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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith
October 4, 2013 1:50 AM!

Designing "Cancer" Products - The Cure Cancer Varsity Jacket

Designing "Cancer" Products - The Cure Cancer Varsity Jacket | Must Design |
Cure Cancer Buzz Team Brief 10.4
Well when I started this brief it was the 10.3 brief (lol). This is the first time our exclusive Cure Cancer Varsity…
Martin (Marty) Smith's insight:

Next Week = Going To Be AMAZING
Next week we are launcing perhaps the two biggest projects of my life:, working with leading cancer centers to crowdfund cancer research and where you can shop to cure cancer.

Like EVERYTHING I do now all profits and in the case of all the money goes to help cure cancer via our Story of Cancer Foundation (501c3). I'm a cancer survivor and everything I have is dedicated to a single idea - curing cancer in our lifetime.

This exclusive and NEW Cure Cancer Varsity Jacket is for the toughest game we will ever play. Each jacket can be customized to tell a cancer patient's, friends or family's journey. This is the first time the jacket has been shown outside of our meetngs and its creation story will be familiar to FOMs (Friends of Martins).

Hope you will JOIN our Buzz Team and help create awareness on social media for these new ideas:

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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith
January 6, 2013 6:35 PM!

Cure Cancer Starter First Look

Cure Cancer Starter First Look | Must Design |

Cure Cancer Starter Campaign Page
This is my very ROUGH sketch of the Cure Cancer Starter campaign page. Never before seen because it was only in my head before today.

Martin (Marty) Smith's insight:

Cue Cancer Starter - Tech Cures Cancer
It appears we are going to have some of the leading cancer centers in America in our Cure Cancer Starter pilot program. Cure Cancer Starter is a crowdfunding platform to connect cancer researchers to cancer patients their friends and families.

I am NOT a graphic designer, but I like to put roughs of my flow and functionality ideas into detailed functional specifications documents so a coding and design team isn't working with a blank sheet of paper.

This design is the very FIRST time any of these ideas have been anywhere other than my head (lol). This is the campaign page where the rubber meets the road in Cure Cancer Starter.

There are five sections to the page once you are past the header. They are:

* Video about the research from the doctors doing it.
* Thank You Awards gamification "stickers" (working out what that means now lol).

* Back This Project area with how much as been raised and time to go.

* Social Shares - if a person's profile settings allow sharing here their picture will appear with a snippet about why they donated. Can also click to see the donor's profile again depending on security.
* Researcher Bio and Link - This area is about who is doing the research and links back to a page similar to this where all current research is summarized.


Instead of highlighting someone else designs, I thought I would share a very early and very rough draft of where we are going on Cure Cancer Starter.


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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith
August 16, 2013 12:00 AM!

Design For Designers - Story of Cancer Foundation First Look & Website Design Tips

Design For Designers - Story of Cancer Foundation First Look & Website Design Tips | Must Design |
Story of Cancer Website First Look
Thought it would be interesting to share a very early design for Story of Cancer. I am NOT a graphic designer, but I…
Martin (Marty) Smith's insight:

The G+ post explains why I expose my amateur design skills to the pros (usually to a little condescension and derision :). I don't attach EGO to copy or website design anymore. EGO and GREAT aren't compatible when TEAM is required to do anything online.

This rough beta design for Story of Cancer Foundation is giving the great design team at (my friends Eric and Cynthia Garrison) some ideas about what I'm thinkng. I "design for designers" because doing so makes sure my vision is in there (somewhat) and the process is FASTER.

Huge shout out to @HaikuDeck again (just wrote about why it ROCKS the other day on ScentTrail and using it today to find royalty free images (really royalty free not the bait and switch most boards play) saved HOURS of image searching. THANK YOU HK.

We are going to have to ROCK and ROLL to get everything done by October, so "designing for designers" helps save time and they will be comfortable letting me handle filling in their designs if they see I can manipulate images and understand some design basics (and we all should).

You may think, "Wow this design sucks," and it may (only actual use can determine if a design is working or not), but its is FAST and EASY and it will help get the feedback needed to become great. Can't make money now (locked up in my head lol).

Be sure to share your ideas, thoughts, comments and we hope you will join and support Story of Cancer and the Tech Cures Cancer movement. Together we cure cancer in OUR lifetime (and remember I already have cancer so needs to be SOON please :). M

Link to the tips on G+


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