the most popular online networks and how much of an impact they each have.
Via Lauren Moss, Michelle Gilstrap
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John Boitnott
December 28, 2013 4:06 PM
Comprehensive European research has found that teens are leaving the service in droves - and the biggest deterrent is their parents. By Jemima Kiss
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John Boitnott
December 16, 2013 3:51 PM
The best data on social media engagement, and where social audiences spend their time. Plus, what do they like to do on social networks?
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John Boitnott
November 15, 2013 4:21 PM
In August 2011, Search Engine Journal published an infographic on the Growth of Social Media. Today, over 2 years later, we've created an updated version.
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John Boitnott
November 12, 2013 6:31 PM
Twitter is the third major social network to become a public company. As with all major IPO’s, we've read a lot of diverse and conflicting opinions on its valuation: to some Twitter will be an overpriced money-losing startup, to others it will be the next major player of the Web and undervalued.
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John Boitnott
from Visualizations
October 31, 2013 2:27 AM
Everyone seems to love Pinterest. By everyone, I’m not talking about every person. It’s the brands, the marketing companies, and the entertainment people that find Pinterest so appealing.
Via JD Rucker
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John Boitnott
October 16, 2013 1:09 PM
Social Media - Some 38% of large consumer companies report a positive return on their social media investments, more than double the number of companies with a negative ROI (18%), according to a ...
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John Boitnott
July 29, 2014 8:54 AM
With Facebook and others making billions off our social media activities, some startups are pushing business models that give users, in some cases, a majority of ad revenue. Will this change the landscape of social media as we know it?
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John Boitnott
July 17, 2014 1:52 PM
Every day, there are more than 500 million tweets sent out onto Twitter. Approximately 30 billion pieces of content are shared on Facebook each month. On a social networking website that has loads of traffic, how do you attract attention? Continue reading →
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John Boitnott
June 30, 2014 2:11 PM
Unless you're Justin Bieber, your brand needs money in order to be relevant on sites like Facebook. There's no other way to look at it.
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John Boitnott
May 16, 2014 1:34 PM
The infographic is certainly not a new tool for those looking to boost search engine optimization. In fact, the popular infographic is close to celebrating its 10th birthday as a useful and meaningful way to provide readers with new knowledge and real value while boosting a website’s overall profile in the process. This leads many people to simply assume that the infographic is yesterday’s news, last year’s tool, and no longer a valuable part of SEO strategy and planning. That simply could not be further from the truth. While many tried and true methods of search engine optimization have fallen by the wayside during the infographic’s rise and reign, the graphic itself still contributes meaningfully to user experiences, website SEO performance, and backend processes for website owners.… Read the rest
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John Boitnott
April 17, 2014 1:57 PM
There are social media strategies to employ and they’re constantly changing so you need to keep up. Have you ever noticed that some businesses thrive on social media while others shrivel up and die, like-less? You probably know instinctively if a post is “good” for business or not, but beneath those gut reactions are strategies at work. Try out these five successful tactics that every social media user needs to know.
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John Boitnott
from Social Media sites
March 26, 2014 3:23 PM
Many top marketers experiment with their content sharing approach to find the best time to send posts to Twitter, Facebook, and other social networking sites. You have to try this for your own content to find the right time.
Via Lauren Moss, Michelle Gilstrap
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John Boitnott
March 6, 2014 2:59 PM
Fewer men use fewer social media networks for fewer reasons, a new infographic shows.
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John Boitnott
from visualizing social media
December 26, 2013 1:46 PM
Many top marketers experiment with their content sharing approach to find the best time to send posts to Twitter, Facebook, and other social networking sites. You have to try this for your own content to find the right time.
Via Lauren Moss
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John Boitnott
November 25, 2013 1:22 PM
Facebook has had wild success with its push into emerging markets. + Now Jana CEO Nathan Eagle is predicting that it will only be months before India supplants the US and becomes Facebook’s largest market in terms of users. Eagle earlier this month had forecast that most of the social networking company’s revenue could come from emerging markets by 2015. Today at the Paley International Council’s IC Summit 2013, he discussed his predictions for India.
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John Boitnott
November 15, 2013 3:40 PM
Maybe I’ve been sticking my head in the sand about Twitter. Now I have hard data. A side-by-side, real-time comparison. The results are undeniable. Which makes me incredibly sad. Twitter was built for real-time conversations. Some of my closest professional relationships began there. I connected with authors and speakers who were inaccessible until Twitter came along. Now I feel like Twitter is breaking up with me. It wants things I can’t give (like a steady stream of auto-scheduled self-promotion) and envisions a future I don’t want a part of. Ugh.
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John Boitnott
November 4, 2013 12:00 PM
Social media is now a crucial part of any successful businesses marketing plan. It offers us a platform to interact with existing and potential customers and can often provide us with feedback and new ideas. If you aren’t already using this powerful and cost effective marketing tool to its full potential, maybe these facts will give you a push.
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John Boitnott
October 16, 2013 6:13 PM
When it comes to referral traffic from social networks, there's Facebook and Pinterest, and then there's everyone else.
Effective communications are tough to accomplish.
Do you have some type internal training or processes to improve communications inside and outside your organization?
this is great....
Wonderfully explains all the tech language of diff social media sites, and how to attract the most attention!