Dev Breakthroughs
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Dev Breakthroughs
Monitoring innovations in database, PHP, JS, RIA, HTML5, mobile and agile dev strategies & tools
Curated by Nicolas Weil
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Scooped by Nicolas Weil
May 16, 2013 5:29 PM!

Apple’s new Objective-C to Javascript Bridge

Apple’s new Objective-C to Javascript Bridge | Dev Breakthroughs |

A few month back, Apple quietly slipped a very nice Objective-C to Javascript bridge into WebKit. Since the first commit while we were busy celebrating New Year’s Eve, it has been fairly actively developed and improved. This new API supports straightforward embedding of the JavaScriptCore interpreter into native Objective-C projects, including reading and writing variables and object members with appropriate type coercion, calling methods on JavaScript objects, and directly binding Objective-C objects into JavaScript.

It seems likely that this API is going to become public in Mac OS X 10.9 (where JavaScriptCore is already a public framework), and it might be a hint of an eventual public API on iOS. Either way, a new option for building hybrid JavaScript apps is here.

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Scooped by Nicolas Weil
December 30, 2012 4:59 PM!

AirPlay and HDMI

AirPlay and HDMI | Dev Breakthroughs |
The post describes the method used to include the AirPlay functionality to iOS application, and the ways of interacting with external displays via AirPlay and HDMI to transfer media content
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Scooped by Nicolas Weil
July 2, 2012 2:26 PM!

Ogone Launches In-App Payment Library For iOS And Android

Ogone Launches In-App Payment Library For iOS And Android | Dev Breakthroughs |

It seems that there’s no shortage of companies queuing up to help developers integrate payments into their mobile apps and today that space just got a little more crowded: Ogone, a long time player in online payments, has launched an in-app payment library for iOS and Android.


The new library complements the company’s existing mobile web-based payment system meaning that app developers who rely on Ogone to process payments no longer need to redirect users to the browser in order to take a payment — presuming that they don’t fall foul of Apple’s tight grip on in-app purchases for digital goods.

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Scooped by Nicolas Weil
February 7, 2012 6:28 PM!

Introducing SocketRocket: A WebSocket library for Objective-C

At Square, we devote two weeks a year to fix annoying problems that are outside the scope of our normal jobs. We call them Fix-it weeks. During our last Fix-it week, we wanted to fix network debugging tools for iOS. Well, we made it happen. The plan was to talk to Chrome’s remote debugging API which just happened to be a JSON protocol over WebSockets. There were no up-to-date (hybi-17 at the time) WebSocket client libraries for iOS at the time. So we wrote one.

It’s called SocketRocket. It’s a WebSocket client written in modern Objective-C. It conforms to RFC 6455, the latest WebSocket specification. It supports wss since the connection is based off of CFStream (bridged to NSStream).

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Scooped by Nicolas Weil
January 1, 2012 3:52 PM!

Apple Push Notification Service native extension for Adobe AIR

Apple Push Notification Service native extension for Adobe AIR | Dev Breakthroughs |

Here’s another AIR native extension for iOS I’m currently working on – Apple Push Notification Service (APNs) support.

It’s almost complete – the most important things are there. You can register to APNs, get your device token and receive remote notification in ActionScript – everything that you need to build a great app.

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Scooped by Nicolas Weil
October 31, 2011 3:31 AM!

MobiUs Accelerates Mobile HTML5 Development, Aims to Kill Mobile Flash

MobiUs Accelerates Mobile HTML5 Development, Aims to Kill Mobile Flash | Dev Breakthroughs |

HTML5 development company appMobi has is releasing a new browser today called MobiUsthat will give mobile Web apps the same type of functionality that now is currently only enjoyed by native apps for platforms like iOS and Android. AppMobi thinks of MobiUs as the replacement for Flash in mobile - it renders mobile websites like a Flash extension would and gives developers device access in ways previously unavailable to in HTML5.


MobiUs is technically a mobile browser. That is not the way appMobi thinks it will be used though. The company expects it to be function more like a browser extension. Like Flash, users will be prompted to download it once and from then it will just run in on the device. According to appMobi CTO Sam Abadir, MobiUs, "is the Flash killer now as opposed to five years from now."


"MobiUS accelerates the timeline for HTML5," said Abadir. "DirectCanvas is like Flash for mobile."

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Scooped by Nicolas Weil
October 30, 2011 11:46 AM!

Couchbase Mobile for iOS : local database with cloud synchronization

Couchbase Mobile for iOS :  local database with cloud synchronization | Dev Breakthroughs |

Couchbase Mobile for iOS brings the power of Apache CouchDB to native iOS application developers. A powerful local database, it can also automatically synchronize with a Couchbase cluster “in the cloud” any time network connectivity is available.

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Scooped by Nicolas Weil
October 30, 2011 7:57 AM!

« Codify » ou comment développer des jeux sur iPad, sans Xcode, sans ordinateur, etc.

« Codify » ou comment développer des jeux sur iPad, sans Xcode, sans ordinateur, etc. | Dev Breakthroughs |

Allez, ce week-end, on va voler l’iPad de son voisin et on va pouvoir essayer Codify ! Conçu pour les game designers, les enseignants, les étudiants ou encore pour toutes celles et ceux qui on un intérêt pour la programmation créative, Codify est un environnement léger de programmation sur iPad. Vous allez donc pouvoir directement travailler sur votre iPad. Donc pas besoin d’ordinateur, de Xcode, etc.

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Scooped by Nicolas Weil
May 21, 2011 3:50 AM!

Scrollability, New iOS Physics Project from Facebook for iPhone Creator, Joe Hewitt

Scrollability, New iOS Physics Project from Facebook for iPhone Creator, Joe Hewitt | Dev Breakthroughs |
The goal of the project is to give mobile Web applications "a pretty darn good approximation of native scrolling," the description reads on GitHub.

Currently, Scrollability is a work-in-progress, and is not ready for use by mobile developers. Documentation will also be written when the library is ready.

At present, it supports only basic vertical and horizontal scrolling, but, in the future, it will support snapping to pages, sticky table headers, a photo browser and more customization of the animation details.
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Scooped by Nicolas Weil
April 29, 2011 12:33 AM!

Apple iOS Development Process Summary / Explanation

Apple iOS Development Process Summary / Explanation | Dev Breakthroughs |
Understanding Apple’s iOS development process can be difficult, especially for those coming to it for the first time. The process covered in this document is not the actual development process, like using XCode or another developer tool to create applications. Rather, this document will cover the process in which to create applications that will be installable on devices and posted for sale on Apple’s App Store.
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Scooped by Nicolas Weil
January 11, 2013 3:23 PM!

iOS Prototyping With TAP And Adobe Fireworks (Part 1) | Smashing Fireworks

iOS Prototyping With TAP And Adobe Fireworks (Part 1) | Smashing Fireworks | Dev Breakthroughs |

One of the strengths of Adobe Fireworks lies in its ability to produce basic-level prototypes in HTML format for the purpose of sharing concepts, evaluating them and conducting usability tests. But did you know that you can use Fireworks in combination with other tools to create complex iOS prototypes(for both the iPhone and iPad) with similar ease?

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Scooped by Nicolas Weil
July 4, 2012 2:58 AM!

Integrating Video Playback in iOS Applications

Integrating Video Playback in iOS Applications | Dev Breakthroughs |

Apple iOS mobile devices have deservedly won universal popularity among the customers. Every Apple’s event is followed with a keen interest as the people expect the emergence of new functionality and improvement of existing features. But the common users can only skim the surface, assessing the externals of the product. Much more is visible to the developers. Of all the four-day WWDC event, the public attention has been given to the keynote presentation only, giving an overview of all the major innovations. All the other presentations, totaling to about one hundred, have been dedicated to the developers. From this ratio, we can estimate the hidden mass of the iceberg, which is no less fascinating than its tip. Starting a series of posts on iOS based development, we will tell you of the Apple devices built-in frameworks to support online video handling.

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Scooped by Nicolas Weil
June 19, 2012 12:38 PM!

iOS Frameworks : A curated catalog of iOS frameworks and classes for the pragmatic iOS developer

iOS Frameworks : A curated catalog of iOS frameworks and classes for the pragmatic iOS developer | Dev Breakthroughs | provides a carefully selected list of frameworks and classes that can be used as building blocks when creating apps for iOS devices. These libraries represent the best practices for development on the iOS platform. If you're not using them, you're probably doing too much work.

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Scooped by Nicolas Weil
January 3, 2012 4:32 PM!

Want to Build a New App? There's an App for That

Want to Build a New App? There's an App for That | Dev Breakthroughs |

Competition in Apple’s App Store is so tough that even strong concepts must be planned to perfection before any development should start. So enter App Cooker: A hot new iPad app that makes sure other apps have the right ingredients in place before any development begins. App Cooker ($19.99) from Sophia-Antipolis, France-based Hot Apps Factoryhelps aspiring designers organize, plan and get app projects ready for production.

30-year-old Xavier Veyrat — the designer of App Cooker — spoke to Mashable about the development of the platform and the steps that go into creating a masterpiece app recipe.

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Scooped by Nicolas Weil
November 3, 2011 8:03 PM!

Enabling & Using WebGL on iOS

Enabling & Using WebGL on iOS | Dev Breakthroughs |

I’ve become a lot more interested in WebGL lately, and remembered reading on Hacker News a while back that WebGL would be available in iOS 5 as part of the iAd framework.


When iOS 5.0 went GM, I decided to knock up a quick WebGL demo to see what was involved & how well it performed.

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Scooped by Nicolas Weil
October 31, 2011 3:06 AM!

JetBrains AppCode: an Objective-C IDE That Makes a Difference

JetBrains AppCode: an Objective-C IDE That Makes a Difference | Dev Breakthroughs |

AppCode is a new Objective-C IDE for developers building apps for Apple devices such as Macs, iPhones & iPads.


Some features :

- Thought-out and convenient code navigation and code completion

- On the fly code analysis with quick-fix suggestions

- Project-wide usages search for classes, methods, variables, resources

- Instant code transformation intention actions, including i18n support

- Better code refactorings: 'Change Signature', 'Extract Method', etc.

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Scooped by Nicolas Weil
October 30, 2011 11:31 AM!

Safari on iOS 5, HTML5 evolution for iPhone and iPad

Safari on iOS 5, HTML5 evolution for iPhone and iPad | Dev Breakthroughs |

It’s time again for a new version of iOS for iPhone and iPad and a bunch of news about mobile web development. I’ve analyzed every new feature I could found in Safari on iOS5, including what’s the final resolution with expected features as WebGL (3d) on Safari.

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Scooped by Nicolas Weil
July 9, 2011 3:18 AM!

iOS applications and Wowza Media Server integration

A few weeks ago Midnight Coders released a communication library for iOS which provides an excellent mechanism for integrating iOS applications with various server-side technologies. The library enables client-server integration via the RTMP protocol and thus requires the server-side code to be deployed into an RTMP. One of the servers the library supports is Wowza Media Server. The video below provides a demonstration of the integration between iOS and Java classes deployed in Wowza. The examples demonstrate the following:
- Invocation of Java methods from iPhone
- Java data push via an invocation of the Objective C method from Java
- Usage of Remote Shared Objects hosted in Wowza Media Server
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Scooped by Nicolas Weil
May 12, 2011 6:03 PM!

weinre - Web Inspector Remote

weinre - Web Inspector Remote | Dev Breakthroughs |
weinre is Web Inspector Remote. Pronounced like the word "winery". Or maybe like the word "weiner". Who knows, really.

It's a debugger for web pages, like FireBug (for FireFox) and Web Inspector (for WebKit-based browsers), except it's designed to work remotely, and in particular, to allow you debug web pages on a mobile device such as a phone.
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