Feedback That Serves
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Feedback That Serves
Talking about others behind their back is a cancer in organizations. Although we tend to prefer this method, it is not sustainable.
Curated by AlGonzalezinfo
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Scooped by AlGonzalezinfo
October 9, 2012 5:04 PM!

Shama Kabani tackles the question: How can an independent consultant work better?

Shama Kabani tackles the question: How can an independent consultant work better? | Feedback That Serves |

In fact, a new study by MBO Partners on the State of Independence shows that the independent workforce is set to grow to 23 million in the next five years.

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Rescooped by AlGonzalezinfo from #BetterLeadership
June 5, 2012 9:37 AM!

Communication Model

Communication Model | Feedback That Serves |

Very cool animated slide show on feedback models!

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Rescooped by AlGonzalezinfo from Executive Feedback
June 1, 2012 8:05 AM!

Ten Guidelines for Clean Customer Feedback Data

Ten Guidelines for Clean Customer Feedback Data | Feedback That Serves |

".The problem of poor quality customer feedback data is potentially extensive when you consider the different uses of the customer feedback data across your company.

Marketing, examining specific customers’ attitudes over extended periods of time (longitudinal analysis), simply compound data error problems, which could mask real differences or inadvertently show a relationship where none exists. Merging these error-ridden customer feedback data with other data sources (e.g., financial, operational, constituency) minimize the value of the entire, merged database (a major issue when dealing with “Big Data”). Data errors will limit your ability to uncover operational drivers of customer satisfaction or financial consequences of customer loyalty.Integration of poor customer feedback data into your customer relationship management (CRM) system/process will adversely impact account management activities (e.g., you think your contact in your Account is satisfied, when, in reality, she is not)."

Via Metrinomics
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Scooped by AlGonzalezinfo
May 31, 2012 9:34 PM!

Important training in how to deliver feedback as a manager « Tech « The Intelligent Writing on International Finance Blog

Important training in how to deliver feedback as a manager « Tech « The Intelligent Writing on International Finance Blog | Feedback That Serves |
Feedback is crucial as a manager but how you do it can isolate your team if you get it wrong.
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Rescooped by AlGonzalezinfo from Global Leaders
March 27, 2012 6:51 AM!

TechCrunch | Klout and PeerIndex Don’t Measure Influence. Brian Solis Explains What They Actually Do

TechCrunch | Klout and PeerIndex Don’t Measure Influence. Brian Solis Explains What They Actually Do | Feedback That Serves |
Whether you like it not, Klout, Kred, PeerIndex, and Radian6 are measuring your social capital -- not your influence but your potential for it.

Via Maria Cristina Terenzio, Anne Egros
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Scooped by AlGonzalezinfo
March 4, 2012 9:02 PM!

Personal Mastery And Effective Communication | Windows 8 2012

Personal Mastery And Effective Communication | Windows 8 2012 | Feedback That Serves |
We should develop effective feedback. We should give and receive criticisms openly. Aside from that, when giving ... Effective leadership.
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Scooped by AlGonzalezinfo
February 20, 2012 6:29 PM!

Five Tips to Make Feedback Count - Talent Management magazine

Five Tips to Make Feedback Count - Talent Management magazine | Feedback That Serves |
Talent Management magazine, The Business of Talent Management...
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Scooped by AlGonzalezinfo
January 5, 2012 8:21 PM!

Giving Feedback – Seagull Style — Giving Feedback

Giving Feedback – Seagull Style — Giving Feedback | Feedback That Serves |
Uncertain leaders give feedback in a seagull fashion. Imagine if you will a Seagull with a full stomach, flying over a beach.
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Scooped by AlGonzalezinfo
January 14, 2012 10:15 AM!

6 Steps to Sustainable Teams: Start with Strengths

6 Steps to Sustainable Teams: Start with Strengths | Feedback That Serves |

A great leader does what they can to make themselves and people around them succeed and excel to their fullest potential.


Read full article here:

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Scooped by AlGonzalezinfo
January 5, 2012 7:45 PM!

Three Questions for Effective Feedback - Eric's blog (a.k.a. musings ...

Three Questions for Effective Feedback - Eric's blog (a.k.a. musings ... | Feedback That Serves |
Like most organizations, we have a formal mechanism for the boss to provide feedback to the employee — the annual performance review — but we don't have any formal mechanism for the employee to give feedback to the ...
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Rescooped by AlGonzalezinfo from #BetterLeadership
June 7, 2012 9:55 PM!

Leadership Skills: Forgiveness and Feedback

Leadership Skills: Forgiveness and Feedback | Feedback That Serves |

...forgiveness is not weak, cowardly, or a retreat. It is a gift that requires strength and the ability to create transformational change...

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Scooped by AlGonzalezinfo
June 4, 2012 6:02 AM!

How to motivate employees - Korea Times

How to motivate employees - Korea Times | Feedback That Serves |
Korea TimesHow to motivate employeesKorea TimesBy Aon Hewitt Korea Everyone in any organization asks himself a single meaningful question ― “Is there a compelling reason for me to work here?” If you never ask this question, you must be in trouble.
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Scooped by AlGonzalezinfo
May 31, 2012 9:56 PM!

Workplace Gossip Can be Engaging and Intriguing Until You Get Caught

Workplace Gossip Can be Engaging and Intriguing Until You Get Caught | Feedback That Serves |

"As I drove home that evening I faced the realization that I had formed an opinion on another person based on some other person’s impression and worse, based on pure gossip and hearsay!"

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Rescooped by AlGonzalezinfo from Communication & Leadership
May 3, 2012 3:56 PM!

6 Steps to Sustainable Leadership: Feedback Mechanisms

6 Steps to Sustainable Leadership: Feedback Mechanisms | Feedback That Serves |
Have you ever heard anything like this at your office or workplace: “How dare Roberto tell ME that I could do better? He just wants to get all the credit and attention after we do all the wor...

Via Amy Ragsdale
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Scooped by AlGonzalezinfo
March 20, 2012 8:43 PM!

Are You Willing to Listen to Feedback?

Are You Willing to Listen to Feedback? | Feedback That Serves |
Learning to graciously respond to constructive feedback is one of the most important skills you can ever learn.


But we aren’t taught how to do it in school or at home. Most people respond with defensiveness, excuses, or withdrawal. Those reactions shut down communication, so the recipient of the feedback doesn’t learn anything, and the behavior doesn’t change.

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Scooped by AlGonzalezinfo
March 3, 2012 6:43 PM!

Workforce Performance Resources

U.S.Office of Personnel Management...
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Scooped by AlGonzalezinfo
January 17, 2012 9:22 PM!

Creating a Communications Culture to Enhance Performance ...

If you need to improve performance in your organization, take a close look at the effectiveness of your organization¡¦s feedback mechanisms, and the skill level people have with these essential communication tools.
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Scooped by AlGonzalezinfo
January 14, 2012 10:20 AM!

Feedback Mechanism by Al Gonzalez on Prezi

This prezi showcases tools and techniques that can aid in delivering feedback that serves.  For details visit at

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Scooped by AlGonzalezinfo
January 7, 2012 9:36 AM!

Positive Feedback. An exercise To Make Positive Feedback A habit In Your Team

Positive feedback will help you to focus on getting more of the behaviors you want...for yourself and for your team.
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Scooped by AlGonzalezinfo
January 5, 2012 7:42 PM!

Giving Constructive Feedback - For Dummies

Giving Constructive Feedback - For Dummies | Feedback That Serves |
Performance feedback can be given two ways: through constructive feedback or through praise and criticism.
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