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Curation the next web revolution.
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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith
October 5, 2015 5:15 AM!

Content Marketing: Adding Scoopit Magazines To Your Blog or Site

Content Marketing: Adding Scoopit Magazines To Your Blog or Site | Curation Revolution |

Adding Magazines
Adding Scoopit Magazines to a blog or website is a Curagami post that shares the easy how and why of adding "magazines" (feeds) and content curation, to your blog or website. Content curation via Scoopit adds inexpensive reach and customer engagement generating loyalty and return on investment.

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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith
September 4, 2015 10:58 AM!

7 Reasons Why You Must CURATE CONTENT- A @HaikuDeck

7 Reasons Why You Must CURATE CONTENT- A @HaikuDeck | Curation Revolution |

Why You Must Curate Content
We shocked a SEO Meetup suggesting 90% curation to 10% content creation. This deck explains why you MUST curate content. Content curation is a CSF (Critical Success Factor) for online marketing.

Among the 7 Reasons we share content are these three:

* Proof of "Digital Listening"

* Reach
* Costs

Discover 4 more reasons you must curate content at Haiku Deck: 

Mery Elvis Mt's curator insight, October 7, 2015 7:48 PM

#ContentCuration is the core of Content Marketing

Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith
June 24, 2015 2:00 AM!

SEO: What Is THEIR Rank Telling You - Curagami

SEO: What Is THEIR Rank Telling You - Curagami | Curation Revolution |

How Their Rank Teaches You SEO Lessons
SEO: Their Rank Talks To You, but are you listening, emulating category leaders and finding ways to disrupt your space to win hearts, minds and loyalty online is the "new SEO". 

So if your question is, "You talking to ME?" and you are asking Google the answer is YES.  

Martin (Marty) Smith's insight:

Updated this post with a PageRank is Dead note from my friend Mark Traphagen. 

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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith
April 30, 2015 6:59 PM!

Stop Making Sense To Win Online via @Curagami

Stop Making Sense To Win Online via @Curagami | Curation Revolution |

Burn Down Your House
Talking Heads know an important internet marketing truth – sometimes you need to put on a big suit, jump around and burn down your web marketing house.

Watch David Byrne carefully. Everything happening is practiced but not stale, choreographed but spontaneous and crazy & planned. If there is a better example for where our near real time, content, community and commerce online world is going we don't know it.

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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith
February 5, 2015 12:13 PM!

Content Director by Because We MUST Curate Content

Content Director by Because We MUST Curate Content | Curation Revolution |

Content Director Should Rock Content Marketing
I'm excited that th etalented @Scoop.itteam ( @Guillaume Decugis@Ally Greer@Marc Rougierand many others) are launching a new content curation tool called Content Director. As team Curagami shared in our 7 Reasons You Must Curate Content ( over 5,000 views now) knowing what content is making you money and why is a CSF (Critical Success Factor).

Can't wait for our demo tomorrow PM. Will report back.

Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith
November 4, 2014 2:43 PM!

THINK Like A Marketing Pro: 5 Secret Tips via @HaikuDeck

THINK Like A Marketing Pro: 5 Secret Tips via @HaikuDeck | Curation Revolution |
Biggest challenge to great web marketing may be learning to THINK like an Internet marketer. Here are 5 Secret Tips to help you become a great IMer.
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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith
October 6, 2014 8:09 AM!

Content Curation Next Big Thing or Temp? Content Curation Survey 2014

The results of the content curation survey 2014. Get the insights on the content curation industry. 282 people took part in this survey.

Marty Note
I contributed to Christian's survey and love seeing the results. is the clear "tool" favorite and it was interesting to see how other content curators treat something team Curagami ( ) believes will be a huge help because:

Why Content Curation Rocks
* Ability to test content before risking it on model websites.
* Creates community.

* Great source of UGC (User Generated Content).
* Proves you listen at least as much as you talk.
* Increases social shares and so SEO.

* CHEAP when compared to content curation.
* Greater reach faster than content creation.

That last bullet is an idea we stumbled on. Content creation always starts from zero. YOU have to push the ball up the hill. Content curation starts further because you are using someone's content. Your share already has momentum since it has been shared before.

@Cendrine Marrouat - https://www.cendrinemedia.comjust wrote a great post for Curagami about why content curation is critical for B2C merchants:

Appreciate being included in Christian's survey and found results fascinating and true to my online content curation experiences.

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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith
September 9, 2014 1:43 AM!

Brand Sculpting: 5 Online Branding Tips & 10 Tools via @Curagami

Brand Sculpting: 5 Online Branding Tips & 10 Tools via @Curagami | Curation Revolution |

Brand Sculpting creates a brand's online community in alignment with User Generated Content, a growing tribe of advocates & trending keywords & content.

5 Tips
* 10 Tools including ( @Kelly Hungerford), Haiku Deck, G+, Pinterest & Others.
* Community & UGC.
* Digital Listening.
* Analytics.
* Moon Audio examples.

Martin (Marty) Smith's insight:

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Rescooped by Martin (Marty) Smith from Must Market
August 19, 2014 6:11 PM!

From Brands To Communities - Understanding The Wiki-ization of Marketing

From Brands To Communities - Understanding The Wiki-ization of Marketing | Curation Revolution |

As social media changes web marketint needw to inspire the kind of commitment, support and contribution made popular by Wiki-pedia. Market, create and communicate MOVEMENTS not simply SALES. Create and curate online community. Understand the Wiki-ization of Marketing.

Martin (Marty) Smith's insight:

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Martin (Marty) Smith's curator insight, August 18, 2014 6:55 PM

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Sébastien Carensac's curator insight, August 19, 2014 5:26 AM

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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith
July 17, 2014 3:37 PM!

Social Media Publishing is dead - SMB Survival Guide: 3 Rays of Hope via @Curagami & @gdecugis

Social Media Publishing is dead - SMB Survival Guide: 3 Rays of Hope via @Curagami & @gdecugis | Curation Revolution |

Lions, Tigers, Bears & Content Shock & SMB Survival
Small to Medium Sized Businesses are overwhelmed. The clearest message we've received during our first six months creating our Startup Factory funded startup called Curagami is a clear protest. "Overwhelmed" is the most common adjective SMBs use to describe their situation.

Not hard to see why SMBs are feeling overwhelmed. Tactics that used to insure consistent yearly growth are sick. Tactics are drying up faster than ever.

SMB Marketing Tactics Costing More, Getting Less:

* Yellow Pages (near death).
* Print ads (near death).

* Val-u-pak coupons (near death).

* Coupons of any kind (losing relevance with smartphone users)..

* Groupons (blows brands up almost beyond repair).
* Email marketing (sick due to social / mobile web).
* Social Media Marketing (sick and getting sicker fast).
* Content Marketing.(content shock sick).

* Ecommerce (too many stores, same offerings).
* PPC (paying more to get less).
* Retargeting (cat out of bag, so sick efficacy declining).
* Video Marketing (steep learning curve, expensive).
* Viral Marketing (everyone has that cold now & hit or miss).
* Cause Marketing (not as unique as once was & live or die with partner).

* Celebrity Marketing (expensive and live or die with branded celeb).

* SEO (don't even get us started, all but gone, baby, gone).

3 Rays of Hope

1. Content Curation
Discussed by CEO @Guillaume Decugisin Social Media Publishing Is Dead As We Know It ( ).

2. Community
Banding and binding tribes of contributors, advocates and supporters to your cause.

3. Friends of Friends marketing.
Reaching new customers via WOM (Word-of-Mouth) supplied by fans, brand advocates and social marketing Sherpas willing to sacrifice and help your cause.

Curagami ( ) is focused on helping SMBs create sustainable community via the Friends-of-Friends marketing community generates.  

Am Scooping Guillaume's post to use in our Curagami board meeting tomorrow and we are working on 3 cool ideas:

* Curagami SMB Survival Guide - one page "action focused" recommendations on the tapestry of marketing tools and tactics needed to know where online "success" lives these days.

* Curagami $25,000 SMB Survival Contest - Help in seo, content marketing and community building to make this holiday online selling season great.

* Curagmai SMB Survival School - 1 day training to support SMBs at the American Tobacco Campus in Durham, NC.

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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith
April 8, 2014 7:42 AM!

The Content, Commerce & Social Media Revolution - CrowdFunde

The Content, Commerce & Social Media Revolution - CrowdFunde | Curation Revolution |

After Google's algorithm changes content is KING, context QUEEN. Online merchants who "match the hatch" of content to customers create advantage. Winning this advantage takes courage.

Courage because when one revolution happens things get crazy. When three revolutions are happening simultaneously its time to get in the basement with water and a year's supply of canned goods.

Instead of doing that we suggest reading about how content, commerce and social media can contribute to one another on CrowdFunde our startup dedicated to helping websites, brands and companies tap wisdom of crowds.

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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith
September 25, 2015 10:07 AM!

Quiz Power: What Famous Painting Are You?via @Curagami

Quiz Power: What Famous Painting Are You?via @Curagami | Curation Revolution |
Quiz Power shares the engagement and excitement personality profile quizzes can bring to digital marketing. What Famous Painting Are You?
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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith
August 31, 2015 8:52 AM!

Fractals, Ecommerce & The Web - Finding and Using Your 80:20 Rule [video]

Fractals, Ecommerce & The Web - Finding and Using Your 80:20 Rule [video] | Curation Revolution |

How To Make $30M Online
When people ask me how teams I've managed made more than $30M online I say it's simple - find your 80:20 Rule, double down on winners, leave laggards and hire great people.

None of those things are nearly as "simple" as they sound, but you must know what NOT to do. Any website has an enduring and constant fractal called the 80:20 Rule. This post includes a video about the importance of your 80:20 Rule, how to use what you find and a link to an earlier post on how to find your 80:20 Rule. 


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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith
June 14, 2015 12:29 PM!

Scoopit Makes Content Curation & Content Marketing Easy

Scoopit Makes Content Curation & Content Marketing Easy | Curation Revolution |

Why You Must Curate Content is a great tool we've used for years. We finally had a chance to use the easy to use and understand feed embed tool. The ability to easily add feeds into your blogs and websites means content curation is easy to create and add into your content marketing mix. 

The linked post explains why content curation is a MUST. Content curation is less expensive, has more reach and develops more community than content creation alone. We seen the damage pushing more content with less support can create in engagement and SEO. 

Don't do that (push content at the expense of curation) is our best online marketing advice. 

Neil Ferree's comment, June 14, 2015 1:50 PM
You're so right @Martin (Marty) Smith and its especially true when you "marry" a SlideShare Deck to as I mentioned in this G+ Post
Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith
March 31, 2015 8:55 PM!

New Video Notes Added To Key Ecommerce ?s @HaikuDeck!

New Video Notes Added To Key Ecommerce ?s @HaikuDeck! | Curation Revolution |

Lots of questions after our presentation of asking the right Ecommerce questions last week to a group of about 40 Small to Medium Sized Businesses in Raleigh sponsored by FedEx. Instead fo writing more, we took a different approach and developed short "Video Notes" adding Curagami YouTube links to our Haiku Deck:

Find the Haiku Deck Here

Find Introductory Video Notes on YouTube Here 

Find Video Notes about creating online community here 

Will add more video notes soon.  

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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith
December 5, 2014 8:01 PM!

Content Marketing's Soul: Twitter's Founder Gives Content Marketers Best Advice Ever w/ Thanks To @CendrineMedia

Content Marketing's Soul: Twitter's Founder Gives Content Marketers Best Advice Ever w/ Thanks To @CendrineMedia | Curation Revolution |

Content marketers tend to attack the work like kids at a sundae bar – scooping up as many toppings as they can to have the most or best creation. Avoid the ice cream sundae syndrome with these steps inspired by Twitter’s founder.

Marty Note
Thanks to my friend and uber-curator Cendrine Marrouat I found this excellent Content Marketing Institute post about the nature of content marketing revealed by startup master Ev Williams.

I agree the Ev Williams quote is an important piece of startup Zen, but find the post's laboring application to content marketing strained. I do agree we content / Internet markets have the shinny lure syndrome.

We (marketers) are like hungry trout clustered together in a fast moving stream darting out for the next new bait an action made all the more frenzied by its proximity to the judging chorus of other trout. Truth is rarely so shinny, easy to digest and so hard to throw off.

Truth is listening + learning + bold risk taking = success. Listening to customers has never been easier or done do badly. Listening thanks to our mobile / social / connected world is EASY to do and remains hard to BELIEVE.

Listening must be matched with learning. Learning too has never been easier or harder to believe. We SEE the patterns, hear the customer and yet we do not SEE or understand. As good as the post is it also provides an example into our greatest problem.

Content marketing is flawed. Content marketing speaks too much ans listens too little. Content Marketing hasn't received Mark Schaefer's Content Shock memo ( ).

We marketers can't get there (sustainable online community) from here (content marketing). The challenge in creating an "institute" is the isolation and over emphasis such emphasis creates.

Agree Easier Than We Think
The beautiful thread the CMI post picks up from Ev Williams quote is business and life isn't as HARD as we imagine or think. Find a human desire, preferably one that has been around a long time, and use modern technology to make it easy and cool such as:

Need A Ride - Uber
Want to buy online instead of going to the mall - Amazon

Don't want to wait for your car in the cold - FlashValet
Social connection without computers - Android & iPhone
Social Connection - Facebook, Twitter GPlus

I would modify Ev's statement a tad:

Find a human desire and use modern MOBILE technology to make it easy and cool.

Williams "technology" was heavily weighted toward mobile, but at Curagami we see an increasing trend - cool isn't cool without some mobile aspect. Mobile First is becoming a more important statement than it original UI intent. If you are creating ANYTHING new it better play amazing on a smartphone or life will be harder.

Recently I purchased a wireless speaker from Amazon. The speaker is cool and I like having good sound when I travel. The speaker is controlled by an app on my phone.

Here's the killer thing to understand - the app DOESN'T DO ANYTHING that buttons on the speaker don't do better, but the app does NOTHING in a very cool way AND the app ties the speaker to my phone.

That tie means the speaker doubled its cool enough so that I'm mentioning it here. WITHOUT the app no way I mention it. With the app, the app that adds NOTHING, the package is cool enough to mention.

SO, lesson is find a DESIRE (by listening to customers), wipe some cool tech on it, listen to customers some more and don't forget if whatever you are making or marketing doesn't play on a smartphone then it won't exist (soon).

Thanks to @Cendrine Marrouat - for curating a great post my way :). Marty

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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith
October 14, 2014 11:03 PM!

Content Marketing: Don't Over Plan - via @Curagami

Content Marketing: Don't Over Plan - via @Curagami | Curation Revolution |

Over Planning Can KILL Your Content Marketing
We see a lot of experts, gurus and people who should know better sharing yesterday's advice. We've read thousands of words about the importance of goal setting, planning and objectives for content marketing.

People talk about creating content marketing calendars and planning everything to within an inch of your life. Good luck with that. Might have worked 3 years ago, but today's social / mobile / connected world means you need to become a NOWIST.

This Curagami post embeds the influential Joy Ito TED talk about becoming a Nowist by pulling from the network to meet demand. Your content needs to do the same.

AND You need to digitally listen. We riff a few paragraphs about what it means to digitally listen such as FOLLOWING those who follow you, Retweeting and curating content from your customers and brand advocates.

Next time you read 1,000 words on planning your "content calendar" STOP and read this Curagami post so you don't over plan your content marketing.

Brian Yanish -'s curator insight, October 15, 2014 1:29 PM

Great post and insight by @Martin (Marty) Smith sure to help you with your content marketing.

Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith
September 10, 2014 7:39 PM!

Movement Marketing with - via @Curagami

Movement Marketing with - via @Curagami | Curation Revolution |

Movement Marketing With
Why startups create movements & community from organic fuel such as narrowing focus, winning hearts, minds & loyalty and building online community.

Martin (Marty) Smith's insight:

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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith
September 3, 2014 10:00 PM!

London Calling Crowdfunding Lessons From The CLASH via @HaikuDeck

London Calling Crowdfunding Lessons From The CLASH via @HaikuDeck | Curation Revolution |

Clash Crowdfunding Lessons
Crowdfunding may be the ultimate "in your face" DIY (Do It Yourself) disruption. Much like the CLASH's "punk ethos", so well described in The Future Is Unwritten the biopic documentary film about Joe Strummer, marketers must create content and community with authenticity and awesome, daring and original content.

Working on a companion Curagami blog post too. Here is link to HaikuDeck:

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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith
July 23, 2014 6:48 AM!

Is Social Media Marketing Dead? Yep & Here's Whats Next - via @Curagami

Is Social Media Marketing Dead? Yep & Here's Whats Next - via @Curagami | Curation Revolution |
Jeff Fromm in a great post for TBJ makes Curagami's tactical marketing is dead argument beautifully. Social Media Marketing is dead & here's what's next.

Martin (Marty) Smith's insight:

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Brian Yanish -'s curator insight, July 23, 2014 8:05 AM

As we consume more and more content via our mobile devices, both content marketing and social media marketing strategies need to be re-examined.


The end user, your consumer now has Notification Distraction, be it from a game or text message your content has limited engagement time of these devices. Getting a share has become even harder. 

Connecting content to product engagement is the new marketing.

Dr. Karen Dietz's comment July 23, 2014 5:43 PM
I really enjoyed this article Marty and am going to reference it for another kind of story project I'm working on. Good stuff! Thanks for finding and sharing.
Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith
April 23, 2014 9:08 AM!

Curation Is The Next Web Revolution - ScentTrail Marketing Archive

Curation Is The Next Web Revolution - ScentTrail Marketing Archive | Curation Revolution |

Scenttrail Marketing Archive
Thought it might be an interesting exercise to revisit key posts from Scenttrail Marketing. Curation Is The Next Web Revolution is why I got to play with

After one of's founders, Marc Rougier, read this post they offered to let me play with their cool new tool while still in beta. Curation Is The Next Web Revolution feels more true today than when it was first shared in early 2011.

Curation is the best way to test content as I described in How I Use ( We are so committed to content curation we are building a new tool called CrowdFunde to help websites understand what content helps them the most.

No doubt in our mind content curation is what's next. What about you? Are you curating content? Share how you use tools like, G+, or your blog to create effective content marketing and we will share with our tribe.

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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith
August 31, 2013 6:11 PM!

7 Hero Stories Every Website Should Share [Examples]

7 Hero Stories Every Website Should Share [Examples] | Curation Revolution |

There are 7 Hero Stories Every Website should master:

* Enlightened (

* Vicarious BestBuy).

* Altruistic (

* Rescue (
* Stranger (McKinsey).
* Like Us (CharityWater).

* Togehter (Kickstarter).

POLL: Added a poll so you can share what kind of hero you want to be: 

Find detailed examples of copy each kind of "hero" copy here:

Share your examples here:

@HaikuDeck Here:

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