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October 1, 2013 4:41 PM!

Why Brands MUST Blog! [Infographic]

Why Brands MUST Blog! [Infographic] | digital marketing strategy |

Blogging Is Important For Brands because, blogging is one of the most important and trusted method to promote brands for many years.

Via Jeff Domansky, Brian Yanish -, Martin (Marty) Smith, John van den Brink
Martin (Marty) Smith's curator insight, October 1, 2013 7:29 AM

Beyond The Stats
This is a great Blogging For Brands Infographic, but there is more to why brands must blog than stats. We live in a connected age when anyone can get to know anything.

Blogs create a sense of VOICE. They have a tone and a rhythm that communicates mountains of information about what a brand is really about. Blogs help supply the brand advocates any company depends on with social ammunition and fodder for their own blogs.

Blogs also react to what is happening NOW. If there is a national story an active blog is a great place to share your take. If there is a ripple in your brand's fabric a blog is a great place to iron out the wrinkle.

This is not to say that blogs are defensive. Blogs imply a promise - we will share on a regular basis and you (our brand advocates) can comment, participate and inform our efforts. Blogs say you are in this WITH US (visitors and brand advocates).

The collaborative idea of a blog can help a brand match its walk and talk, create a distinct tone and become a hub for all social marketing. Blogs are a must for brands and for many more reasons that captured in this excellent infographic.

Well Connected Mom's curator insight, October 1, 2013 1:07 PM

People love to hear from people directly, not companies.  Trust can be built up faster for brands through the people, not corporate advertising.

xaltd's curator insight, October 1, 2013 10:40 PM

Nice infographic on blogging for business

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