iGeneration - 21st Century Education (Pedagogy & Digital Innovation)
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iGeneration - 21st Century Education (Pedagogy & Digital Innovation)
Teaching and learning in the 21st Century - meeting the pedagogical challenges of digital learning and innovation for the iGeneration
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Scooped by Tom D'Amico (@TDOttawa)
March 11, 2015 2:24 PM

Talk to people around the World - Language is no longer a barrier! (Skype Translator)

Talk to people around the World - Language is no longer a barrier! (Skype Translator) | iGeneration - 21st Century Education (Pedagogy & Digital Innovation) | Scoop.it
Skype has been breaking down geographical barriers since its inception, but the new Skype Translator is set to break down language barriers, and fundamentally change the way people communicate across national borders. Imagine having a real-time conversation with someone on the other side of the planet who doesn't speak a word of your language. For the…
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Scooped by Tom D'Amico (@TDOttawa)
May 29, 2014 9:13 AM

Skype Translation unveiled - Imagine the impact for ELL and ESL learners!

Skype Translation unveiled - Imagine the impact for ELL and ESL learners! | iGeneration - 21st Century Education (Pedagogy & Digital Innovation) | Scoop.it
Tech giant to launch real-time language translation tool that will work on any device running Skype.
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