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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith
November 14, 2014 11:36 AM!

6 Reasons Your Biz Blog Sucks & How To Fix

6 Reasons Your Biz Blog Sucks & How To Fix | Curation Revolution |

Marty Note
Great post by team. At our cool tools for ecommerce merchants startup we see all six of these mistakes. Here are some of the ways we've helped clients fix reasons their biz blogs sucked:

  1.  No Subscription Form
    Agree with this mistake being #1 since it cuts off your Internet marketing nose to spite your face. BUT adding a subscription form can be tricky. If a client has a vast archive we always locate a large search box in their header. If NOT we  cross our fingers and put a subscription from up there.
    We HATE subscription forms in footers since it since the WRONG message. Footer forms say, "Sure you can join, but we don't care." Best location is left rail somewhere below your hero (largest image on the page is a hero) and that means your left column should be navvy (i.e. about 200 - 300 pixels and have other nuggets like social in there too). We don't like being forced right either since we read left to right so stuff on the left typically gets more "eye time". WE HATE popunders those annoying requests to join that must be cleared BUT they work with enough people that most online merchants use them. Our answer to that is if everyone jumped off a cliff would you too and then we realize we are sounding like our parents so we shut up (lol). If you have to popunder use as they are the least obnoxious popunder we've seen.

  2. Content Is Skinny & Stale
    Blogs are a commitment. The deal you make is you WILL be blogging several times a week. Break that commitment and your biz blog will suck, never receive links and so you may as well stay home and watch TV for all the good adding less than 300+ posts a year will do you. Blogging is a discipline, a habit, your routine must incorporate if you want your content marketing to mean anything to visitors not related to you. Daily blogging gets easier the more you do it, but do it you must as fresh content is a huge part of the bargain you are striking with Google when you put a website into its view. Google is important, but your customers are even more important and they believe in QDF too (Quality Deserves Freshness), so blog it out. 

  3. No Relevant CTAs
    Boy this is one of our HUGE pet peeves. If you don't have a BUTTON or LINK on your site that says the equivalent of CLICK ME THERE IS COOL STUFF HERE your biz blog sucks. CTAs are important, but you can have TOO MANY too, so strike a balance and ask for attention HERE and HERE.

  4. No Related Links
    Blogs are NASTY bad at building relevant next links. Without a plugin your blog will be backwards. Most default WordPress themes publish "archives" in reverse publishing order (most recent first). BTW, that sucks. You are better off to have related links at the bottom of a post AND create Top 5 lists across several dimensions such as popularity, most shared, most commented on, staff favorites and even bottom 5. Creating a priority list does wonders for content because it brings the MOB into play. We want to know what OTHERS think is interesting or bad or amazing. Lists work so USE 'em.
    We think of content as products. We want to merchandise, combine and suggest content just like an ecommerce merchant creates cross-sale and up-sale.

  5. Don't Leverage Analytics in PUBLIC
    I'm sitting at a Panera Bread writing this and there is a big sign sharing that the owners shared $19M with charity last year. Public feedback loops such as Top 5 ordered lists and Most Searched summaries help your visitors know you, your content and your tribe.

  6. No Social Shares or BAD Social Shares
    Wow we could write a mile on this one, but we will give you the quick version. 1. Make it easy to share every page 2. Remember you want some shares for your SITE and some for the content people are reading now and those are two different things and need two different social widgets. 3. ALWAYS include your @name in your auto-tweets and shares. 

Great post by the Scoop.iteers. Hope those ideas help you know how to fix six reasons your biz blog sucks. Time and web attention are way to valuable to ever SUCK. That is not to say we've never SUCKED (lol), but we try not to stink forever. Blog on :). M

Marijo's curator insight, November 19, 2014 12:10 PM

Great tips to fix your blog.

If you didn't do it already do it now.

Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith
March 7, 2014 12:57 AM!

Why I Don't Like Scoopit Links on Twitter [+Scenttrail Comment]

Why I Don't Like Scoopit Links on Twitter [+Scenttrail Comment] | Curation Revolution |

I’m seeing more Scoopit links in my Twitter stream and I’m not crazy about it.  Sure it’s quick and easy to share with Scoopit.  But it not quick and easy to consume. For me it's all about the econ...

Marty Note (here is comment I wrote on Dr. V's blog)

Appreciate Bryan’s and Joseph’s comment, but I rarely use as a pass through. More than 90% of the time I’m adding “rich snippets” to content I Scoop.

Rich snippets are “blog” posts that fall between Twitter and the 500 to 1,000 words I would write in Scenttrail Marketing. I often create original content ON because whatever I’m writing falls in the crack between Twitter’s micro blog and what I think of as needing to be on my marketing blog.

I was taught NOT to pass through links on early on by the great curator @Robin Good . Robin has well over 1M views on now and his advice along with the patient advice of other great curators has my profile slouching toward 150,000 views.

Bryan is correct that some curators new to haven’t learned the Robin Good lesson yet. I agree it is frustrating to go to a link and not receive anything of value back, to simply need to click on another link. Curators who pass through links won’t scale, so the Darwinian impact will be they will learn to add value or die out.

For my part I always identify my links, probably about half the content I Tweet and about a quarter of my G+ shares. I also routinely share my favorite “Scoopiteers”, great content curators who taught me valuable lessons such as don’t simply pass through links but add “micro blogging” value via rich snippets.

When you follow or consistently share content from a great curator on you begin to understand HOW they shape the subjects they curate. I know, for example, Robin Good is amazing on new tools. anticipated this learning and built in a feature where I can suggest something to Robin.

This is when is at its most crowdsourcing best because I now have an army of curators who know I like to comment on and share content about design or BI or startups and they (other Scoopiteers) keep an eye out for me. There are several reasons is a “get more with less effort” tool and this crowdsourcing my curation is high on the list.

So, sorry you are sad to see links and understand your frustration. You’ve correctly identified the problem too – some curators don’t know how to use the tool yet. I know it is a lot to ask to wait for the Darwinian learning that will take place over generations, but and the web have “generations” that have the half life of a gnat so trust that the richness of the community will win in the end and “the end” won’t take long.

To my fellow curators we owe Bryan and Joseph thanks for reminding us of what Robin Good taught me – add value or your won’t scale. That lessons is applicable to much more than how we use


Added to G+ too


Martin (Marty) Smith's curator insight, August 21, 2014 1:11 PM

add your insight...

Dr. Karen Dietz's comment August 22, 2014 2:07 PM
Right on Marty! I'm re-scooping this as a way to help that learning along about how to really use well and leverage it.
Bob Connelly's comment, November 23, 2014 7:11 PM
Being new to, I was glad to read this. I wouldn't have thought about this...
Suggested by Stuart Walker
March 6, 2014 10:07 AM!

Ultimate Guide To Epic Blogging- NicheHacks

Ultimate Guide To Epic Blogging- NicheHacks | Curation Revolution |
Want to learn how to start a blog that's has incredible content, gets blog traffic on near auto-pilot, builds an audience, goes viral and more? Click here..
Martin (Marty) Smith's insight:

Wow, this may be the most detailed post I've read about blogging. Stay wit it and you will  discover amazing blogging tips. For once "ultimate" is a well deserved title. 

Mikko Hakala's curator insight, March 6, 2014 10:21 AM

Super comprehensive guide.

malek's curator insight, March 6, 2014 10:52 AM

Yoo, hoo...

Much like "Everything you always wanted to know about blogging but were afraid to ask". It's all there.

Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith
July 12, 2013 6:36 AM!

Why Content Gets Shared: Content Marketing Social Mentions Study

Why Content Gets Shared: Content Marketing Social Mentions Study | Curation Revolution |
Content Marketing 101 "Wow you create a lot of content," a friend said at lunch yesterday. I felt the need to apologize (again). "I love Internet marketing,
Martin (Marty) Smith's insight:

Why Content Gets Shared
Turns out our gut instincts about content marketing are correct. The TOOLS we use and the content we curate and create make a difference in the amount and velocity of our social shares.

Tools such as and your blog are indispensible say the results from a 30 day in depth view of @ScentTrail mentions on Topsy. Type of content also matters.

Infographics, SEO and my trusty ScentTrail Daily generate the most mentions. Friends also matter.

#4 on the mentions list is group tweets from friends with thanks or best wishes for the weekend. Staying connected and sharing are critical to successful content marketing.

Interesting bottom line is a confirmation of what all content marketers know to be true. Confirmation of the fact that content gets shared is in the numbers. I don't curate or create 30 pieces of content a day (well not on most days lol) and I've certainly NEVER created 66 (most mentions in a single day in this study.

These numbers confirm what we know - content gets shared and explains what types of content is most likely to generate shares and what tools to use to promote shares.

Brian Yanish -'s curator insight, July 12, 2013 11:34 PM

Marty thanks for sharing this study. In the world of online social sharing we need to rethink of the role as content providers. 

My thoughts on how old content media producers need to evolve.

Interesting to see how newspapers, tv and radio are starting to figure out the "value added" model of internet marketing.  People will pay for digital content, and the great thing for the publishers is the low cost of distribution. Online marketers have done it for years using micro websites with targeted content and now apps. I don't see why a newspapers,etc. should be any different.


The way I see it is the newspaper and their website should be the teaser to the value added content. Right now it's like they tell the story and move on, then cry the blues, no one will pay us for our content. Now if they extended the content or partnered with someone (eg health or fitness) for value added content people would pay. 


The newspapers, tv, etc, need to become the advertiser of the content, instead of depending on advertisers to support the media.

They have a reader base that many bloggers would love to have, but they need to rethink the connections they make with the reader.

Martin (Marty) Smith's comment, July 13, 2013 7:23 AM
Great analysis by Brian. I go even a step further in Saving The News&Observer and suggest that newspapers become part of their own rehabilitation by embracing the CROWD in real time by throwing off their "we are here to guide you" ethos. The editorial-centric model is over. Brian's idea about promotion-centric is a good one, but I want more. I want these organization deep in the weeds on things so WEB marketing they can't NOT understand how DIFFERENT life is and will always be from that magic time when a newspaper could take down a President, we could only watch 4 TV channels and exciting programming was a show about a boy named Beaver :). M
Rescooped by Martin (Marty) Smith from SOCIAL MEDIA, what we think about!
December 1, 2011 7:30 AM!

8 Tips For Making The Most Of Your RSS Feed

8 Tips For Making The Most Of Your RSS Feed | Curation Revolution |

I’m on a FeedBurner roll at the moment. Yesterday I showed you how you can tweet out new posts using FeedBurner. And today I thought it would be good to run through all of the useful settings that FeedBurner has to offer. If you’re not a FeedBurner user (hint: you really should be), I’m afraid that the majority of this article is not for you.


It took me rather a long time to realize that there is a lot more to FeedBurner than meets the eye. I would typically register a blog with the service and move on with my day. But it’s worth spending a few minutes on your options.

Before you make a start on the tips below, make sure that you have followed the step by step FeedBurner signup process I laid out in this post...

Via Martin Gysler
No comment yet.
Rescooped by Martin (Marty) Smith from Content Marketing and Curation for Small Business
September 15, 2014 10:12 AM!

4 Simple Steps To A Blog Post That Floods Your Inbox with Inquiries

4 Simple Steps To A Blog Post That Floods Your Inbox with Inquiries | Curation Revolution |

If your current blogging strategy isn't growing your online business, learn a proven method for writing one blog post that turns readers into clients.

* Forget about lead generation.
* Stand out as a problem solver.
* Apply "authority enhancers" (quote experts, books, other confirming experts).

* Make readers fall in love with you.  

Via Peg Corwin
Martin (Marty) Smith's insight:

Liked @Peg Corwin note, "First step is to forget about lead generation" and agree. 

My favorite tip is the last one - make readers fall in love with you. I like little things like present tense verbs, sharing personal stories (when relevant) and being present and accounted for in social media (not phoning it in). Great Scoop by Peg, a trusted source for me. 

Peg Corwin's curator insight, August 30, 2014 6:24 PM

Hint - the first step is to forget about lead generation.  

Rescooped by Martin (Marty) Smith from Curation Revolution
August 21, 2014 1:11 PM!

Why I Don't Like Scoopit Links on Twitter [Top Curation Revolution Scoop All Time]

Why I Don't Like Scoopit Links on Twitter [Top Curation Revolution Scoop All Time] | Curation Revolution |

With 1,387 views, more than 2x the next closest Scoop, The debate about links on Twitter is the most viewed and shared Curation Revolution Scoop of all time.

Dr. V

I’m seeing more Scoopit links in my Twitter stream and I’m not crazy about it.  Sure it’s quick and easy to share with Scoopit.  But it not quick and easy to consume. For me it's all about the econ...

Marty Note (here is comment I wrote on Dr. V's blog)

Appreciate Bryan’s and Joseph’s comment, but I rarely use as a pass through. More than 90% of the time I’m adding “rich snippets” to content I Scoop.

Rich snippets are “blog” posts that fall between Twitter and the 500 to 1,000 words I would write in Scenttrail Marketing. I often create original content ON because whatever I’m writing falls in the crack between Twitter’s micro blog and what I think of as needing to be on my marketing blog.

I was taught NOT to pass through links on early on by the great curator @Robin Good . Robin has well over 1M views on now and his advice along with the patient advice of other great curators has my profile slouching toward 150,000 views.

Bryan is correct that some curators new to haven’t learned the Robin Good lesson yet. I agree it is frustrating to go to a link and not receive anything of value back, to simply need to click on another link. Curators who pass through links won’t scale, so the Darwinian impact will be they will learn to add value or die out.

For my part I always identify my links, probably about half the content I Tweet and about a quarter of my G+ shares. I also routinely share my favorite “Scoopiteers”, great content curators who taught me valuable lessons such as don’t simply pass through links but add “micro blogging” value via rich snippets.

When you follow or consistently share content from a great curator on you begin to understand HOW they shape the subjects they curate. I know, for example, Robin Good is amazing on new tools. anticipated this learning and built in a feature where I can suggest something to Robin.

This is when is at its most crowdsourcing best because I now have an army of curators who know I like to comment on and share content about design or BI or startups and they (other Scoopiteers) keep an eye out for me. There are several reasons is a “get more with less effort” tool and this crowdsourcing my curation is high on the list.

So, sorry you are sad to see links and understand your frustration. You’ve correctly identified the problem too – some curators don’t know how to use the tool yet. I know it is a lot to ask to wait for the Darwinian learning that will take place over generations, but and the web have “generations” that have the half life of a gnat so trust that the richness of the community will win in the end and “the end” won’t take long.

To my fellow curators we owe Bryan and Joseph thanks for reminding us of what Robin Good taught me – add value or your won’t scale. That lessons is applicable to much more than how we use


Added to G+ too


Martin (Marty) Smith's insight:

add your insight...

Peg Corwin's comment, March 11, 2014 9:19 AM
Thanks Marty. I think indexing a topic like this adds value in a different way to the curation.
Dr. Karen Dietz's comment August 22, 2014 2:07 PM
Right on Marty! I'm re-scooping this as a way to help that learning along about how to really use well and leverage it.
Bob Connelly's comment, November 23, 2014 7:11 PM
Being new to, I was glad to read this. I wouldn't have thought about this...
Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith
December 9, 2013 4:12 PM!

Websites vs. Blogs – Which One is Better and Why?

Websites vs. Blogs – Which One is Better and Why? | Curation Revolution |
Cees van Dijk's curator insight, December 11, 2013 7:11 AM

I prefer reading blogs. And you?

Rescooped by Martin (Marty) Smith from Curation, Social Business and Beyond
December 3, 2011 1:11 PM!

Rise of Great Content Curators

Rise of Great Content Curators | Curation Revolution |

This a great blog post from Rian van der Merwe , describing the noise you can find on the web now, and especially content just created for SEO purposes or advertisers. As many, Rian is tired of it.

Rian speaks for many of us who are overwhelmed, overloaded with content that gives us no value at all. This is the problem


"I used to believe that if you write with passion and clarity about a topic you know well (or want to know more about), you will find and build an audience. I believed that maybe, if you’re smart about it, you could find a way for some part of that audience to pay you money to sustain whatever obsession drove you to self-publishing"'

Here's what caught my attention:

****The wells of attention are being drilled to depletion by linkbait headlines, ad-infested pages, “jumps” and random pagination, and content that is engineered to be “consumed” in 1 minute or less of quick scanning – just enough time to capture those almighty eyeballs[2]. And the reality is that “Alternative Attention sources” simply don’t exist.

The Scoopit team agrees!

My input:

****The Opportunity: This is the time for all good curators to come forward - 2012 will be the year of the content curator -

**Know your audience

**Know their pain points

**Find and select the best content, add your own opinions, information or anything that will provide more value for your audience

**Select only the best content, don't just aggregate links that add to the noise

**Become a trusted resource - many opportunities will come to you, it's your time to shine

Curated by Jan Gordon covering "Content Curation, Social Media and Beyond"

Read full article here: []

Via axelletess, janlgordon
Dr. Karen Dietz's comment December 4, 2011 12:23 PM
Great post and comments Jan! Looking forward to 2012.
janlgordon's comment, December 4, 2011 2:59 PM
@Karen Dietz

Thanks Karen! 2012 is going to be an amazing year for all of us!!
Gust MEES's curator insight, February 14, 2013 7:39 AM

Quality Matters!

A MUST read!!!

Check also: