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Scooped by Ana Cristina Pratas
February 15, 2018 8:51 AM!

Seth's Blog: Looking for seekers (who are looking for you)

Seth's Blog: Looking for seekers (who are looking for you) | Digital Delights - Digital Tribes |
"Don't go to the supermarket when you're hungry." The reason is obvious--when you're hungry, you're likely to buy things. The risk is that you'll buy something you don't need, because, of course, all that buying isn't actually making yo
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Scooped by Ana Cristina Pratas
December 1, 2017 10:59 AM!

Seth's Blog: The most important journeys come without a map

Seth's Blog: The most important journeys come without a map | Digital Delights - Digital Tribes |
That's why we need to care enough to make assertions. We're taught to follow instructions, to avoid significant risk and to be good at compliance. The system prefers it that way, at least when things aren't in flux. Bu
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Scooped by Ana Cristina Pratas
August 29, 2013 6:37 AM!

Seth Godin on the Difference Between Leadership and Management

Seth Godin on the Difference Between Leadership and Management | Digital Delights - Digital Tribes |
Bestselling author Seth Godin says that “Management and leadership are totally different things. You think you are being a leader, but you are probably being a manager.” I agree.
Ana Cristina Pratas's insight:

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Scooped by Ana Cristina Pratas
February 2, 2018 7:23 AM!

Seth's Blog: What motivates you to take action?

Seth's Blog: What motivates you to take action? | Digital Delights - Digital Tribes |
School taught us to answer a simple question, “will this be on the test?” If the answer is no, we’ve got no time for it. Work taught us to fear the boss and the review and our performance ranking
Ana Cristina Pratas's insight:

"What if each of us were motivated by curiosity instead? Or generosity? Perhaps we could learn to see possibility instead of risk. What if we took and finished online classes because we could, not because there are assignments, tests and a certificate?


I see this firsthand with the shift students in my courses go through. At first, there's an awkward pause when people realize that there are no tests. Without tests, it seems, it's easier to focus on more pressing urgencies at home or at work. But then, postures begin to change. People realize that a different kind of motivation might lead to a different sort of outcome."


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Scooped by Ana Cristina Pratas
July 13, 2017 8:38 AM!

Seth Godin: Let's stop calling them 'soft skills'

In this episode of Behind the Brand I sat down with author Seth Godin who explains why he asked, Let's stop calling them 'soft skills' when referring t
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Scooped by Ana Cristina Pratas
October 20, 2011 1:44 PM!

Seth Godin on We Are All Weird | Ronin Marketeer

Seth Godin on We Are All Weird | Ronin Marketeer | Digital Delights - Digital Tribes |
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