Everything about Flash
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Everything about Flash
Everything about the Flash Platform
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Scooped by Nicolas Bousquet
June 17, 2014 5:35 AM

We are Tastenkunst, interactive developers.

A tech demo and watermarked SDK to do some Face Tracking with Flash !

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Scooped by Nicolas Bousquet
January 7, 2014 10:49 AM

Easily Get the Best Context3D « JacksonDunstan.com

JacksonDunstan.com covers AS3 programming for Flash and other forms of web programming with an emphasis on high performance
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Scooped by Nicolas Bousquet
January 7, 2014 10:24 AM


GPS | Everything about Flash | Scoop.it
GPS is a native extension to use the geographical location information of a device.
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Scooped by Nicolas Bousquet
January 7, 2014 10:19 AM

ActionScript Workers: Condition Class Demo « JacksonDunstan.com

JacksonDunstan.com covers AS3 programming for Flash and other forms of web programming with an emphasis on high performance
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Scooped by Nicolas Bousquet
January 7, 2014 10:10 AM

Create a Flash game like Space is Key with a lot of room for customization - Emanuele Feronato

Create a Flash game like Space is Key with a lot of room for customization - Emanuele Feronato | Everything about Flash | Scoop.it
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Scooped by Nicolas Bousquet
January 7, 2014 10:08 AM


AS3ATF | Everything about Flash | Scoop.it
AS3ATF is a library to read, write and inspect Adobe's Texture Format (ATF) files.
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Scooped by Nicolas Bousquet
December 9, 2013 3:37 AM


as3filters | Everything about Flash | Scoop.it
as3filters is a library with a variety of filters for image processing.
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Scooped by Nicolas Bousquet
December 9, 2013 3:34 AM

Technology Demo: Adobe Primetime 1.2 With Native HLS Support in Flash Player

Technology Demo: Adobe Primetime 1.2 With Native HLS Support in Flash Player | Everything about Flash | Scoop.it
I am very excited to showcase a brand new Adobe Primetime feature, native HLS support in Flash Player.
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Scooped by Nicolas Bousquet
December 3, 2013 3:28 AM


ZipManager | Everything about Flash | Scoop.it
ZipManager is a native extension to extract (unzip) zipped files, compress files & folders and download files from Internet on Android devices.
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Scooped by Nicolas Bousquet
December 3, 2013 3:27 AM

ActionScript Workers: Sharing ByteArrays « JacksonDunstan.com

JacksonDunstan.com covers AS3 programming for Flash and other forms of web programming with an emphasis on high performance
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Scooped by Nicolas Bousquet
December 3, 2013 3:25 AM

Creating A Better Assert Function « JacksonDunstan.com

JacksonDunstan.com covers AS3 programming for Flash and other forms of web programming with an emphasis on high performance
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Scooped by Nicolas Bousquet
December 3, 2013 3:20 AM


MicroPather | Everything about Flash | Scoop.it
MicroPather is an AS3 port of Lee Thomason's C++ A* solver.
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Scooped by Nicolas Bousquet
December 3, 2013 3:15 AM


TorAS | Everything about Flash | Scoop.it
TorAS is an ActionScript implementation of the Tor control and communication (SOCKS5) protocols.
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Scooped by Nicolas Bousquet
January 14, 2014 3:32 AM

Codebot: an IDE focused on gamedev

Codebot: an IDE focused on gamedev | Everything about Flash | Scoop.it
I decided to kick off 2014 with a project that I've been willing to develop for a while.
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Scooped by Nicolas Bousquet
January 7, 2014 10:26 AM

Multi-Line Strings « JacksonDunstan.com

JacksonDunstan.com covers AS3 programming for Flash and other forms of web programming with an emphasis on high performance
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Scooped by Nicolas Bousquet
January 7, 2014 10:22 AM


Argonaut | Everything about Flash | Scoop.it
Argonaut is an AS3/JSON serializer/deserializer.
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Scooped by Nicolas Bousquet
January 7, 2014 10:16 AM

Native Toast

Native Toast | Everything about Flash | Scoop.it
Native Toast is a native extensions that allows the use of custom toast messages.
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Scooped by Nicolas Bousquet
January 7, 2014 10:09 AM

Flash Daily: JH3D preview From Jason Huang: Finally I...

Flash Daily: JH3D preview From Jason Huang: Finally I... | Everything about Flash | Scoop.it
JH3D preview
From Jason Huang:
“ Finally I implement a full HDR rendering pipeline with my own engine JH3D (3D game engine for Adobe Flash 11+). Of cause there is no floating texture at the moment. I...
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Scooped by Nicolas Bousquet
January 7, 2014 10:07 AM

ActionScript Workers: Condition Class Example « JacksonDunstan.com

JacksonDunstan.com covers AS3 programming for Flash and other forms of web programming with an emphasis on high performance
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Scooped by Nicolas Bousquet
December 3, 2013 3:30 AM

ActionScript Workers: Changing ByteArray Length « JacksonDunstan.com

JacksonDunstan.com covers AS3 programming for Flash and other forms of web programming with an emphasis on high performance
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Scooped by Nicolas Bousquet
December 3, 2013 3:28 AM


ANE-MultiPeerConnectivity | Everything about Flash | Scoop.it
ANE-MultiPeerConnectivity is a native extension to detect nearby iOS7 devices and send them messages.
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Scooped by Nicolas Bousquet
December 3, 2013 3:26 AM

Creating an iOS Style Blurry Overlay in Flex

Creating an iOS Style Blurry Overlay in Flex | Everything about Flash | Scoop.it
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Scooped by Nicolas Bousquet
December 3, 2013 3:24 AM

Flash Player 12 Beta

Flash Player 12 Beta | Everything about Flash | Scoop.it
Today we are excited to announce the beta availability of our next Flash Player and AIR releases, code-named "Jones". With this release, we introduce a new numbering scheme for our product versions.
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Scooped by Nicolas Bousquet
December 3, 2013 3:18 AM

Creating your own backgrounds with Adobe Photoshop Scripting - Emanuele Feronato

Creating your own backgrounds with Adobe Photoshop Scripting - Emanuele Feronato | Everything about Flash | Scoop.it
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