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onto Must Design
March 19, 2016 1:14 PM!

75 Content Marketing Tools You Can’t Live Without & Scenttrail Comments 

75 Content Marketing Tools You Can’t Live Without & Scenttrail Comments  | Must Design |

Must Have Content Marketing Tools
We thought we would add out 2 cents on tools we know, use and love:

Agree, if you can't create a "knowledge base" or Q&A engine on your site use Quora until you can. Q&A content is beyond important that is why we are answering a marketing question a day on Quora ( )

We can't figure Reddit out. If you have, please write and tell us the secret. As an outsider Reddit isn't weloming or friendly. Make a mistake and they yell at you and all you do at first is make mistakes. We have had content shared there and it does blow up, but finding ways to play within the rules have left us out of Reddit so far.
New to us and sounds cool. We will join today. 

Wouldn't be on our list. Too much work, too little reward. 

We don't use it anymore preferring to be live at all times on social media. Is that decision hurting our traffic? Maybe, but "being present matters. 

We use TweetDeck (purchased by Twitter and so closer to Twitter's APIs now). 

We prefer Haiku Deck, but SS still gives great SEO. Wish they would make their profile template look better (looks like a train wreck now and no way to fix I know of short of hiring a programmer). 

Yeah, Yeah...wouldn't have been on our TOP list. Who reads press releases anymore if they aren't related to you? Answer: NO ONE. 

We prefer BuzzSumo

We use GA (who doesn't), SpyFu and Moz

Sounds interesting will report back.

We used to prefer Topsy but don't what has happened to them so may take another look at this if we get obsessed about our social content reach again. No analytics tool does a great job reporting the multi-layered nature of social media marketing. 

Simply Measured
Okay, you had us at "more to socila media than publishing", so we will check out and report back

We prefer SpyFu

Now THIS looks worthy and cool. Finding influencers is a bear, anything that makes that nasty task easier we are interested in trying. 

Use it, like it and wish it did more. 

Used it but prefer Medium now
Used it, liked it but fell off and not sure why. Infographics are KEY and this is one of the better tools to make, share and discover infographics. 

Don't know, but will check out.

Waste of time. 

Cheaper Marketo now owned by Sales Force. Cheaper doesn't mean affordable if you aren't enterp;rise level. 

Have used this inboud tool and prefer it to Hubspot or Pardot or Eloqua


Have used it but very much an "enterprise" beast of a CRM

Used it, liked it and recommend it for A/B testing

Trying to figure out this feed master tool now. Feeds are in all of our future so finding out how to use Zapier can pay many dividends 

Used it, liked it and good value for money if you need project management support (and you only need that if you have too many planes up in the air at any one time)

Help A Reporter Out = great idea and I've used it, but boy they will be spamming your ass to death

Email Marketing
We prefer the dinosaur (Bronto), but many of our SMBs don't need that nuclear weapon yet so Mail Chimp or Constant Contact will do (and that is the order we would recommend with Mail Chimp about half better than CC). 


We are leaving Wordpress because it has gotten too complex for what we need it for (simple blogging). 

If you use WP you need Yoast for SEO and because it makes complex WP things easier to understand 

Google Keyword Planner
YES YES and YES you should be using this tool whether you use Adwords or not since it provides reads on search volume by keywords. 

Saved one of our favorite "future of publishing" and content curation tools to the last one. YES you should master Feedly and Zapier since you must process more content than you are doing now and you need to find ways to automate as much as possible.
Curagami (us) on Feedly:


WAIT, There's More
If we didn't weigh in it is because we don't know and don't care about some of the goofy tools on this list. How a list so exhaustive could have forgotten these content marketing tools tells us whoever created it isn't as DEEP in content marketing as our friends and us:
Best community builder for least amount of effort ont he planet. 
Best community builder for more effort on the planet. Best place to test content before you blog about it too. 
Me on
@Martin (Marty) Smith 

Best storytelling tool on the planet and strong community of smart curators and writers. 
Curagmai on Medium 

Haiku Deck
Not as good at SEO as SlideShare, but much better tool with their Creative Commons overlay and TED-like way of insuring you don't kill your audience with PowerPoint. 


We lost Flipboard for a bit, but now that streams are coming back we powered it back up and have liked the experience: 


Same with Tumblr. We lost it there for a bit, but the visual marketing nature of this tool and the ease of use once you are used to the strange UI makes Tumblr a must add. 


Behance may be a "portfolio" manager technically, but it is a great place to tell visual stories. We are using it to help script our videos. 

Hello, you are going to need to put some time in with the world's most advanced photo editing software unless you do everything by phone and we don't suggest that since the phone is hard to resize to fit social networks preferred sizes.

We are still babes in the woods on Illustratrator, but there are times when vectors win and we are always confused and have to attempt to pick our way through (to little success). 

Agile by
We are moving from Wordpress to our friend Eric's "Agile" content marketing platform because....well read our reasons for leaving Wordpress on Curagami. 

We could go on with tools like Vine and Snapchat, but you get the idea. Even at 75 tools the their list is not exhaustive. It does have a lot of thigns we've never heard of and don't care about, a few things we will check out and many tools we've used. 

If you are new to content marketing DON'T READ that post (lol). You need a blogging platform (and blogger would do to start and it is very easy), the "usual suspects" in social networks (Facebook, Twitter, Gplus) and a good community where you can learn (so, Medium, Stack Overflow or something you've found). 

Why learn to play golf with 75 clubs? You need a putter (blogging), a driver (Twitter), a few irons (GPlus, Facebook) and a sandwedge (community where you can learn). Other than that you are wasting least at first. 

Good luck, Marty 



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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith
January 24, 2019 9:10 AM!

Three Ways To Digitally Detox your Smartphone via Fastcompany

Three Ways To Digitally Detox your Smartphone via Fastcompany | Must Design |
I was determined to digitally detox. But after trying two different “dumbphones,” I realized that the simplest solution was to change how I used my old smartphone.
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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith
December 30, 2018 8:51 AM!

Original Art Rules 2019 Marketing via @Curagami with Video  

Original Art Rules 2019 Marketing via @Curagami with Video   | Must Design |

Five Reasons "Original" Art Rules 2019 Marketing

We share five reasons "original" art, illustrations and videos rule 2019 marketing. 


  • Death of Brand Killing Stock Images.
  • The Art, Marketing and Data Collision.
  • Originality Gets Shared.
  • Pictures Matter More Than Words
  • Smartphone Attention Span/Seratonin Addiction


Read More on 

Martin (Marty) Smith's insight:

Reading a gaggle of predictions for 2019 design and marketing we found agreement. "Original" art, illustrations, videos, and ideas will rule marketing in 2019. Original is in quotes because you, me, and everyone we know will use stock images next year, 

The post shares tips on how to modify stock images to eliminate the soul and branding killing sameness. Making something original out of stock takes ten minutes. But most websites won't invest a little extra time to create original art, illustrations, and videos. 

Want to know how to make millions online? We share two rules with our consulting clients. 


  1. Take a little extra time to BE ORIGINAL.
  2. When in doubt refer to Rule #1. 

The bad news is there's no free lunch in digital marketing anymore. The good news is 99% of websites don't care about being original. Ready, set, GO, GO, GO. :). Martin 

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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith
December 28, 2018 11:24 AM!

Five Web Design Steals from the Chrysler Museum of Art via Curagami

Five Web Design Steals from the Chrysler Museum of Art via Curagami | Must Design |
Five Web Design Steals
Here are five web design ideas you should steal from the new site.

Hero with subtle, effective Calls To Actions (CTAs).
Color as warmth and invitation.
Whitespace to lower intimidation and encourage interaction.
Teases promoting clicks and control.
Storytelling with text, images, and testimonials.
Martin (Marty) Smith's insight:

My take on the Chrysler Museums new website and what it can teach us about web design. 

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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith
December 26, 2018 10:37 PM!

The 7 Major Graphic Design Trends of 2019

The 7 Major Graphic Design Trends of 2019 | Must Design |
Prepare yourself for 2019, with this look into the biggest design trends of the year. We’ve covered it all, from typography to illustration and more.
Martin (Marty) Smith's insight:

Look Closely At Trends #2 and #3
Immersive Design (#2) and Exposed Mechanics (#3) are related. Immersive Design looks toward virtual reality. VR is a subset of a more significant trend - experiences are the new branding. 

Why would people pay to run through cold, mud, and over rocks and steel? Tough Mudder knows experience is the new branding. And I agree with the founder. Will Dean when he insists no social media means no Tough Mudder. Tough Mudder is immersive and built for sharing. 

Exposed Mechanics elevates process. Process becomes a shareable product. Exposing mechanics creates and shares vulnerabilities. Sharing process in real time or near real time removes a barrier, encourages engagement, and creates conversations. Perfect is left in favor of content capable of producing, rewarding, and inspiring a tribe. 


Sharing process, warts and all, break the third wall - the wall between visitors, viewers, and creators. We develop enough of a framework to receive feedback and then cooperate with those special customers to shape a two-sided dynamic conversation. Happening NOW.  


Experience always happens NOW — these two trends, immersive and exposed, wreck marketing as practiced in favor of community, conversations, and customers. Control, still a figment of a marketer's imagination, moves from marketers to curators and analysts. 

After such a shift any message meant to brainwash a passive audience sound false, thin, and discouraging. Experience moves passive consumption out in favor of active collaboration. Once the DVR, streaming and a ubiquitous Internet change consumer expectations in favor of exposed mechanics and immersive collaborative tribal experiences going back to passive consumption is impossible and annoying. 


Maddening means now there's a penalty for being only slightly out of touch. Create a passive one-sided campaign, and you'll do more than spend money carelessly. Preach without conversation, and you'll pay with cash and brand equity. And the later is the vastly more valuable and hard-earned currency. 


Promise to blog about this topic further on M 

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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith
December 26, 2018 8:50 AM!

Mirror Designs Use Images to Arrest and Engage  

Mirror Designs Use Images to Arrest and Engage   | Must Design |
Stephan Schmitz creates editorial illustrations that offer a reflection on modern life. The poignant images are a mirror to how we deal with technology, our families, and more.
Martin (Marty) Smith's insight:

Love design that uses one element to make another point like some of these dramatic and arresting examples. 

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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith
December 19, 2018 8:08 AM!

Graphic Designer Freebies For 2019

Graphic Designer Freebies For 2019 | Must Design |
40 Best Freebies for you. Start your New Year 2019 with these Freebies and Free Resources. Big list of handpicked freebies for designers and developers.
Martin (Marty) Smith's insight:

Couldn't live without freebies and fremiums (stuff you use for free until you can't stand it anymore and choke up the pro money). 

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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith
July 25, 2017 8:19 AM!

Minimalism in Game Design: Examples, Tips, and Ideas

Minimalism in Game Design: Examples, Tips, and Ideas | Must Design |

Minimal Is Hard

I love this post about how to be a game designer minimalist because doing less is the hardest thing. The ideas shared are applicable to web design too. 

This may be the most important two paragraphs for anyone creating a website to read:

The Basics

"The general purpose of minimalism in game design is to accentuate a game's specific elements by limiting the scope or detail of the other surrounding elements. For a simplified 'real world' example, imagine wearing a blindfold to place a greater emphasis on your sense of touch. 


An entire game can be designed with minimalism as a core concept, but minimalism can also be invoked only when needed. Art, sound, gameplay, and narrative can all be subject to minimalist interpretations."


Read a great book, The Paradox of Choice by Schwartz, to understand why most websites lower conversion with too much choice. Designing a website creates the idea you can do more than you should. It's easy to create mess. 


"Limiting" is an important word for any new web designer. Even as i write this I know chances are poor anyone working . on a websites wireframes is listening. There is something busy, chaotic and endless about web design. 


Because we can do something doesn't mean it is the right thing to do. 

Martin (Marty) Smith's insight:

Great post for any web or graphic designer to read. 

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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith
July 21, 2017 6:49 AM!

Blockchain Design Principles – Design at IBM 

Blockchain Design Principles – Design at IBM  | Must Design |

Blockchain Be Coming

Blockchain is coming and disruption will follow. Bitcoin is an example of a blockchain, but don't stop there. If currency can be "mined" and understood as an extension of those who use it isn't that statement true for all things? 

Yes is the answer to that question. 

Martin (Marty) Smith's insight:

Insight into how blockchain will change web design. 

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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith
July 19, 2017 7:37 AM!

Designing The Perfect Slider Is Tricky - A Smashing Magazine How To 

Designing The Perfect Slider Is Tricky - A Smashing Magazine How To  | Must Design |

Smashing Perfect Sliders
Sliders, those moving images at the top of your homepage or other key pages, can be effective communication tools. They can also, when done badly, drive traffic into the night.

This Smashing Magazine "Perfect Slider" tutorial helps define when sliders are a good idea and how to execute them for conversion, not aversion. 

Martin (Marty) Smith's insight:

Great, comprehensive, and illustrated "perfect slider" tutorial from Smashing Magazine. 

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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith
July 12, 2017 10:42 AM!

Blockchain and the Future of Web Design via @Scoopit

Blockchain and the Future of Web Design via @Scoopit | Must Design |

Blockchain Disruptions

As we shared in BI Revolution and Curation RevolutioBlockchain isn't just for Bitcoin anymore.  Imagining a distributed, verified and all but fraud-proof transaction network will change how we think about designings websites too. 


Websites are Dumb
Today, as social media proves, our customers want collaboration, community, and conversations. Google understands the value of highly personalized results. 


The Google "float" where you and I can type the same search at the same time and receive different results is an example of hyper-personalization blockchains are sure to bring to e-commerce. 


Websites powered by algorithms to read a customer's blockchain show the most relevant information to convert now. Lectures die in favor of predictive analytics and conversations. 

When we learn, thanks to the blockchain, a customer just purchased something related to what we sell why show customers anything other than the products our data tells us will convert visitation to transactions? Answer: we wouldn't. 


Internet of Things

The "life is better" promise suggested by the Internet of Things (IOT) is a harvest we only reap with creative use of blockchain. If everything knows everything about everyone, where we are head anyway, our ability to turn chaos into meaning, efficiency and a better life depends on a multipoint, verified and shared network. 

As we noted in our Curagami post The Blockchain Disruption Is Coming Sun Microsystems John Burdette Gage was right - the network is the computer. And the only way our lives don't dissolve into a puddle of chaos, confusion, and anger is by using community blockchain to inform, personalize, and humanize the Internet of things. 

Read our friend David Amerland's great What If We Had A New Value System for Goods and Services to understand the need for, the promise of, and difficulty to create a meaningful, fair, and efficient future. 


How Blockchain Change Web Design

Web design changes from static to flexible, from we create to we curate and from lectures to conversations. Like Google, we won't create a single, static, boring page. Instead, thanks to the blockchain, we will design interactive experiences capable of changing on the fly. 


And we'll have flying cars too. We realize we've heard similar mostly unfulfilled promises before. And there are significant hurdles such as how most merchants feel about their customer information - highly proprietary. 


If the web proves anything, it is the absurdity of "highly proprietary" thinking. What is exclusive when what we do is digital and so easily shared instantly and around the world? Answer: nothing is uniquely yours anymore. 

We don't see the usual drip, drip, drip of acceptance for blockchain empowered, flexible and personal web design. Everyone goes, or no one and the undeniable benefits of using a "dispersed ledger" to inform our digital marketing is so holdouts will lose share, traffic, and loyalty. 

Best to LEAD in innovative ways to use blockchain to inform your web designs since to do otherwise is to risk...well everything. 

Martin (Marty) Smith's insight:

How blockchain will make the Internet of Things possible and change web design. 

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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith
July 9, 2017 10:44 AM!

20 Free UX eBooks You Must Read via WebDesignDev

20 Free UX eBooks You Must Read via WebDesignDev | Must Design |

UX Must Reads

If you're new to web design do yourself a favor and read at least two of these free User Interface (UX) design books. You'll save yourself time in the end if you know how to design for conversion, engagement, and functionality. That's not to downplay the need for excitement, but nothing turns more users off faster than a hard to understand website. 

Martin (Marty) Smith's insight:

Free UX books will help save you design time, energy, and frustration. 

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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith
July 5, 2017 8:17 AM!

Ten Cool Wireframing Tools To Help ROCK Your Web Designs via Shopify  

Ten Cool Wireframing Tools To Help ROCK Your Web Designs via Shopify   | Must Design |

Wireframing Is A Pain But Less So
Wireframing, the act of prototyping web designs before writing code, is a pain. Less of a pain with these 10 wireframing tools all new to us. 

Martin (Marty) Smith's insight:

We have used any of these tools, but xeroxing our wireframing template is old, hard to share, and takes too long. 

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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith
June 30, 2017 7:59 AM!

Why Rich Animations Will Make Your Website Fun – via Medium

Why Rich Animations Will Make Your Website Fun – via Medium | Must Design |

Rich Animations

Video is a must, but so are "rich animations". Rich Animations are infographic-like, fun and instructive graphics that come alive, play, and run much like a video. 

Find examples in this Medium Post 


Martin (Marty) Smith's insight:

Watching The Story of Stuff we realized there were some things, some hard things, better told via animation. A human narrator would have made the hard stuff too hard, but animating the devastation even our favorite stuff like iPhone create stopped the "rejection reflex" long enough to listen. 

Not hard to see why animation is so effective. We've been brought up on cartoons, Sesame Street and Simpsons. If you aren't using animation to teach, engage, and make points you might otherwise not be able to make your website is less fun, effective, and profitable. 

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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith
January 22, 2019 10:22 AM!

How To Design Search For Your Mobile App via Smashing Magazine

How To Design Search For Your Mobile App via Smashing Magazine | Must Design |

Mobile app users are a different breed. They go to mobile apps for different reasons than websites. In sum, they want a faster, concentrated, and more convenient experience. However, since smartphone screens have limited space, it’s not really feasible to include an expansive menu or set of filters to aid in the navigation of an app.

Martin (Marty) Smith's insight:

What changes do you need to make to be "mobile first" with your search bar and search results? This Smashing Magazine post shares reasons why virtually any mobile application needs a search bar. 


You’re going to find a lot of use for search in mobile apps:


  • Content-driven apps like newspapers, publishing platforms, and blogs;
  • e-Commerce shops with large inventories and categorization of those inventories;
  • Productivity apps that contain documents, calendars, and other searchable records;
  • Listing sites that connect users to the right hotel, restaurant, itinerary, item for sale, apartment for rent, and so on;
  • Dating and networking apps that connect users with vast quantities of “matches”.
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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith
December 29, 2018 3:10 PM!

Favorite 2018 Illustrations & Why Original Art Rules in 2019 via Fast Company & Curagami 

Favorite 2018 Illustrations & Why Original Art Rules in 2019 via Fast Company & Curagami  | Must Design |

Take a look at some of the Fast Company Art Department’s favorite illustrations from 2018. From our World’s 50 Most Innovative Companies to Most Creative People in Business, we’ve tasked talented illustrators to visually interpret subjects ranging from pharmaceuticals to video game worlds to the Girl Scouts of America.

Martin (Marty) Smith's insight:

Why Illustrations Rule 2019
I'm working on a mashup of web, graphics and e-commerce trends for 2019. To create such a summary I read a gaggle of predictions for 2019 trends looking for agreement and interesting outliers.  

One rather large area of agreement is the rise of original illustrations. I have theories on why colorful, original illustrations will be important marketing tools in 2019. 


  • Death of Stock Photography
    Stock photography is a very bad thing in the hands of the unskilled and 90% of sites and marketing campaigns are "unskilled". Feels like my eyes are being burned away by boring smiling empty people. 

  • Art, Marketing, and Data Collision
    Brand consistent, arresting, original art lights up analytics as the distance between creative left-brainers and quanty right brainers continues to shrink. 

  • Originality Gets Shared
    One reason analytics spikes assure cogent marketers will create more cool illustrations next year is cool stuff gets shared thus creating the winning self-fulfilling prophecy - original illustrations arrest and engage generating shares reinforcing the need for more cool graphics. 

  • Pictures Mean More Than Words Now
    Hard to imagine Hemingway, Faulkner, or Cheever in a blogging age. Our eyes control so much of our time, brian, and desires these days reading almost anything requires a great visual and a headline writer who knows how to set a hook. I'm not saying quality writing is dead, but discovering quality writing (or anything) requires eye candy and a great headline. 

  • The Attention Span/Serotonin Problem
    We are wired differently now. I judge not sitting here using to communicate with you dear reader, but F. Scott would need to write the Great Gatsby in pieces, on several web pages with accompanying visuals today. If Gatsby didn't look good on our phones we wouldn't click, swipe, or share. Again, I'm NOT judging :). 

I'll share my web and graphics 2019 trends mashup on (and on Must Design) soon. In the meantime share your thoughts on why illustrations will rule (or not) next year, our slouching toward Bethlehem world, or your Gatsby moments and I'll include your thoughts (with attribution and appropriate Quid Pro Quo links). 

Have a great New Year and an epic 2019!


NeXus Portal Solutions's curator insight, December 29, 2018 4:57 PM

Fav illustrations from 2018

NeXus Portal Solutions's curator insight, January 4, 2020 11:26 AM

Why Original Art Rules

Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith
December 27, 2018 12:29 PM!

Design Thinking Matters Here Is Why via Curagami 

Design Thinking Matters Here Is Why via Curagami  | Must Design |

Wild Chaotic Humans Are Here
The chaotic jumble of idea, tests, humans, and designers is the tumult we’ve become, the discord and disorder we need. Every design promotes or diminishes conversations. There is no neutral. Standing still doesn’t exist anymore. You gain or lose every day with every design you publish, think about, or share. Passive consumers are gone. Wild, emotional humans are here. 

Discover Curagami's curated riff of an Interactive Design Institue post entitled What Is Design Thinking and Why Is It So Popular:

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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith
December 26, 2018 5:52 PM!

Graphic Design Trends 2019 via How Design

Graphic Design Trends 2019 via How Design | Must Design |
Four experts share their take on the upcoming grapic design trends 2019. The new year is waiting and here's what to look for, designers!
Martin (Marty) Smith's insight:

How is one of my "go to" graphic design resources. 

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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith
December 21, 2018 1:50 PM!

8 Key Principles of Design Thinking via How Design

8 Key Principles of Design Thinking via How Design | Must Design |

"Design is the non-fiction version of art,” once said Douglas Coupland, the writer, artist and designer who has taken his hand at desk design and …

Martin (Marty) Smith's insight:

How Design is a great graphic design resource. 

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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith
December 18, 2018 7:54 AM!

Scoopit Archives

Scoopit Archives | Must Design | Integrations

This page shows how easy makes it to integrate content into your blog. Go to the feed, click on "INTEGRATION" and define a few simple parameters for the feed such as your or meta and the number of posts to show, copy the embed code to a Wordpress (or other tools) and publish. 


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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith
July 21, 2017 12:46 PM!

Adobe Just Built The Prettiest UI Ever

Adobe Just Built The Prettiest UI Ever | Must Design |

Squishy Bendy Color 
A new project from Adobe Research and the University of Toronto may take things a step further. Their Playful Palette lets you mix colors in a stretchy, blended puddle. The effect is downright beautiful. Each color mix is like its own little snapshot of wall-ready abstract art. But crucially, as you work putting colors to the virtual canvas, you automatically save the colors that you’ve already used around the wheel.

Martin (Marty) Smith's insight:

Sounds very cool great tool matched with a better UI from Adobe seems incongruous but we can't wait to try bendy squishy colors. 

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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith
July 20, 2017 7:33 AM!

Learn Design By Looking - Free "High Design" Posters - 

Learn Design By Looking - Free "High Design" Posters -  | Must Design |

High Design Posters
These posters are messages in bottles. In many cases, their design is timeless, brilliant, and inspiring. In other cases, the looks are dated but those posters teach valuable design lessons too. 

Martin (Marty) Smith's insight:

One of the best way to learn how to design is by looking at good designs created by others. I steal from women's magazines, art books, artists, and whatever source inspires, is handy, and can be adopted or adapted. 

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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith
July 18, 2017 9:27 AM!

Textiles go Three Dimensional and Shoes Will Never Be The Same 

Textiles go Three Dimensional and Shoes Will Never Be The Same  | Must Design |

Going 3D
Introducing, 3D Yarn! A cool new spin on an old craft called needle-punch felting. Using a custom made machine, the material fibers are felted together. As YankoDesign explains: 

"Introducing, 3D Yarn! A cool new spin on an old craft called needle-punch felting. Using a custom made machine, the material fibers are felted together row by row and layer by layer on a specifically shaped foam to create entirely new types of 3D cloth. The yarn is essentially drawn on the form which can be any shape or size. This innovative technique allows for waste-less, stitch-free and seamless creations of organic fabrics, like this stylish, seemingly monocoque sneaker that gives Flyknit a run for its money!"

Martin (Marty) Smith's insight:

3D yarn is too cool! 

Ettienne's curator insight, October 31, 2017 6:07 AM
Introducing, 3D Yarn! A cool new spin on an old craft called needle-punch felting. Using a custom made machine, the material fibers are felted together row by row and layer by layer on a specifically shaped foam to create entirely new types of 3D cloth. The yarn is essentially drawn on the form which can be any shape or size. This innovative technique allows for waste-less, stitch-free and seamless creations of organic fabrics, like this stylish, seemingly monocoque sneaker that gives Flyknit a run for its money!
Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith
July 11, 2017 8:37 AM!

Designer? Thinking About Code School Read This @Curagami Post First 

Designer? Thinking About Code School Read This @Curagami Post First  | Must Design |

Do Graphic Designers Need Code School?

Web design is, like most things, in the middle of an intense revolution. As the backend or reading and writing content to databases continue to move toward the front end of pretty pictures customers see and interact with designers will be tempted to attend a "code school". 

Before you pay thousands in tuition to upgrade skills you may need to upgrade read this Curagami post first: 

Martin (Marty) Smith's insight:

Our Curagami post that places our experience at The Iron Yard Code school in Durham, North Carolina in the context of more than 13 years in web development. Before you pay for a school that will make many promises, read our code schools post. 

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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith
July 7, 2017 8:45 AM!

How Emotional Design Will Make Your Brands Stand Out

How Emotional Design Will Make Your Brands Stand Out | Must Design |

Emotional Branding Guide
This excellent guide to building emotions into your brands focuses on products, but every lesson here applies to web design too. Finding ways to infuse your web designs with relevant value, cultural, and "made to stick" messages, connections, and images are every designer's and web marketer's job. 

Martin (Marty) Smith's insight:

Great primer on how to build emotions into your product, web, and services designs. 

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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith
July 1, 2017 11:53 AM!

Martins Tiny House Diary July 1 - Curagami

Martins Tiny House Diary July 1 - Curagami | Must Design |

Martin's Tiny House Diary

Ready my Hillbilly Elegy and watch a video of the Southern gothic metal roof redux installation on Curagami: 

Martin (Marty) Smith's insight:

Building a house is a many-sided journey. Today's Tiny House Diary post shares my Hillbilly Elegy and a short video showing t he installation of the southern gothic metal roof. 

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