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Rescooped by Antonios Bouris from 21st Century Learning and Teaching
October 15, 2019 9:46 PM!

Metacognition and Why it Matters in Education

Metacognition and Why it Matters in Education | Design, Science and Technology |
What is metacognition?

Metacognition, a term that was first defined by John H. Flavell in 1979, is basically thinking about thinking. With metacognition, we become aware of our own learning experiences and the activities we involve ourselves in our paths toward personal and professional growth. We are better able to understand ourselves in the whole process of learning and can develop skills to think about, connect with, and evaluate our learning and interactions each day. But how and why is metacognition important in education?

It has been identified as an essential skill for learner success. Therefore, do we need to design specific lessons focused on metacognition for use in our classrooms each day? And if so, how can we make this happen?


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Via Gust MEES
Gust MEES's curator insight, October 12, 2019 8:32 AM
What is metacognition?

Metacognition, a term that was first defined by John H. Flavell in 1979, is basically thinking about thinking. With metacognition, we become aware of our own learning experiences and the activities we involve ourselves in our paths toward personal and professional growth. We are better able to understand ourselves in the whole process of learning and can develop skills to think about, connect with, and evaluate our learning and interactions each day. But how and why is metacognition important in education?

It has been identified as an essential skill for learner success. Therefore, do we need to design specific lessons focused on metacognition for use in our classrooms each day? And if so, how can we make this happen?


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Arshad Maneka's curator insight, October 12, 2019 9:23 AM
happyrealization's comment, October 15, 2019 6:59 AM
Cricket is life…Life is Cricket
Cricket is life…Life is cricket : If you are living in a country called India, I am sure you could relate to any of the two emotional phrases in the title.
Rescooped by Antonios Bouris from 21st Century Learning and Teaching
April 27, 2018 4:31 AM!

Digital Transformation, Government, and Chatbots

Digital Transformation, Government, and Chatbots | Design, Science and Technology |

Contrary to what its name might suggest, digital transformation is primarily a problem of culture and leadership, a “human” phenomenon. It implies working in a transdisciplinary way, collaborating beyond the usual borders and above all – like in any organizational transformation process – creating trust: trust between engineers and humanists, between government departments, between citizens and government, etc. And since there are no miracles, trust is built over time and experience and it can only come from listening, honesty, competence, and transparency.


Via Gust MEES
Gust MEES's curator insight, April 26, 2018 2:56 PM

Contrary to what its name might suggest, digital transformation is primarily a problem of culture and leadership, a “human” phenomenon. It implies working in a transdisciplinary way, collaborating beyond the usual borders and above all – like in any organizational transformation process – creating trust: trust between engineers and humanists, between government departments, between citizens and government, etc. And since there are no miracles, trust is built over time and experience and it can only come from listening, honesty, competence, and transparency.


Technically, the data produced and collected must be designed from the outset to lend themselves optimally to automatic analysis and the systems must be built so that they can evolve easily. As for the famous ethical dimension of algorithms, we will not forget that the data feeding automatic learning must be examined from a critical point of view by competent humans and not blindly believed. In my understanding, a good part of the “ethical” problems related to AI comes from two essential points being forgotten:

– The tools must be designed from the user’s point of view (design thinking).
– The quality of training data determines the quality of program performance (garbage in garbage out).


Many topics were treated in this event, with numerous concrete examples of the use of new technologies: security, the blockchain, cloud, micro-services, Internet of things, etc. The theme that caught my attention the most was chatbots animated by natural language processing and deep learning. In the coming years, more and more services (governmental or commercial) will use chatbots.


The public already knows Siri by Apple or Alexa by Amazon. Rather than thinking of these programs as autonomous “artificial intelligence”, it would be more useful to conceive them as media for distributing expertise, user-friendly interfaces for exploring huge databases, knowledge management toolsand cognitive augmentation. Chatbots are able to understand questions in natural languages (not just recognize keywords), they can learn from their interactions, they are able to suggest relevant ideas according to context and provide a “pleasant” experience to their users.


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Rescooped by Antonios Bouris from 21st Century Learning and Teaching
March 30, 2018 3:08 AM!


10 AMAZING SCIENCE EXPERIMENTS! and TRICKS compilation they are awesome easy to do at home, using copper wire battery and magnets gyroscopes chain and ring, electric train etc.


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Via Gust MEES
Gust MEES's curator insight, March 29, 2018 2:58 AM

10 AMAZING SCIENCE EXPERIMENTS! and TRICKS compilation they are awesome easy to do at home, using copper wire battery and magnets gyroscopes chain and ring, electric train etc.


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Graphics Design's curator insight, March 29, 2018 3:34 AM

Custom Brochure Design is the best way of direct marketing where you can attract the customers.

Joe Rodriguez Harlingen CISD's curator insight, March 29, 2018 7:16 AM

10 AMAZING SCIENCE EXPERIMENTS! and TRICKS compilation they are awesome easy to do at home, using copper wire battery and magnets gyroscopes chain and ring, electric train etc.


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Rescooped by Antonios Bouris from 21st Century Learning and Teaching
March 5, 2018 2:11 AM!

The one crucial skill our education system is missing | #Empathy #EmotionalIntelligence 

The one crucial skill our education system is missing | #Empathy #EmotionalIntelligence  | Design, Science and Technology |

From Blade Runner to I, Robot, the big screens of Hollywood have predicted the rise of the machine. Automated intelligences will wait our tables and drive our cabs. They will serve us by performing menial tasks. But fact is now surpassing fiction. Automation has moved beyond the factory assembly line as computers are diagnosing illnesses, providing legal counsel, and make financial and political decisions. And if artificial intelligence really is faster, smarter and more reliable, what are we left with?

The answer is precisely that element which makes us less efficient and slower. Our humanity. But rather than being seen as a weakness, this is actually our strongest suit. It’s one we need to empower, because studies show that as the world becomes increasingly automated, computerised and digitalised, we are losing the very skills that define us as human. Just when we need them the most.

Our empathy is something that computers will always struggle to emulate. We need to celebrate what makes us different from even the smartest of the machines. While the future belongs to those who are able to navigate this increasingly digitalised world of ours, the choicest spoils will fall to those who can combine technological fluency with emotional intelligence.


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Via Gust MEES
Sirpa Vellonen-Myllylä's curator insight, March 11, 2018 9:37 AM

Finally I can see this topic emerge in public discussion about education - something I've been privately preaching about. 

Felipe Rincon's curator insight, March 14, 2018 8:22 PM
It is very interesting the way in which this article emphasizes the importance of empathy and the other characteristics belonging to the human being in our society, also how that characteristics distance us from machines. I think that the implementation of methodologies that take into consideration this aspects in education in general will contribute to the comprehensive citizens education. The appropriate combination of technological fluency with emotional intelligence should be one of the goals in modern education
Patrice McDonough's curator insight, March 15, 2018 11:49 AM
Who knew our humanity would be buried under the weight of automated intelligences.  Overtaking #EmotionalIntelligence!!
Rescooped by Antonios Bouris from 21st Century Learning and Teaching
January 5, 2018 3:42 AM!

The Future of Education is Unstructured Learning, and Here's Why

The Future of Education is Unstructured Learning, and Here's Why | Design, Science and Technology |
Unstructured learning is an authentic real-world way of learning. That’s because the real world itself doesn’t have neat compartments or set disciplines for success. It demands adaptability, patience, and a willingness to learn and to use what is learned in the moment. Most of all, it requires us to take full responsibility for what we learn.


It’s time to play and to let go of rigid teaching in favour of unstructured learning. For this to happen, teachers have to foster trust in their students. They have to be willing to take a step back and put a little slack on the reins of traditional pedagogy. In short, we need to let things get a little messy. Ease into it—it’s a bold step and it will transform everything.


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Via Nik Peachey, Gust MEES
Carlos Fosca's curator insight, December 26, 2017 8:36 AM

“El aprendizaje no estructurado ocurre cuando dejamos que los estudiantes jueguen sin una guía para que puedan sacar conclusiones por sí mismos. Sin embargo, todavía este tipo de aprendizaje requiere del apoyo del maestro, particularmente en las primeras etapas del proceso. Esto sucede en forma de diseño de escenarios, desarrollo de plantillas, formulación de preguntas orientadoras, etc. Al final, sin embargo, todos estos métodos están diseñados para apoyar y guiar a los estudiantes mientras caminan felices a través de lo desconocido”. (Global Digital Citizen Foundation, 2017)

Gust MEES's curator insight, January 4, 2018 8:57 AM
Unstructured learning is an authentic real-world way of learning. That’s because the real world itself doesn’t have neat compartments or set disciplines for success. It demands adaptability, patience, and a willingness to learn and to use what is learned in the moment. Most of all, it requires us to take full responsibility for what we learn.


It’s time to play and to let go of rigid teaching in favour of unstructured learning. For this to happen, teachers have to foster trust in their students. They have to be willing to take a step back and put a little slack on the reins of traditional pedagogy. In short, we need to let things get a little messy. Ease into it—it’s a bold step and it will transform everything.


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Jerry Busone's curator insight, January 5, 2018 8:14 AM

Unstructured learning brings real to your workshops and classroom. Its not YOU the teacher doing all the presenting but its about guiding and facilitating people through real world problems and allowing them to innovate,apply principles ,models  and come to their own conclusions. Just like there are many ways to lead and sell there are many ways to learn ... 

Rescooped by Antonios Bouris from 21st Century Learning and Teaching
December 22, 2017 1:57 AM!

Why Are Schools So Bad At Preparing Students For Modern Jobs? | #ModernEDU #ModernLEARNing #DigitalSkills #eSkills 

Why Are Schools So Bad At Preparing Students For Modern Jobs? | #ModernEDU #ModernLEARNing #DigitalSkills #eSkills  | Design, Science and Technology |

If schools are supposed to be training the workers of the future, the growing consensus is that most of them are not doing a very good job of it.


In a trend that seems long overdue, technology-based companies are increasingly turning inward to bridge the gap between the skills they need employees have and the skills they’re actually graduating from college with.


In 8 Critical Skills For A Modern Education, we offered one view of what ‘modern workplace’ skills might look like, and have argued many times that true ’21st-century learning’ should change what work looks like all together.


(Nevermind that, in our estimation anyway, the purpose of school is not job training.)


Still, companies (for now, anyway) need human workers with certain skills that, increasingly, they just don’t have. It’s nearly 2018, and the concept of 21st-century skills is more than two decades old now.


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Via Stephania Savva, Ph.D, Ivon Prefontaine, PhD, Gust MEES
Gust MEES's curator insight, December 20, 2017 5:03 PM

[Gust MEES] In my blog post I described about WHAT I would like to expect if I would own a company:


The MOST important anyway is that the learners get taught on <===> #LEARNing2LEARN for #LifelongLEARNing <===> in an EVER changing world to be able to adapt quickly!


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Presenters's curator insight, December 21, 2017 2:55 AM
Cuando los alumnos finalizan sus estudios, ¿están preparados para enfrentarse al mundo laboral? Este artículo opina que no es así...
Rescooped by Antonios Bouris from 21st Century Learning and Teaching
July 30, 2017 8:17 PM!

Innovate My School - How to develop effective edtech integration | #ModernEDU #ICT #Pedagogy

Innovate My School - How to develop effective edtech integration | #ModernEDU #ICT #Pedagogy | Design, Science and Technology |

Technology is bringing a holistic, radical change to the new generations’ life. The learners that we currently have in schools are those who Snapchat their daily life experiences, YouTube their practices and share their voices by tweeting; they have the world at the tips of their fingers.“The fear is that digital natives will start perceiving school as non-authentic.” In minutes, they can change a thought to a video, a live stream or a podcast that they can share globally.

Technology integration as a process

As mentioned earlier, technology integration is a process that is incorporated in lesson planning. It is not about picking up an app and forcing it into teaching to make it more attractive. With pedagogy steering the process, the first step is to identify the learning objectives. Typically, the teacher will then decide on the methods and assessment tools to achieve learning objectives in a student-centered learning environment. 


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Via Gust MEES
Gust MEES's curator insight, July 30, 2017 3:07 PM

Technology is bringing a holistic, radical change to the new generations’ life. The learners that we currently have in schools are those who Snapchat their daily life experiences, YouTube their practices and share their voices by tweeting; they have the world at the tips of their fingers.“The fear is that digital natives will start perceiving school as non-authentic.” In minutes, they can change a thought to a video, a live stream or a podcast that they can share globally.

Technology integration as a process

As mentioned earlier, technology integration is a process that is incorporated in lesson planning. It is not about picking up an app and forcing it into teaching to make it more attractive. With pedagogy steering the process, the first step is to identify the learning objectives. Typically, the teacher will then decide on the methods and assessment tools to achieve learning objectives in a student-centered learning environment. 


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Rescooped by Antonios Bouris from 21st Century Learning and Teaching
July 14, 2017 6:37 AM!

10 Social Media Marketing Mistakes And How to Avoid Making Them

10 Social Media Marketing Mistakes And How to Avoid Making Them | Design, Science and Technology |
We've committed many social media mistakes that have cost us reach, engagement, fans, and customers! Here's what we've learned and how you can avoid them.



Let’s get started…


Learn from These 10 Social Media Mistakes We’ve Made

Here’s a quick overview of the social media mistakes we’ve been making until recently:

  1. Focusing on quantity over quality
  2. Being on all social media platforms
  3. Posting the same content across platforms
  4. Using only landscape images and videos
  5. Sharing only our own content
  6. Not curating user-generated content
  7. Not uploading videos to social media platforms
  8. Not targeting specific audience for our content
  9. Not boosting the right posts
  10. Not replying to questions on social (fast enough)


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Via Daniel Watson, Gust MEES
Gust MEES's curator insight, July 13, 2017 9:48 AM
We've committed many social media mistakes that have cost us reach, engagement, fans, and customers! Here's what we've learned and how you can avoid them.



Let’s get started…


Learn from These 10 Social Media Mistakes We’ve Made

Here’s a quick overview of the social media mistakes we’ve been making until recently:

  1. Focusing on quantity over quality
  2. Being on all social media platforms
  3. Posting the same content across platforms
  4. Using only landscape images and videos
  5. Sharing only our own content
  6. Not curating user-generated content
  7. Not uploading videos to social media platforms
  8. Not targeting specific audience for our content
  9. Not boosting the right posts
  10. Not replying to questions on social (fast enough)


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Rescooped by Antonios Bouris from 21st Century Learning and Teaching
May 19, 2017 6:47 AM!

Return on Character | Character-driven leaders deliver five times greater financial returns for their organizations.

Return on Character | Character-driven leaders deliver five times greater financial returns for their organizations. | Design, Science and Technology |
Does the character of our leaders matter? According to research done by KRW International it really, really, does!

Welcome to a Leadership Channel Podcast on TotalPicture. Joining Peter Clayton today is Fred Kiel, PhD, co-founder of KRW International, the author of Return On Character. For more than thirty years, he has helped Fortune 500 CEOs and senior executives build organizational effectiveness through leadership excellence and mission alignment.


Strategy+Business considers Return on Character one of the best business books of 2015.

With Credit Suisse replacing their CEO after years of fines and the future of companies like Uber and Yahoo! being questioned because of bad CEO behavior, (or the current CEO poster boy, infamous former Turing CEO Martin Shkreli), could this be the wakeup call we need to start measuring how the character of a leader impacts their organization's performance?

For the first time we now have data to measure the correlation. In Return On Character (Harvard Business Review Press,), the findings are revealed from KRW International's seven-year study on the financial impact of character.


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Check also:



Via Gust MEES
Gust MEES's curator insight, May 18, 2017 9:48 AM
Does the character of our leaders matter? According to research done by KRW International it really, really, does!

Welcome to a Leadership Channel Podcast on TotalPicture. Joining Peter Clayton today is Fred Kiel, PhD, co-founder of KRW International, the author of Return On Character. For more than thirty years, he has helped Fortune 500 CEOs and senior executives build organizational effectiveness through leadership excellence and mission alignment.


Strategy+Business considers Return on Character one of the best business books of 2015.

With Credit Suisse replacing their CEO after years of fines and the future of companies like Uber and Yahoo! being questioned because of bad CEO behavior, (or the current CEO poster boy, infamous former Turing CEO Martin Shkreli), could this be the wakeup call we need to start measuring how the character of a leader impacts their organization's performance?

For the first time we now have data to measure the correlation. In Return On Character (Harvard Business Review Press,), the findings are revealed from KRW International's seven-year study on the financial impact of character.


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Check also:


Gerd Ingunn Opdal's curator insight, May 18, 2017 5:03 PM

Leiarskap; "klart hovud, varmt hjarta"

Rescooped by Antonios Bouris from 21st Century Learning and Teaching
January 14, 2017 9:36 PM!

How to transform schools into learning organisations? | #ModernEDUcation #LEARNing2LEARN 

How to transform schools into learning organisations? | #ModernEDUcation #LEARNing2LEARN  | Design, Science and Technology |
Schools nowadays are required to learn faster than ever before in order to deal effectively with the growing pressures of a rapidly changing environment. Many schools however, look much the same today as they did a generation ago, and too many teachers are not developing the pedagogies and practices required to meet the diverse needs of 21st-century learners.

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Via Gust MEES
Geemik Maria Açucena Da Silva's curator insight, January 15, 2017 11:00 AM
"Based on an in-depth analysis of the literature and informed by a small network of experts, the paper identifies and operationalises an integrated model that consists of seven over-arching ‘action-oriented' dimensions which show how to transform schools into learning organisations: Developing and sharing a vision centred on the learning of all students. Creating and supporting continuous learning opportunities for all staff. Promoting team learning and collaboration among all staff. Establishing a culture of inquiry, innovation and exploration. Embedding systems for collecting and exchanging knowledge and learning. Learning with and from the external environment and larger learning system. Modelling and growing learning leadership. In short, a school as learning organisation has the capacity to change and adapt routinely to new environments and circumstances as its members, individually and together, learn their way to realising their vision."
Dr. Deborah Brennan's curator insight, January 16, 2017 9:14 AM
Share your insight
Patrick Moreau /Luka Moro's curator insight, January 20, 2017 4:33 AM
Nouveaux modèles pour des écoles... Clair et les mentalités se réforment ;-)
Rescooped by Antonios Bouris from 21st Century Learning and Teaching
December 23, 2016 3:03 AM!

Teachers Need a Growth Mindset Too | #ModernEDU #ProfessionalDevelopment

Teachers Need a Growth Mindset Too | #ModernEDU #ProfessionalDevelopment | Design, Science and Technology |
Pushing our students to adopt a growth mindset is an easy call. Adopting one ourselves is harder.


Having a growth mindset doesn’t just mean learning about the theory and leaving it at that. It’s a constant process. Sometimes it’s difficult, often it’s a little painful, but it’s always worth the effort.

Six Tips for Instilling a Growth Mindset in Yourself

Focus on the hard stuff


Try innovative solutions, and if they don’t work, try some more.


Seek feedback wherever you can.


Reflect at the end of every day, especially the bad ones.


Notice the areas where you have a fixed mindset.


There’s a catch to learning a lot about growth mindset. Once we learn just how much of our lack of growth is a product of our attitude, it’s not so easy to write things off as impossible anymore.


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Via Gust MEES
Gust MEES's curator insight, December 22, 2016 8:10 AM
Pushing our students to adopt a growth mindset is an easy call. Adopting one ourselves is harder.


Having a growth mindset doesn’t just mean learning about the theory and leaving it at that. It’s a constant process. Sometimes it’s difficult, often it’s a little painful, but it’s always worth the effort.

Six Tips for Instilling a Growth Mindset in Yourself

Focus on the hard stuff


Try innovative solutions, and if they don’t work, try some more.


Seek feedback wherever you can.


Reflect at the end of every day, especially the bad ones.


Notice the areas where you have a fixed mindset.


There’s a catch to learning a lot about growth mindset. Once we learn just how much of our lack of growth is a product of our attitude, it’s not so easy to write things off as impossible anymore.


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Rescooped by Antonios Bouris from 21st Century Learning and Teaching
December 1, 2016 10:31 PM!

12 steps to a ‘Great Teacher’ reputation. | #Professional #EDUcators #TEACHers 

12 steps to a ‘Great Teacher’ reputation. | #Professional #EDUcators #TEACHers  | Design, Science and Technology |
Introduction. I'm celebrating writing my 100th post, by trying to link together various posts relating to teaching.  I suggest in my post 'How do I know how good my teachers are?' that there are three key sources that contribute to my judgement of the effectiveness of my teaching staff: Data - the measured outcomes from…


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Via Gust MEES
Gust MEES's curator insight, December 1, 2016 5:59 PM
Introduction. I'm celebrating writing my 100th post, by trying to link together various posts relating to teaching.  I suggest in my post 'How do I know how good my teachers are?' that there are three key sources that contribute to my judgement of the effectiveness of my teaching staff: Data - the measured outcomes from…


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Skip Gole's curator insight, December 2, 2016 9:37 PM
Share your insight
Rescooped by Antonios Bouris from 21st Century Learning and Teaching
November 4, 2016 2:27 AM!

Skills for Success in a Disruptive World of Work

Skills for Success in a Disruptive World of Work | Design, Science and Technology |
Skills young people should be learning to be prepared for a career in 2020 include:

The ability to concentrate, to focus deeply.


The ability to distinguish between the “noise” and the message in the ever-growing sea of information.


The ability to do public problem solving through cooperative work.


The ability to search effectively for information and to be able to discern the quality and veracity of the information one finds and then communicate these findings well.


Synthesizing skills (being able to bring together details from many sources).


The capability to be futures-minded through formal education in the practices of horizon-scanning, trends analysis and strategic foresight.”


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Via Gust MEES
David Baker's curator insight, December 14, 2016 2:50 PM
Infographic and discussion of the range of skills we need to help students learn as well as colleagues is helpful.  I was struggling with deep focus before I read this. It was a gentle reminder to step it up in many ways.
Gilson Schwartz's curator insight, December 18, 2016 8:30 AM
Antigamente a gente falava em "profissões do futuro". Agora são os "skills" do futuro"
Víctor Ríos Ochoa's curator insight, May 27, 2017 10:25 AM
Skills for Success in a Disruptive World of Work
Rescooped by Antonios Bouris from 21st Century Learning and Teaching
June 5, 2019 5:03 AM!

The Golden Age of Teaching Yourself Anything | #Autodidact

The Golden Age of Teaching Yourself Anything | #Autodidact | Design, Science and Technology |

There are several components, but the real shocker is that more of us aren't embracing the current age of access to mastery of any topic. But that may not be so surprising—most of us were taught to be passive learners, to just "get through" school. It's easy to be lazy. The rewards of becoming an autodidact, though, include igniting inner fires, making new connections to knowledge and skills you already have, advancing in your career, meeting kindred spirits, and cultivating an overall zest for life and its riches.


Via Gust MEES
Gust MEES's curator insight, May 31, 2019 6:06 AM

There are several components, but the real shocker is that more of us aren't embracing the current age of access to mastery of any topic. But that may not be so surprising—most of us were taught to be passive learners, to just "get through" school. It's easy to be lazy. The rewards of becoming an autodidact, though, include igniting inner fires, making new connections to knowledge and skills you already have, advancing in your career, meeting kindred spirits, and cultivating an overall zest for life and its riches.


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Mrs Lord's curator insight, May 31, 2019 7:59 PM
I've always felt 'different' because I genuinely love to learn, and most times it doesn't matter what...a combination of new experiences, new connections and new knowledge - maybe I just have a fondness for 'new'? 
Mayra Fonseca's curator insight, June 4, 2019 5:41 PM
Do it yourself 
Rescooped by Antonios Bouris from 21st Century Learning and Teaching
March 30, 2018 3:02 AM!

How AI Has Already Changed Your Life

How AI Has Already Changed Your Life | Design, Science and Technology |

For some people, artificial intelligence still makes them feel a little…uneasy. It’s often depicted as sinister-looking robots who will take over our lives and our jobs, or even replace humanity. 

The reality is, we are already in an age in which AI is infused into our everyday lives in ways that augment rather than replace people. Digital assistants such as Cortana can find you the closest restaurant, dictate a text to your friend, manage your email inbox and even help you create more beautiful PowerPoint presentations.  Whether you realise it or not, AI is an integral part of all these interactions. And while it’s not something you can often see or touch, I bet you’re already experiencing the benefits of AI every day.

Via Gust MEES
Gust MEES's curator insight, March 30, 2018 2:40 AM

For some people, artificial intelligence still makes them feel a little…uneasy. It’s often depicted as sinister-looking robots who will take over our lives and our jobs, or even replace humanity. 

The reality is, we are already in an age in which AI is infused into our everyday lives in ways that augment rather than replace people. Digital assistants such as Cortana can find you the closest restaurant, dictate a text to your friend, manage your email inbox and even help you create more beautiful PowerPoint presentations.  Whether you realise it or not, AI is an integral part of all these interactions. And while it’s not something you can often see or touch, I bet you’re already experiencing the benefits of AI every day.

So, how does AI technology actually work? AI is a machine’s ability to recognise images and words, learn and reason in ways that are similar to people. Data is the fuel for AI, and our world is awash with data as our daily interactions are increasingly digital. AI uses sophisticated algorithms to sort through piles of data, spot patterns and make predictions – tasks that would be repetitive and time-consuming, if not practically impossible, for people to do manually. AI can do this work on our behalf and give us back more of life’s most precious commodity - time.


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Miklos Szilagyi's curator insight, March 31, 2018 5:43 AM
Félünk (félünk?) a mesterséges intellingenciától, pedig különböző szintű megjelenési formáit full használjuk... az átalakulás, a változás folyamatos, az is lesz, hol lineáris, hol helyenként ugrásszerű, de hozzászokni már elkezdtünk... nem a távoli jövő az, amikor majd egyszerre csak ránk ugrik, mint egy tigris...:-)))
Miklos Szilagyi's curator insight, March 31, 2018 5:47 AM
“...AI is a machine’s ability to recognise images and words, learn and reason in ways that are similar to people. Data is the fuel for AI, and our world is awash with data as our daily interactions are increasingly digital...” - The AI is already makes a part of our daily life... it gives time for us to become acclimatized to it...
Rescooped by Antonios Bouris from 21st Century Learning and Teaching
March 9, 2018 5:00 AM!

We Need to Modernize Education. The Clock Is Ticking | #ModernEDU #ModernLEARNing #LEARNing2LEARN

We Need to Modernize Education. The Clock Is Ticking | #ModernEDU #ModernLEARNing #LEARNing2LEARN | Design, Science and Technology |

Flipping the curriculum could help us meet the demands of the artificial-intelligence era

Technologies such as artificial intelligence, robotics, and biotech are redefining what it means to be human—and employable.

Jobs are disappearing as automation replaces the need for people. New occupations are emerging that demand competencies that can transfer across the multiple assignments workers will experience in their lives. The disappearance of global boundaries presents opportunities—and risks—for all workers.

These changes demand a significant, ambitious evolution in how we prepare students for their future in a world that's increasingly volatile, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous. We need a relevant and modernized education.


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Via Gust MEES
laustenreed's curator insight, March 8, 2018 3:48 PM

Looking into the future Of Distance Education. Is this reality?

Chong Jiaxuan's comment, March 9, 2018 9:58 AM
According to the article, education now focusses more on information and data, followed by understanding and knowledge, and in last place, transfer of expertise. However, in the future, when artificial intelligence becomes common, education needs to focus on transfer of expertise before everything else. I feel that this is rather true. Knowledge of events and subjects might give you a boost in your career, but what is more important is the skills to learn, which is the transfer of expertise. Education needs to shift in order to meet this demand of skills needed in the future.
Julián David Cano's curator insight, March 20, 2018 7:14 PM
It can be evidenced that a lot of aspects of education continue being as traditional as always. Nevertheless, I must highlight that nowadays people are becoming aware about the importance of incorporating technology into the classrooms. Although people are becoming aware, taking advantage of technology to improve the learning process is still a challenge.

This article is really interesting due to the fact that it provides specific examples of skills needed in this century, and that can be achieved through the use of technological devices. Also, this article made me think about my role as a future teacher and the responsibility to start making little changes into the classrooms in order to improve education and contribute positive aspects to it. it is clear that the article makes a direct relationship about technology and education, and how to prepare students to deal with the 21st century skills.
Rescooped by Antonios Bouris from 21st Century Learning and Teaching
February 9, 2018 2:30 AM!

5 ways to get your readers to actually finish your articles | #Press #Journalism #Publishers #Blogging

5 ways to get your readers to actually finish your articles | #Press #Journalism #Publishers #Blogging | Design, Science and Technology |

The challenge of dwindling attention spans
There’s a well-recycled statistic out there that says the human attention span has dwindled from 12 seconds at the start of the century to less than 8 seconds today. And while some people argue the legitimacy of this data point, the reality is that attention spans certainly aren’t getting any better. The multisensory nature of the internet, social media, and other digital technologies is rewiring the human brain and making it harder for people to stay focused on singular tasks and objectives – both online and offline.


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Via Gust MEES
Gust MEES's curator insight, February 7, 2018 6:02 PM

The challenge of dwindling attention spans
There’s a well-recycled statistic out there that says the human attention span has dwindled from 12 seconds at the start of the century to less than 8 seconds today. And while some people argue the legitimacy of this data point, the reality is that attention spans certainly aren’t getting any better. The multisensory nature of the internet, social media, and other digital technologies is rewiring the human brain and making it harder for people to stay focused on singular tasks and objectives – both online and offline.


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Rescooped by Antonios Bouris from 21st Century Learning and Teaching
December 28, 2017 5:28 PM!

How Artificial Intelligence is Making Big Data Better Than Ever | #AI 

How Artificial Intelligence is Making Big Data Better Than Ever | #AI  | Design, Science and Technology |
The concept of Big Data is a relatively new one. It denotes the availability of vast volumes and sources of data, which were not available before. By itself, Big Data is powerful, and when combined with Artificial Intelligence and machine learning, the opportunities presented by this combination are just endless.  As big data moves to the maturity phase, firms are now looking for ways to combine the scale of AI and the agility of Big Data processes to bring about an acceleration on the delivery of the much-needed business value.

The Power of Combining AI and Big Data
Most businesses are data-driven. As a result, firms with the right type and quantity of data has the upper hand over rivals. Convergence between AI and big data is promising. Firms can now access large volumes of broken down and categorized data by their usefulness. Traditional computer processors cannot process big data. Big data can best be processed by a GPU database, which has the flexibility needed to handle a significant amount of data of different types.


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Via Gust MEES
Gust MEES's curator insight, December 27, 2017 5:03 PM
The concept of Big Data is a relatively new one. It denotes the availability of vast volumes and sources of data, which were not available before. By itself, Big Data is powerful, and when combined with Artificial Intelligence and machine learning, the opportunities presented by this combination are just endless.  As big data moves to the maturity phase, firms are now looking for ways to combine the scale of AI and the agility of Big Data processes to bring about an acceleration on the delivery of the much-needed business value.

The Power of Combining AI and Big Data
Most businesses are data-driven. As a result, firms with the right type and quantity of data has the upper hand over rivals. Convergence between AI and big data is promising. Firms can now access large volumes of broken down and categorized data by their usefulness. Traditional computer processors cannot process big data. Big data can best be processed by a GPU database, which has the flexibility needed to handle a significant amount of data of different types.


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Rescooped by Antonios Bouris from 21st Century Learning and Teaching
August 30, 2017 12:12 AM!

e-Estonia — We have built a digital society and so can you

e-Estonia — We have built a digital society and so can you | Design, Science and Technology |
Named ‘the most advanced digital society in the world’ by Wired, ingenious Estonians are pathfinders, who have built an efficient, secure and transparent ecosystem that saves time and money. e-Estonia invites you to follow the digital journey.


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Via Gust MEES
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Rescooped by Antonios Bouris from 21st Century Learning and Teaching
July 21, 2017 8:34 AM!

Teaching 21st Century Skills For 21st Century Success Requires An Ecosystem Approach | #eSkills #ICT

Teaching 21st Century Skills For 21st Century Success Requires An Ecosystem Approach | #eSkills #ICT | Design, Science and Technology |
It is almost universally acknowledged that in order to succeed in the 21st century, students must learn much more than the “three Rs” and basic computer competency.


The term “21st century skills” is used often in educational circles to refer to a range of abilities and competencies that go beyond what has traditionally been taught in the classroom, including problem solving, communication, collaboration, creativity and innovation. Others define the term as “information literacy, media literacy, and information, communication and technology literacy.”


More importantly, students need these skills because employers across a huge variety of industries increasingly demand them. A recent McKinsey report indicated that close to 40 percent of employers could not find people with the right skills while 60 percent “complain[ed] of a lack of preparation.” Even jobs that were once considered vocationalsuch as welding, petroleum production, and even factory work, are now high tech, and require specialized knowledge that includes not only a robust science background and familiarity with the computerized machinery that keeps heavy industry humming, but also critical thinking and collaboration skills. In other words, 21st century job growth is outpacing our ability to develop a prepared workforce, making it more critical than ever to teach these skills.


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Via Gust MEES
Rescooped by Antonios Bouris from 21st Century Learning and Teaching
May 26, 2017 5:05 AM!

Developing a Growth Mindset in Teachers and Staff | #ProfessionalDevelopment #ModernEDU

Developing a Growth Mindset in Teachers and Staff | #ProfessionalDevelopment #ModernEDU | Design, Science and Technology |
An idea that is beginning to gain a lot of favour in educational circles at the moment is the notion of fixed versus growth mindsets, and how they might relate to students and learning. Based on the work of Stanford University psychologist, Carol Dweck, the idea of mindset is related to our understanding of where ability comes from. It has recently been seized upon by educators as a tool to explore our knowledge of student achievement, and ways that such achievement might be improved.


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Via Gust MEES
Tea Vella's curator insight, May 31, 2017 7:26 PM
A really insightful article about Carol Dweck's Fixed vs Growth mindset theory. 
Alana Ford's comment, June 3, 2017 4:58 AM
Found this article very insightful.
Jillian Schaibly's curator insight, July 25, 2017 9:43 PM
This article talks about professional development with teachers and staff and understanding how to make us worth while for everyone. As a administrator professional development needs to be planned and thought out. Also needs to be relevant to the staff that is participating.
Rescooped by Antonios Bouris from 21st Century Learning and Teaching
January 20, 2017 3:25 AM!

Kubo, the robot that teaches kids to code, is now available for preorder | #Coding #MakerED #MakerSpaces

Kubo, the robot that teaches kids to code, is now available for preorder | #Coding #MakerED #MakerSpaces | Design, Science and Technology |
We saw tons of new stuff at CES this year. But one thing that particularly caught our eye was Kubo, the robot that teaches kids how to code.

Kubo is a pretty simple robot – it’s about the size of a can of soda and has two wheels that allow it to roll around a desk or table. But what it lacks in advanced physical ability it makes up for in brains.

Kubo comes with its own programming language called TagTile. The language consists of puzzle pieces that fit together to give Kubo instructions. For example, you could connect three pieces together – forward, turn, then another forward. Kubo then drives over these pieces oncer to “learn” the command, then can remember and perform it without needing the pieces.

Kubo reads the puzzle pieces using an RFID technology – each piece has an individual embedded RFID tag, and Kubo itself has a reader built in.

While it sounds simple, it’s a pretty good way to teach kids the basics of programming without having them stare at a screen.


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Via Gust MEES
Gust MEES's curator insight, January 18, 2017 5:22 AM
We saw tons of new stuff at CES this year. But one thing that particularly caught our eye was Kubo, the robot that teaches kids how to code.

Kubo is a pretty simple robot – it’s about the size of a can of soda and has two wheels that allow it to roll around a desk or table. But what it lacks in advanced physical ability it makes up for in brains.

Kubo comes with its own programming language called TagTile. The language consists of puzzle pieces that fit together to give Kubo instructions. For example, you could connect three pieces together – forward, turn, then another forward. Kubo then drives over these pieces oncer to “learn” the command, then can remember and perform it without needing the pieces.

Kubo reads the puzzle pieces using an RFID technology – each piece has an individual embedded RFID tag, and Kubo itself has a reader built in.

While it sounds simple, it’s a pretty good way to teach kids the basics of programming without having them stare at a screen.


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RESENTICE's curator insight, January 19, 2017 6:07 AM

Kubo le robot qui permet d'apprendre à coder

Rescooped by Antonios Bouris from 21st Century Learning and Teaching
January 13, 2017 1:50 AM!

A Quick-Guide To Teaching Empathy In The Classroom | #Understanding each other | #ModernEDU

A Quick-Guide To Teaching Empathy In The Classroom | #Understanding each other | #ModernEDU | Design, Science and Technology |
By teaching students these skills in an authentic, applicable way, will they see each other differently? It’s worth finding out. With so many curricular and time restraints on teachers, how can we be expected to explicitly teach empathy in a meaningful way?

A Definition Of Empathy

Webster’s dictionary defines empathy as: the action of understanding, being aware of, being sensitive to, and vicariously experiencing the feelings, thoughts, and experience of another of either in the past or present without having the feelings, thoughts, and experience fully communicated in an objectively explicit manner; also: the capacity for this.


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Via Gust MEES
Gust MEES's curator insight, January 9, 2017 1:54 PM
By teaching students these skills in an authentic, applicable way, will they see each other differently? It’s worth finding out. With so many curricular and time restraints on teachers, how can we be expected to explicitly teach empathy in a meaningful way?

A Definition Of Empathy

Webster’s dictionary defines empathy as: the action of understanding, being aware of, being sensitive to, and vicariously experiencing the feelings, thoughts, and experience of another of either in the past or present without having the feelings, thoughts, and experience fully communicated in an objectively explicit manner; also: the capacity for this.


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Rescooped by Antonios Bouris from 21st Century Learning and Teaching
December 10, 2016 8:00 PM!

The school of the future has opened in Finland | #ModernEDU #Europe

The school of the future has opened in Finland | #ModernEDU #Europe | Design, Science and Technology |
Hopefully every school will be like this one day.


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Via Gust MEES
Gust MEES's curator insight, December 9, 2016 6:37 PM
Hopefully every school will be like this one day.


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Comunipedia 3.0 's curator insight, December 9, 2016 6:52 PM
Más información sobre educación 3.0 en Finlandia:
Rescooped by Antonios Bouris from 21st Century Learning and Teaching
November 18, 2016 4:12 AM!

Three Tools for Teaching Critical Thinking and Problem Solving Skills | #IntegrativeTHINKing

Three Tools for Teaching Critical Thinking and Problem Solving Skills | #IntegrativeTHINKing | Design, Science and Technology |
As the world economy shifts away from manufacturing jobs and towards service industry and creative jobs, there’s a consensus among parents, educators, politicians and business leaders that it is crucial students graduate into university or the workforce with the ability to identify and solve complex problems, think critically about information, work effectively in teams and communicate clearly about their thinking.


Originally developed by Rotman’s former dean, Roger Martin, integrative thinking is a broad term to describe looking for solutions through the tensions inherent in different viewpoints. Martin noticed that effective CEOs understood that their own world view was limited, so they sought out opposing viewpoints and came to creative solutions by leveraging seemingly opposing positions. For the past seven years, a spin-off group called the I-Think Initiative has been training teachers in the Toronto area on how integrative thinking can build critical thinking in students from a young age.


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Via Nik Peachey, Ana Pérez Escoda, Gust MEES
Rosemary Tyrrell, Ed.D.'s curator insight, November 21, 2016 1:15 PM
Excellent article with some terrific ideas. I liked this insight particularly:  "the brain is wired to prioritize data that confirms the model a person already holds."
PEEP Matisse's curator insight, November 29, 2016 10:34 AM
article touffu en anglais, mais des idées intéressantes