Energy Transition in Europe |
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July 25, 10:02 AM!

Cities should be designed to incorporate lots of green space, the study recommends.

Cities should be designed to incorporate lots of green space, the study recommends. | Energy Transition in Europe | |

 Children living in greener neighbourhoods have better lung function, according to a new study.

The research, led by the Barcelona Institute for Global Health (ISGlobal), looked at data from 35,000 children in eight different European countries - Denmark, France, Italy, Lithuania, Norway, the Netherlands, Spain and the UK.

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Scooped by Energy Cities
July 25, 8:06 AM!

Decarbonizing the local economies doesn’t need to be a drag | TheMayor.EU

Decarbonizing the local economies doesn’t need to be a drag | TheMayor.EU | Energy Transition in Europe | |
The “Seizing the Chance: From Coal Ash to Solar Cash” webinar, organized by TheMayor.EU in partnership with the European Investment Bank (EIB), took place on 4 June. Read the main takeaways.
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Scooped by Energy Cities
July 25, 7:51 AM!

Solar balconies are booming in Germany. Here’s what you need to know about the popular home tech | Euronews

Solar balconies are booming in Germany. Here’s what you need to know about the popular home tech | Euronews | Energy Transition in Europe | |
This new wave of solar producers aren’t just getting cheap electricity, they’re also participating in the energy transition.

More than 500,000 plug-in solar systems have been installed in Germany, most of them taking up a seamless spot on people’s balconies.
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Scooped by Energy Cities
July 24, 11:32 AM!

The heating challenge facing Europe’s new leadership

The heating challenge facing Europe’s new leadership | Energy Transition in Europe | |
Accelerating the rollout of decarbonised, renewable and affordable heating and cooling means energy sovereignty and a host of co-benefits for EU industry and citizens alike. The new European Commission leadership must act now to position heating and cooling decarbonisation as a key pillar for the 2024-2029 policy cycle, says Delia Villagrasa of the Cool Heating Coalition
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Scooped by Energy Cities
July 24, 10:11 AM!


News | Energy Transition in Europe | |
Efficient Buildings Europe (formerly EuroAce) welcomes that the Commission President acknowledged the importance of addressing the housing crisis among her political priorities, claiming a sustainable future with affordable housing is within reach.
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July 17, 10:34 AM! - OFCEpbrief134.pdf

202416 July
The European Union (EU) has embarked on an ambitious ecological transition based on the European Green Deal, which aims to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050. This Policy brief examines the environmental policies put in place by the von der Leyen Commission and analyzes their impact on the European economy and the different countries. The Green Deal includes measures to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, promote the circular economy and protect biodiversity.

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Scooped by Energy Cities
July 1, 7:47 AM!

Climate Citizens’ Assemblies Spring to Life in Europe

In a world grappling with the climate crisis, social unrest, and polarisation undermining democracy, an oasis of ideas for a better future has bloomed. It happened in Milan during the Spring School on Climate Citizens’ Assemblies. The two-day event brought to the same room the instigators of the next wave of participatory democracy that looms on the horizon. Uncover their stories, insights, and dreams for a greener tomorrow for Europe.
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June 14, 8:57 AM!

After Bonn and towards COP 29: the battle on finance and the role of financing plans for the transition

Climate negotiations started in Bonn last week with a straightforward message on the relevance of finance and the revised climate commitments under the Paris Agreement. During the opening ceremony of the sixtieth sessions of the subsidiary bodies (SB 60) of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), Simon Stiell –Executive Secretary– highlighted the need to “make serious progress on finance, the great enabler of climate action” and to aim for bolder, broader and inclusive third generation Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs 3.0) that “can serve as blueprints to propel economies and societies forward and drive more resilience”.
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May 30, 9:37 AM!

Belgium to champion citizen energy at ministerial summit | Euronews

Belgium to champion citizen energy at ministerial summit | Euronews | Energy Transition in Europe | |
Speaking exclusively to Euronews, Belgium's energy minister Tinne Van der Straeten explains why she is pushing for governments to recognise the important contribution community electricity projects and cooperatives could make to Europe's energy transition.
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April 23, 6:07 AM!

What is Agroecology?  | REVOLVE

What is Agroecology?  | REVOLVE | Energy Transition in Europe | |
At the origin of agroecology is the recognition that agriculture is deeply interconnected with the environment. By understanding and consider agriculture as a natural ecosystem, agroecologists aim to maximize the benefits of ecological processes while minimizing negative impacts on the environment. This involves 3 main points focusing in: promoting biodiversity, enhancing soil health and conserving water resources.
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April 22, 5:56 AM!

These child-friendly mobility devices are all the rage in Finnish cities | TheMayor.EU

Muksubussi are becoming increasingly popular in Finnish kindergartens as a mode of transportation for nature-based and healthy habit-forming activities.
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Scooped by Energy Cities
April 22, 5:49 AM!

New tool empowers regions in their energy transition across Europe – Energy in Demand – Sustainable Energy – Rod Janssen

New tool empowers regions in their energy transition across Europe – Energy in Demand – Sustainable Energy – Rod Janssen | Energy Transition in Europe | |
The REGIO1st Planning Framework provides a comprehensive, structured approach for regional energy planners in Europe to develop and implement sustainable, cost-effective energy strategies in line with the Energy Efficiency First (EE1st) principle.

Regions and cities play a key role in the energy transition across Europe, as they are the main channel for the implementation of the Green Deal1, and of its climate and energy objectives. They are the main players involved in energy transition on-site being in direct contact with the reality and challenges on the ground.
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April 22, 5:21 AM!

AVIS de l'ADEME - La transition juste

AVIS de l'ADEME - La transition juste | Energy Transition in Europe | |
Il y a beaucoup plus à perdre qu'à gagner à l'inaction climatique en France et dans le monde. La notion de " transition juste ", inscrite au préambule de l'accord de Paris, ne dit pas autre chose. Il s'agit bien, en premier, de faire la transition car c'est un objectif d'intérêt général majeur, qui conditionne à terme, tous les autres.

La transition juste est une transition :
- qui accompagne la cessation ou la mutation des activités brunes et le développement des activités vertes …
- tout en tenant compte des vulnérabilités propres aux différentes composantes de nos sociétés et de nos économies.
- et qui soit élaborée le plus démocratiquement possible par l'ensemble des parties prenantes, dont les citoyens, les ONG, les syndicats, les entreprises et les collectivités, aux différentes échelles territoriales.

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July 25, 9:50 AM!

Tackling climate change and its consequences needs urgent investment – Energy in Demand – Sustainable Energy – Rod Janssen

Tackling climate change and its consequences needs urgent investment – Energy in Demand – Sustainable Energy – Rod Janssen | Energy Transition in Europe | |
Moazzam Malik, managing director at the World Resources Institute and honorary professor at the UCL Policy Lab writes on the Climate Home News website, stating that a new global deal on financing is needed. He argues that a more effective framework led by the UN could involve a binding financial target, a role for emerging…
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July 25, 8:03 AM!

Riga residents can check the energy efficiency of their building thanks to a heat map | TheMayor.EU

Riga residents can check the energy efficiency of their building thanks to a heat map | TheMayor.EU | Energy Transition in Europe | |
Riga municipality is offering residents an interactive heat map, which shows the energy efficiency of individual residential buildings on the territory of the city.
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Scooped by Energy Cities
July 25, 6:14 AM!

Who will be the next European commissioners? –

Who will be the next European commissioners? – | Energy Transition in Europe | |
Each country gets one commissioner. Von der Leyen counts as Germany's choice and Kaja Kallas, backed by EU leaders to be the next foreign policy chief, will be Estonia's representative (the foreign policy chief is appointed by the European Council but is a vice-president of the Commission). Von der Leyen is asking each country to nominate a man and a woman, except when the incumbent commissioner is staying on.
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Scooped by Energy Cities
July 24, 10:13 AM!

Confusion on France’s renewable commitments in national energy, climate plan – Euractiv

Confusion on France’s renewable commitments in national energy, climate plan – Euractiv | Energy Transition in Europe | |
France’s surprise inclusion of a 2030 target for renewable energy production in its energy and climate plans appeared to diffuse a long dispute with the European Commission, but experts are struggling to understand what the new figures actually mean.
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Scooped by Energy Cities
July 24, 10:08 AM!

Affordable Housing in Europe  | REVOLVE

Affordable Housing in Europe  | REVOLVE | Energy Transition in Europe | |
Sorcha Edwards, General Secretary of Housing of Europe, discusses housing crisis and potential solutions  The housing crisis in Europe is a multifaceted is
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Scooped by Energy Cities
July 16, 1:34 AM!

European Parliament inaugural plenary - Live insights and updates | Euronews

European Parliament inaugural plenary - Live insights and updates | Euronews | Energy Transition in Europe | |
This week, Euronews takes you behind the scenes of a decisive plenary session establishing the new European leadership. Will MEPs reappoint Ursula von der Leyen as President of the European Commission? Will Roberta Metsola remain President of the Parliament? Follow the latest political developments. #EuropeNews
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June 14, 9:15 AM!

Cultivating Resilience: Urban and Guerrilla Gardening in Barcelona

Urban and guerrilla gardening can contribute to cooling cities while bringing people together, providing critical spaces for education and active citizenship.
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Scooped by Energy Cities
June 14, 8:55 AM!

Experts: France will not submit its national energy and climate plan to Brussels on time – Euractiv

Experts: France will not submit its national energy and climate plan to Brussels on time – Euractiv | Energy Transition in Europe | |
The current political situation in France makes it almost impossible to send the EU Commission the French national energy-climate plan (NECP) by 30 June. 
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Scooped by Energy Cities
May 30, 9:36 AM!

District heating: a European champion?

District heating: a European champion? | Energy Transition in Europe | |
Heating is a complex part of the energy transition but district networks are a potentially powerful way to achieve widespread decarbonisation. Morgan Henley joins the Policy Dispatch to talk about how Central and Eastern Europe is feeling the benefit of its networks.
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Scooped by Energy Cities
April 22, 10:28 AM!

The Oil Crash Is Coming Sooner Than We Think

The Oil Crash Is Coming Sooner Than We Think | Energy Transition in Europe | |
Low-energy is the future, either through choice or physics. We are running out of time to have a say.
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Scooped by Energy Cities
April 22, 5:51 AM!

Equity in the boardroom

Equity in the boardroom | Energy Transition in Europe | |
In the first series of Talking Transitions, we looked at how the transition to a decarbonised economy is inherently several different and varied transitions that span across sectors, geographies and timelines.
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Scooped by Energy Cities
April 22, 5:45 AM!

How green are parties' manifestos vying in the European election? | Euronews

How green are parties' manifestos vying in the European election? | Euronews | Energy Transition in Europe | |
Some political forces present concrete pledges while others offer general commitments to preserve the environment, keep up with the energy transition and tackle chemical and plastic pollution.
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