Immunology Diagnosis
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Immunology Diagnosis
Diagnostico en el Laboratorio de Inmunología
Curated by Alfredo Corell
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Scooped by Alfredo Corell
November 6, 2012 6:51 PM!

Un laboratorio del IOBA controla la calidad del diagnóstico inmunológico de diversas enfermedades

Un laboratorio del IOBA controla la calidad del diagnóstico inmunológico de diversas enfermedades | Immunology Diagnosis |

El presidente de la Sociedad Española de Inmunología (SEI), José Ramón Regueiro, y la doctora Dolores Jaraquemada, presidenta saliente de dicha sociedad, se desplazarán a Valladolid mañana martes para entrevistarse con el rector de la Universidad, Marcos Sacristán, y con el director gerente de la Fundación General, Gerardo Llana, para reforzar la cooperación entre ambas instituciones. Posteriormente, recorrerán las instalaciones del Instituto de Oftalmobiología Aplicada (IOBA) donde funciona un importante Laboratorio de Inmunología auspiciado por la SEI y que es pionero en España.

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Scooped by Alfredo Corell
November 6, 2012 12:50 PM!

La Universidad de Valladolid vela por la calidad de la inmunología española

La Universidad de Valladolid vela por la calidad de la inmunología española | Immunology Diagnosis |
Un proyecto pionero controla para España y Portugal el diagnóstico de leucemias, alergias, SIDA, diabetes y trasplantes de órganos...
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Rescooped by Alfredo Corell from Immunopathology & Immunotherapy
November 4, 2012 6:12 PM!

Autoimmunity Reviews - Systemic juvenile idiopathic arthritis - November 2012

Autoimmunity Reviews - Systemic juvenile idiopathic arthritis - November 2012 | Immunology Diagnosis |

Alberto Martini,

Dipartimento di Pediatria, Università di Genova, Pediatria II e Reumatologia, Istituto G Gaslini, Genova, Italy,


Systemic juvenile idiopathic arthritis (sJIA) sets well apart from all the other forms of JIA. Several observations show that sJIA is etiopathogenically different from all the other forms of JIA and has a prominent autoinflammatory component. A major role in the pathogenesis is played by two proinflammatory cytokines, interleukin-6 and interleukin-1. The specific inhibition of these two cytokines is going to change not only the therapeutic approach to the disease but also, presumably, its long term prognosis.

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Scooped by Alfredo Corell
November 2, 2012 8:46 PM!

Flow Cytometry Webinars from Molecular Probes® | Life Technologies

Flow Cytometry Webinars from Molecular Probes® | Life Technologies | Immunology Diagnosis |
For 30 years, Molecular Probes® has been the leading provider of novel fluorescent reagents. During that time our scientists and technical support teams have become the knowledge leaders for fluorescence technologies.
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Scooped by Alfredo Corell
November 2, 2012 10:00 AM!

IgG subclasses Reference-Ranges in healthy children and adults

IgG subclasses Reference-Ranges in healthy children and adults | Immunology Diagnosis |

Children The levels of total IgG and each of its four subclasses follow a typical pattern during childhood (table III). The IgG present at birth is mainly of maternal origin, because all IgG subclasses are capable of placental transfer. In cord blood the concentration of IgG1 is 60% higher that in maternal serum, indicating an active transport from mother to child. The IgG2 serum concentration in the neonate is 10% lower than in maternal serum. The concentrations of IgG3 and IgG4 are the same in cord blood and in maternal serum.
After the first 6 months of life, during which IgG levels decrease, the individual's own IgG production sets in, eventually reaching adult levels. Each IgG subclass has an individual pattern of development, IgG1 and IgG3 attaining adult levels at an earlier age than IgG2 and IgG4 (table III).
The serum levels of IgG1 and IgG3 reach about 50% of the adult serum levels at the age of one year and about 75% at the age of five, all with large inter-individual variations. The IgG2 and IgG4 subclass levels rise much slower. Their serum levels reach about 20% of the adult levels at the age of one year. At the age of five years about 50% of the adult levels is reached, while at the age of fourteen it has been increased to 70%. Again, all with large inter-individual variations.
Thus, when analyzing levels of IgG and its subclasses in pediatric patients, values should be compared with reference values from the same age group.



There are numerous publications on IgG subclass levels in different populations. The levels of IgG subclasses are not normally distributed. Therefore the normal (reference) ranges of the IgG subclasses should be chosen between the 2.5 and 97.5 percentile ranges. IgG subclass levels are associated with certain Gm allotypes: individuals homozygous for the G3m(b) allele have higher levels of IgG3 than homozygous G3m(g) individuals. Similarly, IgG2 subclass levels are slightly higher in individuals carrying the G2m(n) allotype compared to G2m(n)-negative individuals. The reference ranges of IgG subclass level in Caucasians are shown in table III.


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Scooped by Alfredo Corell
October 31, 2012 3:50 PM!

Certificado de Aplicaciones Clínicas de la Citometría de Flujo - Universitat de València

Certificado de Aplicaciones Clínicas de la Citometría de Flujo - Universitat de València | Immunology Diagnosis |

Concepto y contexto de la citometria de flujo
Fundamentos del analisis basado en la fluorescencia
Estructura y funcionamiento de un citometro de flujo
Obtención y analisis de datos
Determinación de antígenos de superficie
Determinación de antígenos intracelulares
Análisis de ácidos nucléicos
Análisis de la funcionalidad celular
Análisis de moléculas extracelulares
Aspectos generales
Clasificacion de leucemias y linfomas
El inmunofenotipo en el diagnostico de leucemias y linfomas
Citometria de flujo policromatica en el diagnostico hematologico: Aspectos generales
Citometría de flujo de la regulación inmunitaria
Analisis citometrico de la inflamación
Citometría de flujo en inmunopatología: Aspectos generales
Biopatologia plaquetaria
Funcionalidad plaquetaria
Citometria de flujo y plaquetas
Analisis de la funcionalidad plaquetaria
Analisis de interacciones celulares en hemostasia
Analisis de la maduracion y destruccion de plaquetas

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Scooped by Alfredo Corell
October 26, 2012 3:22 PM!

Penicillin allergy testing - Twitter summary from Canadian Society of Allergy and Clinical Immunology 2012

Penicillin allergy testing - Twitter summary from Canadian Society of Allergy and Clinical Immunology 2012 | Immunology Diagnosis |

The lack of access to validated penicillin testing reagents has been a major problem for nearly a decade. The minor antigenic determinants appear to be important for diagnosing penicillin allergy.

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Scooped by Alfredo Corell
October 23, 2012 6:40 PM!

Modern flow cytometers are able to analyze several thousand particles every second in "real time".

Modern flow cytometers are able to analyze several thousand particles every second in "real time". | Immunology Diagnosis |

Modern flow cytometers are able to analyze several thousand particles every second, in "real time," and can actively separate and isolate particles having specified properties.

A flow cytometer is similar to a microscope, except that, instead of producing an image of the cell, flow cytometry offers "high-throughput" (for a large number of cells) automated quantification of set parameters.

To analyze solid tissues, a single-cell suspension must first be prepared.

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Scooped by Alfredo Corell
October 10, 2012 5:52 PM!

Making Medical Lab Quality Relevant: Is Quality Management Window-dressing?

Making Medical Lab Quality Relevant: Is Quality Management Window-dressing? | Immunology Diagnosis |

A discussion site for folks interested in improving the quality of medical laboratories. Most will be the thoughts and vents of a long time player in the medical laboratory quality from many perspectives, complex and basic laboratories, developed and developing countries, research and new knowledge.

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Scooped by Alfredo Corell
October 10, 2012 2:37 PM!

LH Martin Institute - Postgraduate Award Programs - Graduate Certificate in Quality Assurance 2013 at the University of Melbourne, Australia

LH Martin Institute - Postgraduate Award Programs - Graduate Certificate in Quality Assurance 2013 at the University of Melbourne, Australia | Immunology Diagnosis |

The Graduate Certificate in Quality Assurance (GCQA) offers a comprehensive academic program for the training and professional development of quality assurance professionals all around the world.

This one-year, online graduate program has been developed in close consultation with the International Network of Quality Assurance Agencies in Higher Education (INQAAHE) and is awarded by the University of Melbourne for professional recognition internationally.

Being a fully online program, it offers maximum flexibility. Participants follow two compulsory modules after which they choose one of two electives. Program staff are international experts in quality assurance and higher education policy and management.

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Scooped by Alfredo Corell
October 4, 2012 6:56 AM!

GEN | Magazine Articles: 10 Tips for Selecting The Right Antibody

GEN | Magazine Articles: 10 Tips for Selecting The Right Antibody | Immunology Diagnosis |
Here are steps you can take to ensure finding reliable antibodies that fit new scenarios goes as smoothly as possible.
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Rescooped by Alfredo Corell from Immunopathology & Immunotherapy
September 24, 2012 1:03 PM!

Topographical distribution and characterization of epithelial cells and intraepithelial lymphocytes in the human ocular mucosa. [Mucosal Immunol. 2012] - PubMed - NCBI

Topographical distribution and characterization of epithelial cells and intraepithelial lymphocytes in the human ocular mucosa. [Mucosal Immunol. 2012] - PubMed - NCBI | Immunology Diagnosis |

The conjunctiva plays a key role in the protection of the ocular surface by initiating and regulating immune responses. In this study, we analyze the relative proportion of intraepithelial lymphocytes (IELs), apoptotic cells, and proliferative state in three different topographical regions of the normal human conjunctiva. Superior tarsal, superior bulbar, and inferior tarsal-bulbar-fornical conjunctival cells were collected by brush cytology from 63 healthy donors. Flow cytometry analysis showed higher levels of CD3⁺ and CD8⁺ IELs in both upper tarsal and bulbar conjunctiva than in the inferior tarsal-bulbar-fornix, where the CD19⁺ B cells were increased. For all zones two different cell populations (by cell size and complexity) were present in the apoptosis assay. The more complex cells were reduced within the inferior tarsal-bulbar-fornix when compared with the superior bulbar and tarsal areas. Less complex cells were more predominant in the inferior conjunctiva and were mainly alive. The mean proliferation index of the conjunctival epithelium was significantly lower in the superior bulbar conjunctiva than in superior tarsal and inferior fornical conjunctivas. These findings suggest that each topographical zone from normal human conjunctiva has a unique profile of immunophenotype, viability, and proliferative state that could be related to a differentiated regional functionality.


Complete article at Mucosal Immunology Site:


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Scooped by Alfredo Corell
September 19, 2012 7:28 AM!

GECLID-SEI - the complete External Proficiency Testing in Immunology is growing in services and laboratories

GECLID-SEI - the complete External Proficiency Testing in Immunology is growing in services and laboratories | Immunology Diagnosis |

Programa de Garantía Externa de Calidad para Laboratorios de Inmunología Diagnóstica:


more info:


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Scooped by Alfredo Corell
November 6, 2012 5:53 PM!

New multi-million pound research hub for infection and immunity at the UCL

New multi-million pound research hub for infection and immunity at the UCL | Immunology Diagnosis |

Work is underway to create the first phase of a multi-million pound research centre which aims to give patients quicker access to the latest innovative therapies for a range of diseases.

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Scooped by Alfredo Corell
November 5, 2012 6:26 AM!

La Universidad de Valladolid vela por la calidad de la inmunología española

La Universidad de Valladolid vela por la calidad de la inmunología española | Immunology Diagnosis |

Un proyecto pionero controla para España y Portugal el diagnóstico de leucemias, alergias, SIDA, diabetes y trasplantes de órganos


El presidente de la Sociedad Española de Inmunología (SEI), José Ramón Regueiro, y la doctora Dolores Jaraquemada, presidenta saliente de dicha sociedad, se desplazarán a Valladolid el martes 6 de noviembre para entrevistarse con el Rector de la Universidad, Marcos Sacristán, y con el director gerente de la Fundación General, Gerardo Llana, para reforzar la cooperación entre ambas instituciones. Posteriormente, recorrerán las instalaciones del IOBA donde, gracias a los auspicios de la SEI, funciona un importante Laboratorio de Inmunología, pionero en España.

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Scooped by Alfredo Corell
November 4, 2012 5:58 PM!

Salivary gland ultrasonography improves Sjogren's diagnosis

Salivary gland ultrasonography improves Sjogren's diagnosis | Immunology Diagnosis |

Contribution of salivary gland ultrasonography to the diagnosis of sjögren's syndrome: Towards new diagnostic criteria?†

Divi Cornec MD,Sandrine Jousse-Joulin MD,Jacques-Olivier Pers DDS-PhD,Thierry Marhadour MD,Béatrice Cochener MD-PhD,Sylvie Boisramé-Gastrin DDS,Emmanuel Nowak PhD,Pierre Youinou MD-DSc,Alain Saraux MD-PhD,Valérie Devauchelle-Pensec MD-PhD‡,*

DOI: 10.1002/art.37698


The addition of salivary-gland ultrasonography (SGUS) to American-European Consensus Group (AECG) classification criteria improves the accuracy of diagnosis of primary Sjögren's syndrome (pSS), according to a study published online Oct. 25 in Arthritis & Rheumatism.

Read more at:


The complete publication at "Arthritis and Reumathism"


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Scooped by Alfredo Corell
November 2, 2012 10:03 AM!

Human IgG Subclasses: Useful diagnostic markers for immunocompetence

Human IgG Subclasses: Useful diagnostic markers for immunocompetence | Immunology Diagnosis |

Published by Sanquin formerly CLB (Centraal Laboratorium van de Bloedtransfusiedienst)
Plesmanlaan 125,
1066 CX Amsterdam,
The Netherlands.
CLB, 1996

Text: Drs A.J. Meulenbroek, Dr. W.P. Zeijlemaker

Internet page by: Ed Nieuwenhuys

ISBN 90-5267-011-0
The authors are grateful to Dr. A.J. van Houte, Medical Centre Alkmaar, for his expert advice. Thanks are due to their colleagues at CLB: Dr.A.Vlug, Ing.E.J. Nieuwenhuys, Dr.T.A. Out, Prof. Dr.R.C. Aalberse and Drs R.Vis for their valuable support.


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Scooped by Alfredo Corell
November 1, 2012 7:44 AM!

International Laboratory Acreditation Cooperation

ILAC - the International Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation - is an international cooperation of laboratory and inspection accreditation bodies formed to help remove technical barriers to trade.
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Scooped by Alfredo Corell
October 28, 2012 9:25 AM!

Peripheral blood smear: What are those lekocytes. Answer tomorrow

Peripheral blood smear: What are those lekocytes. Answer tomorrow | Immunology Diagnosis |
Medical laboratory and biomedical sciences (facebook page)
Solution tomorrow
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Rescooped by Alfredo Corell from Immunopathology & Immunotherapy
October 25, 2012 11:34 AM!

Neutropenia (Assessment of) - Overview - at BMJ

Neutropenia (Assessment of) - Overview - at BMJ | Immunology Diagnosis |

Neutrophils are essential components of the haematopoietic and immune system, and quantitative or qualitative abnormalities of neutrophils can result in life-threatening infection. Neutropenia is a low neutrophil count and results from decreased production, accelerated utilisation, increased destruction, or a shift in compartments. A combination of these mechanisms may be present. Causes can be congenital or acquired. The most serious complication of neutropenia is infection, which can be fatal. The source is usually endogenous flora of the gut and mucosa (commonly Staphylococcus and gram-negative organisms). Fungal infections occur with increased frequency, but there is no increased risk of viral or parasitic infection. Common sites of infection include mucous membranes (gingivitis, stomatitis, perirectal abscesses), skin (cellulitis), and lungs (pneumonia). 

SaBieN's curator insight, April 25, 2013 12:23 PM

Otra visión diferente de la celulitis.

Scooped by Alfredo Corell
October 21, 2012 1:43 PM!

Chromocyte’s Flow Cytometry News: antibody search, flow panels,

Chromocyte’s Flow Cytometry News: antibody search, flow panels, | Immunology Diagnosis |

Chromocyte is a FREE online resource for designing complex flow cytometry panels and finding flow cytometry, antibody & cell-based assay products and knowledge. Arguably the best antibody search interface out there


A newspaper by chromocyte - updated daily with a curated selection of articles, blog posts, videos and photos.

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Scooped by Alfredo Corell
October 10, 2012 5:36 PM!

ADCC Reporter Bioassay, Core Kits

ADCC Reporter Bioassay, Core Kits | Immunology Diagnosis |
Antibody-dependent cell-mediated cytotoxicity (ADCC) is a mechanism of action of antibodies through which virus-infected or other diseased cells are targeted for destruction by components of the cell-mediated immune system.
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Scooped by Alfredo Corell
October 9, 2012 1:05 PM!

Allergy skin tests at the

Allergy skin tests at the | Immunology Diagnosis |
Allergy tests — Overview covers definition, risks, results of skin tests for allergic sensitivities.


Explore the "basics", "in-depth", "multimedia" and "resources" for a complete explanation about Allergy skin tests

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Scooped by Alfredo Corell
September 26, 2012 11:43 AM!

Processing of Primary Brain Tumor Tissue for Stem Cell Assays and Flow Sorting Subscription Required | JoVE Video

Processing of Primary Brain Tumor Tissue for Stem Cell Assays and Flow Sorting Subscription Required | JoVE Video | Immunology Diagnosis |
The identification of brain tumor initiating cells (BTICs), the rare cells within a heterogeneous tumor possessing stem cell properties, provides new insights into human brain tumor pathogenesis.
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Scooped by Alfredo Corell
September 19, 2012 1:59 PM!

Fast and Sensitive Camera Technologies for Microscopy - Choosing the Best Solution Elsevier

Fast and Sensitive Camera Technologies for Microscopy - Choosing the Best Solution Elsevier | Immunology Diagnosis |

The recent introduction of true scientific CMOS (sCMOS) cameras has caused considerable speculation as to how interline CCD, Electron Multiplying CCD (EMCCD) and sCMOS detection technologies compare. sCMOS is a new high-performance imaging technology that can be considered progressive in its ability to simultaneously offer extremely low noise, rapid frame rates, wide dynamic range, high resolution and a large field of view, overcoming many performance trade-offs that are commonly associated with CCD detectors. EMCCDs however, retain the advantage of single photon sensitivity and often remain the best choice for extremely low light imaging.

This webinar will discuss and clarify the key sensor characteristics that must be considered when selecting the optimum solution for your low light fluorescence microscopy application.

Who should attend:
Researchers interested in Light Microscopy and ImagingEngineers interested in camera integration into larger systems and instruments


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