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MOOCs and online Education:les évolutions technologiques au service de l'Education
Curated by Lucas Gruez
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Scooped by Lucas Gruez
May 17, 2016 2:15 PM

The Impact of MOOCs Over the Next Twenty Years

The Impact of MOOCs Over the Next Twenty Years | Easy MOOC | Scoop.it

Are MOOCs the future of education in 20 years or an intermediate thing? originally appeared on Quora - the knowledge sharing network where compelling questions are answered by people with unique insights.

Answer by Joseph Konstan, Computer Science Professor, University of Minnesota, on Quora...


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Scooped by Lucas Gruez
May 11, 2016 5:31 PM

Inge de Waard keynote on using MOOC in high school / secondary school

This keynote was given at ITSligo, Ireland, to highlight a project which integrates existing MOOC in k12 classrooms to increase digital skills and lifelong learning capacities for 16 - 17 year old students. This project uses a three step approach allowing young students to learn what MOOCs are, which platforms exist, and how to interact with others. At first there is a lot of teacher support, where at the end of the academic year, the students select and follow a MOOC of their own choosing...


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Scooped by Lucas Gruez
May 5, 2016 11:10 AM

This Mongolian Teenager Aced a MOOC. Now He Wants to Widen Their Impact.

This Mongolian Teenager Aced a MOOC. Now He Wants to Widen Their Impact. | Easy MOOC | Scoop.it
Battushig Myanganbayar enrolled at MIT after crushing one of its first massive open online courses. And he has some ideas about how they could make a real difference in the developing world.


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Scooped by Lucas Gruez
April 29, 2016 3:06 AM

Dossier : Microlearning : faut-il faire court pour mieux apprendre ?

Dossier : Microlearning : faut-il faire court pour mieux apprendre ? | Easy MOOC | Scoop.it

Le microlearning revient régulièrement dans les bouches des spécialistes car il répond à des préoccupations fortes qui se sont amplifiées avec l'arrivée du numérique dans nos usages. Mais les interrogations quant à son utilisation demeurent et il n'y a pas consensus quant à la forme qu'il doit prendre. Sans doute est-ce pour le mieux ? Dans un monde où les façons et les moyens d'apprendre diffèrent d'individu en individu, et où le temps manque, l'adaptabilité des formations aux besoins et impératifs des employés est la clé...


Lucas Gruez's insight:

Et de nombreuses autres actualités dans cette page d'infos de grande qualité!

CEPIG's curator insight, May 16, 2016 2:08 PM
Les pédagogies en pleine révolution
Scooped by Lucas Gruez
April 28, 2016 2:49 PM

Professors hate online education. To save colleges, they have to learn to love it.

Professors hate online education. To save colleges, they have to learn to love it. | Easy MOOC | Scoop.it

... Denial is another factor in faculty opposition. In a recent debate at my business school on disruption theory and its application to higher education, a faculty colleague stated flatly, “MOOCS have failed.” He was perhaps thinking of some reports of low completion rates for Massive Open Online Classes (MOOCs). But in fact they are doing quite well...


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Scooped by Lucas Gruez
April 25, 2016 12:24 PM

Online Learning: Why Libraries Could Be the Key to MOOCs’ Success

Online Learning: Why Libraries Could Be the Key to MOOCs’ Success | Easy MOOC | Scoop.it

Learning Circles add a social element to what is otherwise a solitary learning experience by bringing people together in person to take an online course together over six to eight weeks, with the help of a facilitator. Librarians at Chicago Public Library (CPL) partnered with the nonprofit Peer 2 Peer University (P2PU) to make online education more accessible through this program.  

Libraries are a perfect setting for Learning Circles for several reasons: ...


elearning at eCampus ULg's curator insight, April 26, 2016 5:20 AM
What a great possibility - Library and MOOC center with support ...
Scooped by Lucas Gruez
April 17, 2016 2:32 PM

High MOOC completion rates in developing countries 

High MOOC completion rates in developing countries  | Easy MOOC | Scoop.it

... The research shows that the low completion rates and homogeneous demographics found among users in the United States and similar countries do not hold true across the world.
In fact, many of the study’s findings contradict commonly held assumptions about MOOCS in the context of less developed countries.
However, these countries also have their own barriers to online learning to overcome, the study found...


elearning at eCampus ULg's curator insight, April 18, 2016 11:27 AM
With all the reserves about the notion of completion rate, interesting to see there is a little difference where it has to matter
Scooped by Lucas Gruez
April 12, 2016 8:59 AM

Linking online identities and content in connectivist MOOCs across multiple social media platforms

In this paper, we examine how multiple social media platforms are being used for formal and informal learning by examining data from two connectivist MOOCs (or cMOOCs). Our overarching goal is to develop and evaluate methods for learning analytics to detect and study collaborative learning processes. For this paper, we focus on how to link multiple online identities of learners and their contributions across several social media platforms in order to study their learning behaviours in open online environments....


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Scooped by Lucas Gruez
April 11, 2016 7:04 AM

Moocs platform OpenClassrooms aims to fill UK tech skills gap

Moocs platform OpenClassrooms aims to fill UK tech skills gap | Easy MOOC | Scoop.it


Course providers that produce the online programmes or host them on digital platforms are becoming more serious about revenues, are more aware of their competition and are making bold claims about how they can help solve skills gaps — even in developed countries.

Among the boldest is OpenClassrooms, a Paris-based Mooc provider that specialises in teaching people how to code...


elearning at eCampus ULg's curator insight, April 11, 2016 7:35 AM
A project born in France now expanding. Vocational and technical training is one field in which MOOCs still have a lot to prove
Scooped by Lucas Gruez
April 6, 2016 8:54 AM

Online Education as a Catalyst for Organizational Change?

Online Education as a Catalyst for Organizational Change? | Easy MOOC | Scoop.it

... The MIT report argues that like other legacy sectors, higher education is due for disruption. This higher ed disruption will come from a combination of learning science, new (scalable) online learning technologies, and an altered set of economic and political arrangements (such as competency based learning and government / employer supported alternative credentialing)...


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Scooped by Lucas Gruez
April 4, 2016 11:24 AM

Certification chez FUN : quelques questions à Catherine Mongenet

Certification chez FUN : quelques questions à Catherine Mongenet | Easy MOOC | Scoop.it

Un groupement d'intérêt public, le GIP FUN-MOOC, a d'ailleurs été créé l'an dernier pour permettre la poursuite de l'aventure et accompagner l'évolution de la plateforme. Après la mise en place d'une v3, et une récente ouverture au format SPOC pour les formations continues, le GIP FUN-MOOC a décidé de rendre possible la certification de ses cours.  

Catherine Mongenet, directrice du GIP FUN-MOOC, a gentiment accepté de nous parler de ce nouveau projet.


elearning at eCampus ULg's curator insight, April 4, 2016 6:05 PM
Nouveau partenaire de l'ULg qui se lance avec FUN
Scooped by Lucas Gruez
April 2, 2016 1:39 PM

Online Education:
A Catalyst for
Higher Education Reforms

... the report presents four overarching recommendations, stressing the importance of interdisciplinary collaboration, integration between online and traditional learning, a skilled workforce specializing in digital learning design, and high-level institutional and organizational change...


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Scooped by Lucas Gruez
March 30, 2016 12:51 PM

MOOCWatch March 2016: Learning with MOOCs III - Class Central's MOOC Report

MOOCWatch March 2016: Learning with MOOCs III - Class Central's MOOC Report | Easy MOOC | Scoop.it

MOOCWatch is a monthly digest of everything related to MOOCs


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Scooped by Lucas Gruez
May 14, 2016 5:39 AM

Un sMOOC au lycée, est-ce possible ?

Un sMOOC au lycée, est-ce possible ? | Easy MOOC | Scoop.it

...Nous voulons faire évoluer l’organisation de l’espace scolaire dans le cadre de révisions du baccalauréat avec le numérique ce qui permet ainsi une ouverture ne se limitant pas à une classe/un prof....


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Scooped by Lucas Gruez
May 8, 2016 11:56 AM

Journal of Computer Assisted Learning : Learning Analytics in Massively Multi-User Virtual Environments and Courses 

Journal of Computer Assisted Learning : Learning Analytics in Massively Multi-User Virtual Environments and Courses  | Easy MOOC | Scoop.it
  • A MOOC based on blended pedagogy (pages 190–201)
  • Understanding MOOC students: motivations and behaviours indicative of MOOC completion (pages 202–217)
  • The role of students' motivation and participation in predicting performance in a MOOC (pages 218–231)



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Scooped by Lucas Gruez
May 5, 2016 11:08 AM

Les MOOCs pour les Executive Education

Les MOOCs pour les Executive Education | Easy MOOC | Scoop.it

... les Executive Education ont le devoir de réfléchir à leur positionnement: comment répondre à ces nouvelles attentes d’un marché en pleine émergence ? Leur offre très ciblée, qui s’adresse aujourd’hui à des apprenants triés sur le volet, est-elle compatible avec la connaissance en libre accès pour tous ? Et si oui, comment l’intégrer et à quel prix ? Il semble a priori que les Executive Education sauront assez rapidement intégrer les MOOCs dans leur portefeuille d’offre, moyennant un scénario de moindre risque...


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Scooped by Lucas Gruez
April 28, 2016 2:51 PM

Social media interaction tools might make MOOCs stickier

Social media interaction tools might make MOOCs stickier | Easy MOOC | Scoop.it
Developers of massive open online courses—or MOOCs—may want to take a page from Facebook to keep more students engaged and enrolled, according to researchers.


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Scooped by Lucas Gruez
April 27, 2016 9:12 AM

What Sebastian Thrun Has Learned at Udacity

What Sebastian Thrun Has Learned at Udacity | Easy MOOC | Scoop.it

Udacity’s Sebastian Thrun announced on April 22 that he would bestepping down from his post as company CEO; Vishal Makhijani, the company’s chief operating officer, will assume the throne. In an exclusive interview, Thrun shares with EdSurge’s Betsy Corcoran what he learned from being the “godfather” of MOOCs...


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Scooped by Lucas Gruez
April 25, 2016 12:21 PM

mLearning and MOOCs as an optimal training environment

This presentation merges the benefits from mobile learning and MOOCs. The presentation was given during one of ADL Interagency Mobile Learning Webinars ...


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Scooped by Lucas Gruez
April 12, 2016 4:05 PM

The rhizome: A problematic metaphor for teaching and learning in a MOOC

The rhizome: A problematic metaphor for teaching and learning in a MOOC | Easy MOOC | Scoop.it

... Our findings reveal that many participants could relate to and welcomed the anti-authoritarian, anti-hierarchical characteristics of the rhizome, but that knowledge and understanding of Deleuze and Guattari’s conceptual principles of the rhizome was more difficult. Lack of engagement with theory and lack of appreciation of the incompleteness and complexities of the rhizome metaphor can result in negative consequences, such as imbalances in power relations and increased vulnerability for some learners.


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Scooped by Lucas Gruez
April 12, 2016 8:56 AM

The 2.0x MOOC and the 1.0x Audiobook 

The 2.0x MOOC and the 1.0x Audiobook  | Easy MOOC | Scoop.it

So why is it that I watch MOOC videos at double speed, but listen to audiobooks at 1.0x?  I hate audiobooks at faster than normal speed. There is something jarring and disconcerting about a book read faster than a normal speaking voice. My iPhone Audible app gives me the ability to listen at up to 3.0x normal speed. Who does that?..


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Scooped by Lucas Gruez
April 7, 2016 2:36 PM

A SWOT Analysis of the MIT Online Learning Report

A SWOT Analysis of the MIT Online Learning Report | Easy MOOC | Scoop.it

I’ve had a few days to think about the MIT Online Education report.  While I’m (respectfully) critical of some of the content, I do feel that this is a potentially important document in our emerging learning science / organizational change discipline...


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Scooped by Lucas Gruez
April 5, 2016 7:19 AM

Can 2016 be the inflection year for MOOCs in India?

Can 2016 be the inflection year for MOOCs in India? | Easy MOOC | Scoop.it
Considering the increasing need of the youth to pursue quality education at affordable prices and the importance being given to e-learning and digital literacy by educational institutions and governments across the world, the Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) are becoming an integral part of the education system globally.


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Scooped by Lucas Gruez
April 4, 2016 11:15 AM

MOOC, COOC, SPOC: What’s the Difference? Commentary by Stephen Downes

MOOC, COOC, SPOC: What’s the Difference? Commentary by Stephen Downes | Easy MOOC | Scoop.it

 Short little article explaining the terms; good as an introduction. The attribution to Professor Armando Fox for coining the term SPOC can also be found in ...


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Scooped by Lucas Gruez
March 30, 2016 12:56 PM

Should MOOC Platforms Be Providing More Support For Teachers? 

A recent study from researchers at Penn State suggests that they may be better off focusing their attention on the academics delivering the lectures rather than the students...


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