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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith
September 18, 2014 2:20 PM!

Why Red Is Deadly In Web Design! 15+ Best Examples

Why Red Is Deadly In Web Design! 15+ Best Examples | Must Design |

Marty Note
Red is an IMPOSSIBLE web design color except when it isn't. There is an excellent comment at the end of this post sharing the best red websites:

Ashley Pajak Comment

I find that red can very easily become too overpowering. Even though some of these are running into that, others display the color proudly and cleverly, such as the Venkat Portfolio and Svizra.

The only design I liked used red as an accent (Project 1,000). Others just made me want to RUN away. When I started designing websites in 1999 I read a book about red, white and black as a powerful combination of design elements.

The book pointed out the power of simple lines and few colors especially when done so from the MINIMAL school of online design made so popular now by MOBILE. There are flashes of that clarity in some of these designs, but red as a base color is tricky and difficult as many of these designs prove..

If you know great red or great red, black and white designs please share and we will update. Thanks, M

Martin (Marty) Smith's insight:

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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith
April 20, 2013 6:39 PM!

Beautiful Color in Web Design 21 Examples Inspire

Beautiful Color in Web Design 21 Examples Inspire | Must Design |
There is no doubt that choosing the right colors for a design is a very important step of the creative process. We need to think about the message and the style
Martin (Marty) Smith's insight:

Pick 3 Best Examples Competition
Love at least 3 of these examples of great use of color in website design. Can you pick the 3? Share your top 3 in comments. 

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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith
April 21, 2013 10:32 PM!

Fonts & Colors Big Brands Use To Win Loyalty and Promote Engagement [Infographic]

Fonts & Colors Big Brands Use To Win Loyalty and Promote Engagement [Infographic] | Must Design |
Having trouble coming up with a logo? Our latest study highlights which combinations of fonts, colors and formats are used by the world's top brands.
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