Growth Hacking
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Growth Hacking
Growth hacking is generally associated with low cost, inbound marketing solutions tending to be digitally-focused and quantitative in nature.
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Scooped by Hélène Brevet
August 28, 2013 9:22 AM!

What is Growth Hacking?

What is Growth Hacking? | Growth Hacking |

The phrase “growth hacker” was coined by Sean Ellis in 2010. When I asked Sean why he felt the need to coin a new phrase he said that it stemmed from his frustration when hiring replacements for himself.

Hélène Brevet's insight:

Sprout wrote a guide for entrepreneurs, founders, growth leads... to understand what is Growth Hacking and leverage it to achieve Growth. 

This first chapter explains this concept, which is becoming a major concept due to the nature of Internet products.

Jason Moore's curator insight, July 23, 2021 3:08 PM

Plenty here to read and breaks it down nicely...

Scooped by Hélène Brevet
September 9, 2013 9:43 AM!

Optimizely Co-Founder Pete Koomen On Using The Art Of A/B Testing

Optimizely Co-Founder Pete Koomen On Using The Art Of A/B Testing | Growth Hacking |

San Francisco startup Optimizely has had a lot of success in making A/B testing much more accessible to the masses. And along the way, Optimizely’s co-founders Dan Siroker and Pete Koomen say that they’ve learned quite a bit more themselves about the practice of A/B testing, and what it can do for websites and software products — and they recently decided to write a book about it called A/B Testing: The Most Powerful Way to Turn Clicks Into Customers.

Hélène Brevet's insight:

Will this book become my Bible?

Take 5 minutes to watch this interview from Pete Koomen, co-founder of Optimizely - great vision. 

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Scooped by Hélène Brevet
July 19, 2013 8:19 AM!

[Infographics] What the hell is Growth Hacking?

[Infographics] What the hell is Growth Hacking? | Growth Hacking |
Hélène Brevet's insight:

Nice one!

Scooped by Hélène Brevet
May 28, 2013 8:59 AM!

6 Important Lessons From This Year’s Growth Hacker Conference

6 Important Lessons From This Year’s Growth Hacker Conference | Growth Hacking |

Conference in San Francisco, run by Gagan Biyani and Erin Turner, features some of the smartest growth hackers from the world’s biggest tech companies, such as LinkedIn, Twitter, and YouTube. Collectively, the products they’ve worked on have acquired billions of users/customers and created loads of value for customers and investors alike. The conference happened last week, and videos of speakers should be available on Udemy in the near future, but I wanted to share what I leaned in the meantime.

Hélène Brevet's insight:

Great article!

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Suggested by Guillaume Decugis
February 12, 2013 12:39 PM!

What is “Growth Hacking” really?

What is “Growth Hacking” really? | Growth Hacking |

There is a lot of buzz around the new term "Growth Hacking", and many companies I know or have met recently are looking for a "Growth Hacker". I worry sometimes that this feels like a fad and people think"ooh, I will grow much faster if I can just find a magical unicorn growth hacker" or start to believe that you really can hack sustainable growth in any way.

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Suggested by Guillaume Decugis
January 16, 2013 9:17 AM!

What makes a great growth hacker?

What makes a great growth hacker? | Growth Hacking |
Answer (1 of 2): A person that can single-handedly increase growth rates should probably be: * technical enough to ship product themselves or tell a technical person what to do * comfortable with data * have good internet marketing intuition *...
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Scooped by Hélène Brevet
December 11, 2012 12:03 PM!

Got milk? First ever “Growthathon” will help 7 startups get big and strong

Got milk? First ever “Growthathon” will help 7 startups get big and strong | Growth Hacking |
Seven startups will come together with expert "growth hackers" to address challenges in distribution and acquisition.
Hélène Brevet's insight:

Love this!

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Scooped by Hélène Brevet
November 8, 2012 11:58 AM!

Growth Hackers Conference: Lessons Learned

Growth Hackers Conference: Lessons Learned | Growth Hacking |
Here is a brief write-up of my notes from last week's Growth Hackers Conference in Menlo Park. I tried to sum up the essential bits of information that stuck with me and hope that they will be useful for you as well.

Very interesting notes of the Growth Hackers Conference - I would have been there. 

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Scooped by Hélène Brevet
October 29, 2012 10:53 AM!

@chamath at #ghconf

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Scooped by Hélène Brevet
October 18, 2012 1:59 AM!

Why Growth Hackers are Taking Over Startup Marketing

Why Growth Hackers are Taking Over Startup Marketing | Growth Hacking |
There are two primary reasons startups fail.
  1. They create a product no one cares about
  2. They don't know how to get customers

"Companies who are serious about testing quickly learn that most tests fail. Which is why growth hackers also focus on the velocity of learning – they want to fail as quickly as possible. If you assume a 90% failure rate, and one organization runs one test a week while another runs ten, it’s likely that the second organization is going to move the needle much more rapidly."

Testing new thinkgs, analyze and learn. And try again and again, that's a key of success.

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Suggested by Guillaume Decugis
October 17, 2012 6:42 PM!

SaaS products aren't viral

SaaS productsaren’t viral**usually... But it doesn't matter.

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Scooped by Hélène Brevet
September 19, 2012 11:46 AM!

You don’t need a growth hacker | @andrewchen

You don’t need a growth hacker | @andrewchen | Growth Hacking |
Startups don't need growth hackers - at first. They need products that are really working in the market.

Great post from Andrew Chen - Definitely agreed with that. Start by having a good product, then optimize it. 

However, once your model is validated, that's an obvious way!

Vincent Demay's comment, September 19, 2012 11:52 AM
So now we need a growth hacker! :)
Hélène Brevet's comment, September 19, 2012 11:58 AM
True! I have the same conclusion ;)
Suggested by Guillaume Decugis
August 24, 2012 11:47 AM!

Growth Hacking

A great intro and summary on Growth Hacking.

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Suggested by Guillaume Decugis
September 13, 2013 3:50 AM!

Growth Hacking: User Onboarding

The UX techniques modern startups are using to accelerate their growth. Learn more at
Hélène Brevet's insight:

Great learning about user onboarding. To be read!

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Suggested by Guillaume Decugis
August 28, 2013 8:29 AM!

PPC is not enough. How Justin Vanning learned to embrace holistic growth marketing

I spent 10 years doing Performance Marketing. I used to think Performance Marketing and Customer Acquisition went hand in hand. 

That was before I started working at Moz and interacting with Rand Fishkin. Over the past two years I've learned the value of Inbound Marketing and a more holistic approach to customer acquisition that I believe is the key to successfully growing a company. 

Hélène Brevet's insight:

How to use performance marketing skillsets to perform in inbound marketing.

Nice read!

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Scooped by Hélène Brevet
June 17, 2013 8:58 AM!

The Intersection of UX & Growth Hacking

The Intersection of UX & Growth Hacking | Growth Hacking |

A user experience designer wants to help the user meet their needs and accomplish their goals but creating a delightful product and experience seems fruitless if no one knows about. Once they do know about it, it’s not enough to just get them to sign up; users need to be engaged with the product. What good is having a million users if none of them are using it? It’s a huge problem that all startups face. Enter the growth hacker.

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Suggested by Guillaume Decugis
April 10, 2013 4:45 AM!

Social products win with utility, not invites

Social products win with utility, not invites | Growth Hacking |

The proverbial chicken and egg problem of building a new social product is well understood among tech startups, and it’s been commonplace to follow two contrasting mechanisms for getting traction.

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Suggested by Guillaume Decugis
January 30, 2013 12:38 PM!

What are good blogs and resources on user growth strategies and tactics?

What are good blogs and resources on user growth strategies and tactics? | Growth Hacking |
Andy Johns's answer: Most people underestimate the comprehensive nature of working on user growth. There are so many factors to consider.
Hélène Brevet's insight:

That's great resources on Growth Hacking. Thanks for sharing!

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Scooped by Hélène Brevet
January 4, 2013 5:15 AM!

Grow like Facebook: onboarding and activation

Grow like Facebook: onboarding and activation | Growth Hacking |

Facebook is one of the best at turning new users into active users. With 1/6th of the world a Facebook user, Facebook has set a high bar for activation and its team is rapidly spreading the gospel of growth (here are some notes on Facebook’s overall growth strategy from the Growth Hacker’s Conference).

Hélène Brevet's insight:

Interesting article about onboarding and NUX at Facebook. 

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Suggested by Guillaume Decugis
December 10, 2012 9:12 AM!

23 Tips on How to A/B Test Like a Badass

23 Tips on How to A/B Test Like a Badass | Growth Hacking |
A/B testing is hitting the mainstream because it is so effective. And with so many tools available it has become very easy and very inexpensive to run. Here are 23 helpful tips on how you can take your A/B tests from basic to the next level.
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Suggested by Guillaume Decugis
November 5, 2012 12:33 PM!

The Law of Sustainable Growth

The Law of Sustainable Growth | Growth Hacking |

"There are always a zillion new ideas about how to make the product better floating around, but the hard truth is that most of those ideas make a difference only at the margins. They are mere optimizations. Startups have to focus on the big experiments that lead to validated learning. The engines of growth framework helps them stay focused on the metrics that matter."

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Scooped by Hélène Brevet
October 29, 2012 10:41 AM!

Build it and they won’t come: How and why growth hacking came to be

Build it and they won’t come: How and why growth hacking came to be | Growth Hacking |

Interesting post on the origin of growth hacking focus in the startup area, when "the platitude "build it and they will come" (...) has since died and is now an antique of the dot-com era."

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Scooped by Hélène Brevet
October 17, 2012 6:51 PM!

A Heart Is Different From A Star

A Heart Is Different From A Star | Growth Hacking |
A Heart Is Different From A Star “ How Airbnb Evolved To Focus On Social Rather Than Searches - Cliff Kuang via Co.Design For a couple years, registered Airbnb users have been able to star the...

Interesting test.

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Scooped by Hélène Brevet
October 4, 2012 9:33 AM!

Growth Hacking: how to get more customers with less spend

Growth Hacking: how to get more customers with less spend | Growth Hacking |

"I admit it, I was wrong. When I first imagined building Airtasker, I thought that from the start, marketing would be the most significant factor in building a successful marketplace for services.

After a few months of pushing our developers to build lots of stuff to support online marketing campaigns, Jono (Airtasker COO and co-founder) and I started looking at the data and realized that whilst we had a pretty good net promoter score, we were spending some of our money on acquiring customers who weren’t going to be die-hard advocates of our service."

Love that conclusion: "a disciplined product focus is often going to be a better investment in the long run."

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Scooped by Hélène Brevet
September 6, 2012 4:04 AM!

Why Agencies Should Adopt the Growth Hacker Culture

Why Agencies Should Adopt the Growth Hacker Culture | Growth Hacking |

Let’s clarify something: “Growth Hacker” is one of those trendy-sounding yet completely vague and self-important job descriptions that you roll your eyes at when it flashes across a LinkedIn profile. As a job title, yes it’s a bit much.

I definitely agree with this conclusion. Gowth hacking is not a job title, it's a spirit.

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