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Complex Insight  - Understanding our world
A few things the Symbol Research team are reading.  Complex Insight is curated by Phillip Trotter ( from Symbol Research
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Scooped by Phillip Trotter
April 12, 2022 6:11 PM!

Unreal Engine 5 Release | The State of Unreal 2022 Keynote Presentation

Watch the replay of our keynote presentation from the State of Unreal 2022 livestream.

Building on the momentum and excitement of the past two years with ‘Lumen in the Land of Nanite’, ‘Valley of the Ancient Early Access’, ‘The Matrix Awakens: An Unreal Engine 5 Experience’, we’re excited to announce the full release of UE5!

In this keynote, we explore what you can expect to find in the release—and why it’s going to be a game-changer for the industry. Want to learn more about Unreal Engine 5? Download the release for free, and explore the new features, sample projects, and learning resources:

#UnrealEngine5 #UE5 #StateOfUnreal #TheMatrixAwakens #OpenWorld #VirtualWorld #Lumen #Nanite #NextGen #GameEngine
Phillip Trotter's insight:

Having spent  several years working with teams to  build 3d game engines, and then applying that technology to accelerate  multiple industries, its truly great to see what Epic are doing with Unreal 5. Unreal Engine 5 is now available to any one and the keynote  clearly illustrates why this is exciting. Worth watching.

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Scooped by Phillip Trotter
May 3, 2014 10:29 PM!

VIZBIplus - Visualizing the Future of Biomedicine

VIZBIplus - Visualizing the Future of Biomedicine | Complex Insight  - Understanding our world |
Community Resource for the VIZBI conference series on computer methods for visualizing biological data, including genomes, protein sequences, phylogenies, macromolecular structures, systems biology, microscopy, and magnetic resonance imaging.
Phillip Trotter's insight:

If you are fortunate enough to be in Sidney on the 29th of May this is a must not miss event. David Goodsells illustrations have inspired a generation of scientists and artists, His watercoloured biological illustrations directly influenced some of the leading biomedical animators including Drew Berry and team and helped fire imaginations and understanding of molecular machinery. Really hoping VIVID sydney record this and make the recording available at a later date. Pure Awesome.

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Rescooped by Phillip Trotter from 4D Pipeline Visualizing Reality Blog - trends & breaking news in 3D Visualization, Metaverse, AI,Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality, and eXtended Reality.
July 20, 2013 2:07 AM!

Computer graphics market will exceed $142 Billion by 2016

Computer graphics market will exceed $142 Billion by 2016 | Complex Insight  - Understanding our world |

CG industry currently growing at a 5.3% rate. New opportunities are opening up in all aspects of the industry.

JPR expects the development of traditional segments like CAD/CAM expand as new design approaches in automotive, aerospace, and architecture are adopted. Visualization, a market that has been almost dormant for the past few years, is now poised for significant growth due to the availability of more powerful and less expensive visualization technologies.

Via Jed Fisher
Phillip Trotter's insight:

As has been proven for a long time - where gaming goes - simulation and visualisation markets follow. Jon Peddie has been clear on the potential  value prop of mobile to 3D adoption for a long time and as these figures show - its a key ingredient for delviery of new solutions.

Jed Fisher's curator insight, July 19, 2013 4:56 PM

As always another quality article by Jon Peddie Research. It's great to see Mobile leading the pack. I've been in the CG industry for almost 20 years now. I've never seen so much activity and so much potential. Great time to be involved in visualization and CG.

Rescooped by Phillip Trotter from Top CAD Experts updates
July 7, 2013 2:07 PM!

SIGGRAPH 2013 : Technical Papers Preview Trailer

The SIGGRAPH Technical Papers program is the premier international forum for disseminating new scholarly work in computer graphics and interactive techniques...

Via João Greno Brogueira
Phillip Trotter's insight:

As Jed Fisher - rightly said this is insane. The highlight of any siggraph is never the sales floor shows - but the the technical papers and conversations with attendees - its there where you get to glimpse the future of graphics and simulation and this years technical papers preview is outstanding.  Should be an awesome event.

Jed Fisher's curator insight, July 6, 2013 5:42 AM

This is insane. Every year, year after year, computer graphics forges ahead. The great quote from Bladerunner - "More real than real", we are getting there. I highly recommend watching this.

Also looking forward to meeting YOU at Siggraph this year. Along with Tyler and other members of the team I'll be at Siggraph this year (Anahiam (near LA), July 22nd-25th. ;)

Ping me to meet up - jed[at]


Scooped by Phillip Trotter
June 16, 2013 8:37 PM!

Making-of "Turtles all the way down"

Making-of "Turtles all the way down" | Complex Insight  - Understanding our world |
Introduction At Revision 2013 we (Brain Control) released our newest production Turtles all the way down, which won the 64k-intro competition. A 64k-intro is an audio-visual presentation calculated...
Phillip Trotter's insight:

I have a very deep appreciation for the art and technical artistry of the guys who have been and are involved in the demo scene. The Brain Control team are without doubt one of my favourite groups - both because of the skill in what they produce and because of the sophistication of the tools they build to create their demos. Their Turtles All The Way Down demo zooms from the sub atomic to the macroscopic universe like a digital Eames's Powers of Ten film revisted and augmented. Click on the image to watch the demo, read about the process and find links to their Enigma Studio authoring toolset. Serious art and serious fun. Go discover.

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Suggested by Jed Fisher
October 25, 2012 5:10 PM!

3D structure of an unmodified G protein-coupled receptor in its natural habitat - Phys.Org

3D structure of an unmodified G protein-coupled receptor in its natural habitat - Phys.Org | Complex Insight  - Understanding our world |

Using NMR spectroscopy, the team mapped the arrangement of atoms in a protein called CXCR1, which detects the inflammatory signal interleukin 8 and, through a G protein located inside the cell, triggers a cascade of events that can mobilize immune cells, for example. Because G protein-coupled receptors are critical for many cellular responses to external signals, they have been a major target for drugs. More precise knowledge of the shapes of these receptors will allow drugmakers to tailor small molecules to better fit specific targets, avoiding collateral hits that can cause detrimental side effects. "This finding will have a major impact on structure-based drug development since for the first time the principal class of drug receptors can be studied in their biologically active forms where they interact with other proteins and potential drugs," said Stanley Opella, professor of chemistry and biochemistry at the University of California, San Diego who led the work, which Nature published online October 21st in advance of the print edition. Read more at: or click on the image or title for more info.

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Scooped by Phillip Trotter
October 6, 2012 4:45 AM!

COMSOL 4.3a Release Highlights

COMSOL 4.3a Release Highlights | Complex Insight  - Understanding our world |

COMSOL announced Version 4.3a of COMSOL Multiphysics, its flagship software for modeling and simulating physics-based systems. With version 4.3a and in response to user requests, COMSOL introduces LiveLink for Excel to connect multiphysics results with spreadsheets. Version 4.3a also further extends the ability of engineers, scientists, and researchers to leverage multiphysics to design and optimize breakthrough products and technologies anywhere from the desktop to the cloud with new support for cluster computing on the Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2). New modules for analyzing fatigue and for importing ECAD files make their debut in Version 4.3a as does the new LiveLink for Solid Edge, a CAD software from Siemens PLM Software. Additionally, every one of the more than 30 application-specific COMSOL add-on modules for mechanical, electrical, fluid, and chemical modeling and simulation sees major new upgrades. Available from 8 October for download. Click on image or title to learn more.

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Scooped by Phillip Trotter
September 27, 2012 3:47 AM!

Interactive Physical Simulation

Interactive Physical Simulation | Complex Insight  - Understanding our world |

If interactive physics or comptuer graphics is your thing then you need to read tje collected Research from Computer Graphics Group at University of Copenhagen. A wonderful resource on graphics and simulation of itnerest to anyone doing visual simulaiton or mechanical simulation. click on the image or title to learn more.

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Scooped by Phillip Trotter
June 22, 2012 1:01 PM!

Gamasutra - Features - How Do You Put the Sim in SimCity?

Gamasutra - Features - How Do You Put the Sim in SimCity? | Complex Insight  - Understanding our world |

Games and games technology often inspire and sometimes lead the simulation industry. Over the years Sim City has been instrumental in many people learning about simulations, urban planning and land use in and outside of a class room. The next generation of Sim City is likely to do that and set expectations on what City Simulations should look like. :-) Great article at Gamasutra on the design and aesthetic of the new version and how it relates to the underpinning simulation. Learn more...

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Scooped by Phillip Trotter
May 22, 2012 6:44 PM!

Leap 3D Offers Amazing Gesture-Based Control of Your Computer for Just $70 | Singularity Hub

Leap 3D Offers Amazing Gesture-Based Control of Your Computer for Just $70 | Singularity Hub | Complex Insight  - Understanding our world |

It is going to be interesting finding out how much of this is hype and how much of this is reality.  Initial videos are intriguing. A startup called Leap Motion has announced the development of the Leap 3D motion control device that is sensitive down to 1/100 of a millimeter – that’s 200 times better than other sensors (i.e: Kinect). At this resolution, the Leap software is able to resolve the motion of individual fingers, allowing for intuitive gesture controls like pinch-to-zoom, highly accurate virtual drawing, and manipulation of 3D models. Learn more.

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Scooped by Phillip Trotter
May 21, 2012 6:42 PM!

GraphicSpeak » Nvidia launches the Kepler era of virtual GPU computing and accessible HPC

GraphicSpeak » Nvidia launches the Kepler era of virtual GPU computing and accessible HPC | Complex Insight  - Understanding our world |
Previously unobtainable performance opens the door to a variety of possibilities including streaming games like movies or doing sophisticated simulations from the cloud. Power efficiency gains are as important as the graphics gains.
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Scooped by Phillip Trotter
May 15, 2012 6:26 PM!

How Pixar almost deleted Toy Story 2

How Pixar almost deleted Toy Story 2 | Complex Insight  - Understanding our world |

Ever accidently deleted something - and didnt mean to... Yup you are not alone.. Taken from the Studio Stories series included on the Blu-ray versions of Toy Story 1 & 2, here's a short story about how they accidently deleted and recovered Toy Story 2. Worth watching..

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Scooped by Phillip Trotter
April 27, 2012 1:42 PM!

Valve: How I Got Here, What It’s Like, and What I’m Doing | Valve

Valve is one of the best and most innovative 3D companies on the planet. Michael Abrash is one of the best developers on the planet (if you are old enough to remember quake and know who John Carmack is - you will know why. If not - use google and be awed). The Valve blog is massively worth reading.... (as is Neil Stephenson's Snow Crash which is mentioned in the post- still prescient and massively entertaining nearly 20 years later).

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Scooped by Phillip Trotter
April 12, 2022 7:47 AM!

Conference Session Catalog | GTC 2022

Conference Session Catalog | GTC 2022 | Complex Insight  - Understanding our world |
Browse the GTC conference catalog of sessions, talks, workshops, and more.
Phillip Trotter's insight:

The good folks at NVIDIA have made the recent 324  GTC conference sessions  freely available. With topics like Omniverse, Bots, Digital Twins, Autonomous Vehicles and extensive applications of AI , visualization and simulation  from experts around the world. They are worth watching and investigating. Enjoy (and thanks NVIDIA!!)

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Scooped by Phillip Trotter
October 22, 2013 4:02 PM!

Big Data: Sweat the Little Stuff - Automation World

Big Data: Sweat the Little Stuff - Automation World | Complex Insight  - Understanding our world |
Fast Company Big Data: Sweat the Little Stuff Automation World Although Big Data continues to be a hot topic, with lots of manufacturers excited about the opportunities all that data presents for even just predictive maintenance alone…we continue...
Phillip Trotter's insight:

In 2004/2005 our old Creator product was used  to build a concept 3D fault guided maintenance application for jet engines. The concept was  sensors in the jet engine would detect state and inform the ground grew  over a wireless connection maintenance need - and a 3d guided mainteance app would use the sensor data to drive the interactive electronic manual.  As sensor costs plummet, big data becomes established and mobile and wifi has driven advanced networked computing platforms into everyone's pocket - that concept now becomes very prescient. For manufacturers (and interface developers) sensor driven maintenance and performance measurement platforms are going to be a key new business growth area in the coming years.  Sensors and networks connect data. Software augments hardware. Insight drives opportunity. Interesting times.

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Rescooped by Phillip Trotter from Top CAD Experts updates
July 20, 2013 2:01 AM!

Esri CityEngine Highlights

CityEngine transforms 2D GIS data into Smart 3D City

Via João Greno Brogueira
Phillip Trotter's insight:

ESRI's acquisition of CityEngine is probably one of the smartest tech acquisitions in the geospatial market in a long time. As the product and technology integration  rolls forward we get to see how very smart  the acquisition was.The WebGL publishing capabilities are very exciting for city planners.  Great video of highlights from the recent ESRI user group conference its great seeing how the products are evolving.  

Jed Fisher's curator insight, July 19, 2013 4:50 PM

Nice job Dominik, Pascal, and Jack. Great to see how Proceedural has evolved with the acquistiion by ESRI (now 2-3 years ago). I'm glad ESRI has continued to take City Engine further. 

Love the swipe tool. Great urban planning tool.

Scooped by Phillip Trotter
June 26, 2013 7:55 PM!

Microsoft (Finally) Confirms WebGL Support For Internet Explorer 11 | TechCrunch

Microsoft (Finally) Confirms WebGL Support For Internet Explorer 11 | TechCrunch | Complex Insight  - Understanding our world |
Our own Frederic Lardinois noted that the new version of Internet Explorer wasn't a major revamp, but it does play home to some very compelling changes under the hood.
Phillip Trotter's insight:

Finally we will get a cross platform cross web browser 3D technology that does not include a browser plugin. MIcrosoft today announced IE 11 will support webgl.  IOS remains the hold out at this stage but there are various methods to work around that. The implication for many 3d developers who have traditionally employed activeX and NAPI plugins to get 3D into the browser is there is a now a standard in town that will get widespread adoption. Performance wise webgl lags behind native apps but its execution is sufficient for a great many applications. Should prove fun.

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Scooped by Phillip Trotter
December 2, 2012 6:12 PM!

Interview with Brian Mathews, Group CTO @ Autodesk

Great insight into types of developments being done at Autodesk as Robert Scoble interviews Brian Mathews, group CTO at Autodesk. Conversation covers 3D printing, cloud computing, nano technology, biomimetics, applied genetic algorithms to design etc. Great interview Click image or title to learn more..

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Scooped by Phillip Trotter
October 6, 2012 8:45 PM!

3Gear Systems Blog

3Gear Systems Blog | Complex Insight  - Understanding our world |

New vision control api from 3GearSystems turns two Microsoft Kinnect devices into finger precise visual control system. Interesting approach and results look impressive. SDK is now in public beta - will be a charge for commercial use for companies with 100K+ turnover.

Their demo video is well worth watching. Click on the image or title for more info.



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Scooped by Phillip Trotter
October 5, 2012 7:26 PM!

Travel Through 2,000 Years of Paris' History With Interactive 3D Model

Travel Through 2,000 Years of Paris' History With Interactive 3D Model | Complex Insight  - Understanding our world |

Dassault has created Paris 3d, an interactive model that transports any Internet user through two millennia of the city's history. The 3D visualization application enables viewers to see the French capital developed since its Roman conquest in 52 BC until the present day. Witness the construction of the Bastille and Notre Dame, navigate through winding stone streets in the middle ages and visit the 1889 World’s Fair to see the revelation of the Eiffel Tower. Click on the image or the title to learn more.

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Rescooped by Phillip Trotter from 4D Pipeline Visualizing Reality Blog - trends & breaking news in 3D Visualization, Metaverse, AI,Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality, and eXtended Reality.
September 26, 2012 7:33 PM!

Spar Point Group - Head in the Point clouds - Esri just got a whole lot more 3D

Spar Point Group - Head in the Point clouds - Esri just got a whole lot more 3D | Complex Insight  - Understanding our world |

Esri announced this week the availability of CityEngine Web Viewer in ArcGIS Online this week, allowing anyone with a WebGL-enabled browser to navigate and explore uploaded 3D cities and environments created in CityEngine 2012.

Via Jed Fisher
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Scooped by Phillip Trotter
June 12, 2012 3:40 AM!

John Carmack is making a virtual reality headset, $500 kits available soon, video interview inside | PC Gamer

John Carmack is making a virtual reality headset, $500 kits available soon, video interview inside  | PC Gamer | Complex Insight  - Understanding our world |

John Carmack is one of the best graphics programmers in the game industry. His research and development work has tended to pioneer a number of new techniques that later become mainstream. It was with interest to learn that he is currently re-examining virtual reality head mounted displays.  The videos explain where he is at and what the state of development is. If you are interested in display technology and remember the original promise of headsets for certain applications this is well worth watching. Learn more...

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Scooped by Phillip Trotter
May 21, 2012 6:43 PM!

GTC 2012 Keynote (Part 1): Introduction video and welcome with NVIDIA CEO Jen-Hsun Huang

Watch the rest of the GTC 2012 Keynote here: GTC 2012 Keynote (Part 1) - Introduction video and welcome with NVIDIA CEO Jen-Hsun...
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Scooped by Phillip Trotter
May 16, 2012 10:59 AM!

GraphicSpeak » New Modo Power SubD-Nurbs reverses the CAD pipeline

GraphicSpeak » New Modo Power SubD-Nurbs reverses the CAD pipeline | Complex Insight  - Understanding our world |

Modo is a leading 3D modeling and rendering tool got a new market this week. A new Plug-in allows designers to start in Modo and pass a model to 3D CAD enabling Modo to migrate upstream as a concept design tool. Learn more...

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Scooped by Phillip Trotter
April 30, 2012 7:19 PM!

Sketchup leaves Google, moves to Trimble

Sketchup leaves Google, moves to Trimble | Complex Insight  - Understanding our world |

Sketchup - the 3D modeling application - a favourite of architects  and builders for quick 3D sketches- finds a new home.  Originally acquired by Google to help add 3D content to Google Earth,  the software is moving to Trimble where it will become part of Trimble's Office-to-Field Platform. The acquisition is part of Trimble's continuing expansion into the building and spatial information solutions market spanning design and planning offices to onsite construction and development measurement.

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