Exploring the trends and technologies that are disrupting, transforming, innovating, and reinventing colleges & universities in the digital information age
Sponsored by the Association of College and Research Libraries (ACRL), this one-of-a-kind book demonstrates the best tools, resources, and techniques for discovering, selecting, and integrating interactive open educational resources (OERs) into the teaching and learning process. The author examines many of the best repositories and digital library websites for finding high quality materials, explaining in depth the best practices for effectively searching these repositories and the various methods for evaluating, selecting, and integrating the resources into the instructor’s curriculum and course assignments, as well as the institution’s learning management system.
"Campus libraries are anticipating a new era — a codependent one.
Librarians at universities in the Big Ten athletic conference wrote recently that they would work toward managing their separate collections “as if they were a single, shared” one. They said they must move away from a mind-set of independent libraries, motivated by self-interest, cooperating only sometimes."
Among the more fascinating library revitalization projects we have seen recently, one that stands out is Payson Library at Pepperdine University. As we took a closer look, we realized that much of the thinking that informs the Payson Library renovation is replicable and scalable for other institutions, even institutions with quite small library facilities. To …
Small rebellions, universitywide subscription renegotiations, and a European open-access mandate for certain research are putting unusual pressure on industry giants. (...) - The Chronicle of Higher Education, by Lindsay Ellis, 2019/02/18
The Pennsylvania State University Libraries invite applications and nominations for the leadership position of Associate Dean for Learning, Undergraduate Services and Commonwealth Campus Libraries. This strategic position fosters participation in the University’s research and teaching mission and promotes transformative teaching and learning, user experiences and assessment, and promotes the sustainable delivery of undergraduate-focused services and instruction throughout the Commonwealth and online. Reporting to the Dean of University Libraries and Scholarly Communications, the successful candidate serves on the administrative leadership team and will join a highly integrated and collaborative organization.
Higher education helped build Kevin Runner’s fortune, he says, and now he plans to give back — by resurrecting the campus of a defunct Kentucky college as a training ground for a sustainable future.
Struggling to keep up with the increasing digitization of academia, libraries are purging older volumes to make way for study spaces and coffee shops. The act is a radical shift from when the value of a library was measured by the scope of its books.
Beaver Information Sciences and Technology Instructor Ashu Kumar is developing a voice-enabled classroom assistant that can, among other things, take attendance and award participation points.
During its meeting today (Sept. 14), members of the Board of Trustees Committee on Governance and Long-Range Planning learned more about the importance of transforming education at Penn State and how the University plans to do so.
The author views educational technology leadership and practice through the lens of three threshold concepts and his experiences at the 2017 ELI Annual Meeting.
Tim Ferriss, author of The 4-Hour Work Week and other best-selling books, describes the experiential approaches he uses to help people teach themselves. This segment is part of a special series of video highlights from SXSWedu, produced by The Chronicle.
The Ithaka S+R Library Survey 2016 examines strategy and leadership issues from the perspective of academic library deans and directors. This project aims to provide academic librarians and higher education leaders with information about chief librarians’ visions and the opportunities…
The NMC Horizon Report > 2017 Higher Education Edition is a collaborative effort between the NMC and the EDUCAUSE Learning Initiative (ELI). This 14th edition describes annual findings from the NMC Horizon Project, an ongoing research project designed to identify and describe emerging technologies likely to have an impact on learning, teaching, and creative inquiry in education.
The Open Education Group is an interdisciplinary research group that (1) conducts original, rigorous, empirical research on the impact of OER adoption on a range of educational outcomes and (2) designs and shares methodological and conceptual frameworks for studying the impact of OER adoption.
Jim Shelton, now heading up the education portfolio at the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative, isn’t giving any details yet. But in this podcast, he emphasizes the value of bringing learning scientists together with educators to improve learning and in
Live television. If you’re on the East Coast, you probably don't see the exact moment the stars are dancing or the American idols are singing, but you do watch a recording of their live performance. That concept of recorded live television is what guided Cody Goddard, multimedia specialist for the College of Arts and Architecture’s e-Learning Institute, to develop a “new and improved” format for faculty to record lectures for online courses.
In recent decades, library and information studies have focused on the information that libraries provide, shortchanging other key roles they play, writes Wayne A. Wiegand.
Jefferson Education, an incubator affiliated with the University of Virginia, has enlisted more than 100 educators, entrepreneurs, and experts to examine why neither companies nor their customers tend to rigorously evaluate their products.
A blended librarian #BLibrarians who is stirred by innovation not mixed up by it! Explore the connections between libraries, learning & technology with me.
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