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Curated by Ricard Lloria
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Rescooped by Ricard Lloria from Santiago Sanz Lastra
July 25, 11:46 PM!

La extraña e inesperada forma en la que IA nos está haciendo más productivos

La extraña e inesperada forma en la que IA nos está haciendo más productivos | Help and Support everybody around the world |
Varios estudios demuestran que el auge de herramientas de IA como ChatGPT es una buena noticia para los empleados que son pésimos en su trabajo.

Via Santiago Sanz Lastra
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Rescooped by Ricard Lloria from E-Learning-Inclusivo (Mashup)
July 25, 11:45 PM!

Classroom Training to eLearning: Guide to Seamless Transition

Classroom Training to eLearning: Guide to Seamless Transition | Help and Support everybody around the world |

Planning to convert classroom training material to eLearning? Read on for actionable tips for a seamless transition.

Via CommLab India, juandoming
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Rescooped by Ricard Lloria from e-learning-ukr
July 25, 11:44 PM!

What Is An LMS?

What Is An LMS? | Help and Support everybody around the world |
The World Of LMSs You have probably heard of a Learning Management System (LMS) if you've been in the realm of online learning. But what is an LMS? Basically, it's where learning meets technology, and it helps you manage, deliver, and track all your learning activities.

Via Vladimir Kukharenko
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Rescooped by Ricard Lloria from Digital Delights for Learners
July 25, 11:44 PM!

Speech to Note

Speech to Note | Help and Support everybody around the world |

Via Ana Cristina Pratas
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Rescooped by Ricard Lloria from Santiago Sanz Lastra
July 25, 11:44 PM!

IA para narrar textos (incluso con tu voz)

IA para narrar textos (incluso con tu voz) | Help and Support everybody around the world |
Conoce algunas herramientas avanzadas de Inteligencia Artificial que permiten generar narraciones automatizadas y personalizar audios con tu propia voz.

Via Santiago Sanz Lastra
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Rescooped by Ricard Lloria from Digital Delights for Learners
July 25, 11:43 PM!

 Use your imagination to create stories, in minutes.

 Use your imagination to create stories, in minutes. | Help and Support everybody around the world |
Craft stories for your child based on their interests, age, and your family values.

Via Ana Cristina Pratas
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Rescooped by Ricard Lloria from e-learning-ukr
July 25, 11:41 PM!

Insights You Missed: The Role of Emerging Tech and AI in Professional Training

Insights You Missed: The Role of Emerging Tech and AI in Professional Training | Help and Support everybody around the world |
CLW Healthcare and Life Sciences started off by tackling the most salient challenge of the year: implementing AI in L&D initiatives.

Via Vladimir Kukharenko
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Rescooped by Ricard Lloria from Mi Cajón de Ideas
July 25, 11:41 PM!

Todas las células de tu cuerpo tienen el mismo genoma... casi siempre

Todas las células de tu cuerpo tienen el mismo genoma... casi siempre | Help and Support everybody around the world |
¿Sabías que todas las células de tu cuerpo tienen el mismo genoma, pero no lo usan de la misma manera? Descubre cómo se regula la expresión de los genes y qué excepciones hay a esta regla.

Via Alvaro Díaz A.
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Rescooped by Ricard Lloria from 212 Careers
July 25, 11:40 PM!

Five Ways to Show Emotional Intelligence Infographic

Five Ways to Show Emotional Intelligence Infographic | Help and Support everybody around the world |
Grow Your Self-Awareness, Decision-Making and Team Work by Using 0ur Infographic and Quiz

Via James Schreier
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Scooped by Ricard Lloria
July 25, 11:39 PM!

El dilema de fijar prioridades

El dilema de fijar prioridades | Help and Support everybody around the world |
por Daniel Colombo
Millones de personas se enfocan diariamente en situaciones aparentemente urgentes; sin embargo, lo realmente importante a menudo queda en segundo plano. Este artículo desglosa una metodología eficaz para diferenciar lo urgente de lo importante, permitiéndote priorizar y enfocar tu productividad personal y profesional.Se trata de la Matriz de Eisenhower, también conocida como la
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Rescooped by Ricard Lloria from Creative teaching and learning
July 24, 11:51 PM!

‘Google says I’m a dead physicist’: is the world’s biggest search engine broken?

‘Google says I’m a dead physicist’: is the world’s biggest search engine broken? | Help and Support everybody around the world |

"For decades now, anyone who’s wanted to know everything about anything has asked Google. But is the platform losing its edge – and can we still trust it to tell us the truth? ..."

Via Leona Ungerer
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Rescooped by Ricard Lloria from Grandes Pymes
July 24, 11:50 PM!

¿Quién necesita sueños?

¿Quién necesita sueños? | Help and Support everybody around the world |
por Merce Roura
Nos protegemos tanto de la vida que, a veces, no podemos vivirla.Es fácil entender por qué cuando has recibido muchas decepciones decides no avanzar. Cuando te has sentido muy traicionado escoges no confiar. Nos ponemos una armadura para evitar que nos hagan daño las miradas, las palabras, las acciones de los demás. Y desde ahí nada duele pero tampoco nada ilusiona… Sin embargo, la inmensa mayoría de veces cuando decidimos quedarnos quietos en el mismo sitio y no arriesgar absolutamente nada nuestra actitud tiene más que ver con nuestras creencias y nuestras heridas emocionales que con nuestra experiencia.Es más, nuestra experiencia solamente acaba reafirmando aquello que nuestras heridas y nuestras creencias habían vaticinado. Y nuestra vida se convierte en una profecía cumplida.Lo que pensamos transforma la realidad y nos hace percibir el mundo como un lugar hostil y nos lleva a estar siempre en modo supervivencia. Soñamos, pero no nos atrevemos a vivir nuestros sueños y nuestros deseos.

Via Juan Carlos Valda
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Rescooped by Ricard Lloria from E-Learning-Inclusivo (Mashup)
July 24, 11:47 PM!

¿Nos condiciona la IA nuestra vida? ¿Cómo? , o por contra, ¿vivimos junto a ella? (el cambio de estructura y su función algorítmica lo demuestra)-II –

¿Nos condiciona la IA nuestra vida? ¿Cómo? , o por contra, ¿vivimos junto a ella? (el cambio de estructura y su función algorítmica lo demuestra)-II – | Help and Support everybody around the world |
Juan Domingo Farnos Miro La cuestión de si vivimos condicionados por la IA o si vivimos junto a ella es compleja y multifacética. En esencia, la respuesta no es completamente blanca o negra; en lugar de ello, la realidad se encuentra en un matiz intermedio que mezcla ambos conceptos, en un fino tamiz que las…

Via juandoming
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Rescooped by Ricard Lloria from Creative teaching and learning
July 25, 11:45 PM!

AI tutors could be coming to the classroom – but who taught the tutor, and should you trust them?

AI tutors could be coming to the classroom – but who taught the tutor, and should you trust them? | Help and Support everybody around the world |

"The government is calling for AI tutors. But before their introduction, we need to consider where these tutors are getting their information – and who that information belongs to ..."

Via Leona Ungerer
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Rescooped by Ricard Lloria from Tools for Teachers & Learners
July 25, 11:44 PM!

HeyGen Labs

HeyGen Labs | Help and Support everybody around the world |
Interactive Avatar, Personalized Video, Expressive Photo Avatar... Cooking up the next AI magic with cutting-edge HeyGen Labs innovation.

Via Nik Peachey
Nik Peachey's curator insight, July 25, 5:17 AM

This is the most realistic and lifelike live chatbot I’ve tried so far. Really is a lot like talking to a real person. It works best with Chrome

Rescooped by Ricard Lloria from E-Learning-Inclusivo (Mashup)
July 25, 11:44 PM!

La Educación 6.0: Un Paradigma... - Juan Domingo Farnós Miró

La Educación 6.0: Un Paradigma... - Juan Domingo Farnós Miró | Help and Support everybody around the world |

Via juandoming
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Rescooped by Ricard Lloria from
July 25, 11:44 PM!

AI Chatbots have shown they have an ‘empathy gap’ that children are likely to miss

AI Chatbots have shown they have an ‘empathy gap’ that children are likely to miss | Help and Support everybody around the world |

The research, by a University of Cambridge academic, Dr Nomisha Kurian, urges developers and policy actors to make “child-safe AI” an urgent priority. It provides evidence that children are particularly susceptible to treating AI chatbots as lifelike, quasi-human confidantes, and that their interactions with the technology can often go awry when it fails to respond to their unique needs and vulnerabilities.

Via Edumorfosis
Edumorfosis's curator insight, July 25, 12:32 PM

El estudio insta a los desarrolladores y legisladores a priorizar urgentemente una “IA segura para niños”. Proporciona evidencia de que los niños son especialmente susceptibles a tratar a los chatbots de IA como confidentes casi humanos, lo que puede llevar a interacciones problemáticas cuando la IA no responde adecuadamente a sus necesidades y vulnerabilidades.

Rescooped by Ricard Lloria from e-learning-ukr
July 25, 11:43 PM!

Seven Keys to Effective Feedback

Seven Keys to Effective Feedback | Help and Support everybody around the world |
Advice, evaluation, grades—none of these provide the descriptive information that students need to reach their goals. What is true feedback—and how can it improve learning?

Via Vladimir Kukharenko
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Rescooped by Ricard Lloria from Digital Delights for Learners
July 25, 11:43 PM!

Turn Any Web Content Into Your Personal Ebook Library, Instantly.

Turn Any Web Content Into Your Personal Ebook Library, Instantly. | Help and Support everybody around the world |
Easily convert any online content(blogs, links, RSS) into a convenient ebook format. Embrace the new way to read and store your favorite web content.

Via Ana Cristina Pratas
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Rescooped by Ricard Lloria from Mi Cajón de Ideas
July 25, 11:41 PM!

Esta es la forma de estudiar gratis en la Universidad de Stanford

Esta es la forma de estudiar gratis en la Universidad de Stanford | Help and Support everybody around the world |
¿Te imaginas tener en tu currículum un curso de la Universidad de Stanford? Stanford ofrece una variedad de cursos gratis de diversas áreas.

Via Alvaro Díaz A.
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Rescooped by Ricard Lloria from Mi Cajón de Ideas
July 25, 11:41 PM!

Sobre la enormidad del número de Avogadro

Sobre la enormidad del número de Avogadro | Help and Support everybody around the world |

Hasta hace no mucho se definía el número de Avogadro como el número de átomos de carbono-12 que hay en 12 gramos exactos de carbono 12.

Via Alvaro Díaz A.
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Rescooped by Ricard Lloria from Mi Cajón de Ideas
July 25, 11:40 PM!

Tráiler de la primera película del mundo generada por IA: en Hollywood pueden estar tranquilos

Tráiler de la primera película del mundo generada por IA: en Hollywood pueden estar tranquilos | Help and Support everybody around the world |
El avance de la anunciada como primera película del mundo generada en su totalidad por IA es una buena noticia para el gremio del celuloide.

Via Alvaro Díaz A.
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Rescooped by Ricard Lloria from Tools for Teachers & Learners
July 24, 11:51 PM!

educato - Build Your Online Teaching Platform

educato - Build Your Online Teaching Platform | Help and Support everybody around the world |
Create your own online teaching offering on Educato and become the favourite online educator of students across your learning area

Via Nik Peachey
Nik Peachey's curator insight, July 24, 1:02 AM

This is another AI powered platform for building courses that you can sell - The AI also helps you build all the interactive tests and quizzes. There is a video here showing you a little about it. They have both Free and Paid plans

Rescooped by Ricard Lloria from e-learning-ukr
July 24, 11:50 PM!

Tips for moving from learning designer to educational leader

Tips for moving from learning designer to educational leader | Help and Support everybody around the world |
Learning designers have all the skills to make great leaders. Here’s how to transition into the role

Via Vladimir Kukharenko
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Rescooped by Ricard Lloria from E-Learning-Inclusivo (Mashup)
July 24, 11:47 PM!

New publication within the project Future students’ perspectives on higher education |

New publication within the project Future students’ perspectives on higher education | | Help and Support everybody around the world |
Linnaeus University's ongoing research collaboration with Campus Västervik aims to identify and analyse descriptions by future higher education students’ concerning interests and expectations regarding continued studies at university level in relation to: proximity to studies, academic environment, selection of courses and programmes, and presence of research.

Via Kent Wallén, juandoming
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