Community Managers
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Community Managers
Resources, tips, and insights from real live community managers!
Curated by Ally Greer
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Scooped by Ally Greer
May 6, 2014 1:36 PM!

A Community Manager’s Guide To

A Community Manager’s Guide To | Community Managers |

Let me take you through a very insightful discussion that I had with Ally on community managers and how they can make full use of to build a stronger online community with their audience.

Ally Greer's insight:

Here are some thoughts on community management and where it's headed, as well as some tips on using as a part of a successful community management strategy!

Newsdeck's curator insight, May 7, 2014 10:34 AM

The community manager Ally Greer speaks about her experience and efforts on the community management.  You can learn 5 tips from her online experience.

Rescooped by Ally Greer from Public Relations & Social Marketing Insight
July 2, 2014 10:36 AM!

Meet Their Needs: Using Influence and Motivation In Marketing

Meet Their Needs: Using Influence and Motivation In Marketing | Community Managers |

Five star general and 34th president of the United States, Dwight D. Eisenhower, is credited with saying, “Motivation is the art of getting people to do what you want them to do because they want to."

To influence someone doesn’t mean that you make the decision for them. Rather, it means that you present persuasive reasons for them to make a decision that you want them to make. They’re still deciding, you’re just helping them make your decision.Basically, you show them why they should be motivated.

If you’re trying to get people to make the decision to click your link, read your blog post, download your eBook, subscribe to your feed, request your quote, buy your product, or purchase your service, you must influence them in a way that makes them motivated to do so....

Via Jeff Domansky
Jeff Domansky's curator insight, July 1, 2014 1:58 AM

Dude, Maslow's hierarchy of needs still works! :-)

Scooped by Ally Greer
May 5, 2014 1:03 PM!

Evolve community manager sacked for Donald Sterling race row tweet - Digital Spy

Evolve community manager sacked for Donald Sterling race row tweet - Digital Spy | Community Managers |
Evolve community manager sacked for Donald Sterling race row tweet
Digital Spy
Evolve community manager Josh Olin appeared to back Sterling, telling Twitter followers that the businessman had the right as an American to be a bigot in his own home.
Ally Greer's insight:

Community Managers (and any other employees who use social media) are always visible! Be smart about what you tweet as, whether you like it or not, you represent the brand that you work for.

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Scooped by Jordan Sanders
December 10, 2013 11:59 AM!

Planning for the future

Planning for the future | Community Managers |
Planning for the future
Jordan Sanders's insight:

Advertising with promoted pins on Pinterest

Jordan Sanders's curator insight, December 10, 2013 12:02 PM
Advertising with promoted pins on Pinterest
Scooped by Jordan Sanders
December 2, 2013 10:46 AM!

The top 16 social media fails of 2013

The top 16 social media fails of 2013 | Community Managers |
One of our main focuses on the Econsultancy blog is highlighting instances of best practice and digital excellence in the marketing world.
Jordan Sanders's insight:

Get ready to drop your jaw! 

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Rescooped by Ally Greer from Into the Driver's Seat
June 19, 2013 6:32 PM!

Excel Formulas: 10 Formulas That Helped Me Keep My Job | Udemy blog

Excel Formulas: 10 Formulas That Helped Me Keep My Job | Udemy blog | Community Managers |

by Steve Quatrani


"Don’t waste any more hours in Microsoft Excel doing things manually. There are many ways to use Excel formulas to decrease the amount of time you spend in Excel and increase the accuracy of your data and your reports."

Via Jim Lerman
Ally Greer's insight:

Who's using Excel in their day to day tasks, like making editorial and content calendars?

Jim Lerman's curator insight, June 19, 2013 5:30 PM

Very clear and straigtforward explanations of 10 frequently used formulas in Excel. Quite helpful for those unfamiliar with how to use fomulas.

Rescooped by Crystal Coleman from Cultivating Community
May 28, 2013 6:27 PM!

3 Questions You Should Ask Before Starting an Online Community

3 Questions You Should Ask Before Starting an Online Community | Community Managers |
As I've pointed out before, with so many people urging every business and every brand to use social media channels to create their own online community, it's important to first stop and ask yourself why you should create an online community.

Via zapleahy
Patrick Chappelle's comment, May 28, 2013 12:16 PM
More people should read this article (or like ones), and I wouldn't have to keep suggesting some of these same strategies to individuals who have already started their community, but have no idea what to do with them.
Mike McCallister's curator insight, October 4, 2013 11:42 AM

Writers today need to build an audience online. It may be easy to set up groups on Facebook, LinkedIn and Google+, but do you always need "your own" community? Consider these questions before you launch one.

Rescooped by Ally Greer from Curation Revolution
May 24, 2013 8:33 PM!

How Community Saves The World - Ally, Tim, Jonathan & Marty [Video] #CMGRhangout

How Community Saves The World - Ally, Tim, Jonathan & Marty [Video] #CMGRhangout | Community Managers |

Fun Hanging out with Ally (from @Scoopit), Tim and Jonathan today. NOTE: We had some bumps and the conversation starts at the 6:00 mark.

Via Martin (Marty) Smith
Ally Greer's insight:

This morning's conversation was seriously awesome! Coming together, telling stories, and having a purpose is extremely inspiring. Check out the video to watch the entire talk!

Crystal Coleman's curator insight, May 24, 2013 7:27 PM

Sad that I missed this, but look forward to watching the recording later. 

Brian Yanish -'s curator insight, May 24, 2013 11:00 PM

Great Hangout!!!

Martin (Marty) Smith's comment, May 25, 2013 7:03 AM
Fun to talk about my favorite topics (Internet marketing, community, saving the world) with such dedicated and smart fellow travelers. Appreciate the invitation and the company : ).M
Scooped by Crystal Coleman
May 24, 2013 7:30 PM!

5 ways to be a better Facebook community manager

5 ways to be a better Facebook community manager | Community Managers |
In between scheduling posts and hunting for relevant memes to share, remember there are real people on the other side of your exchanges.
Ally Greer's comment, May 28, 2013 4:30 PM
Cool find, Crystal!
Ally Greer's curator insight, May 28, 2013 4:32 PM

No, we don't just sit on Facebook all day. I'm learning (by doing) that being successful on Facebook takes a lot more than just posting links and photos. In fact, it's somewhat of an art. 

From figuring out the right time to post, to the right image and caption, to deciding between images, links, and plain text, there's a lot of strategy that goes into Facebook management.

What are your best practices for Facebook?

Rescooped by Ally Greer from SOCIAL MEDIA MADNESS
May 21, 2013 4:39 PM!

Fortune 500 Companies Are Adapting to Social Media Marketing

Fortune 500 Companies Are Adapting to Social Media Marketing | Community Managers |

New reports show that more large companies are using social media to promote their brands.


More Fortune 500 companies are using social media to promote their brand online, according to a report from the Center for Marketing Research (CMR) at the University of Massachusetts Dartmouth. That's quite a change from last year's report, which found use of social media the Fortune 500 waning.


The newest report, titled Social Media Surge by the 2012 Fortune 500, reveals that large companies are increasingly adopting the same social media tools that have been used extensively for years by smaller businesses and startups.


Social media engagement has long taken a back seat in the eyes of many Fortune 500 companies, and last year's CMR report demonstrated a stall in adoption by all but the most progressive Fortune 500 companies. At that time I suggested that the Fortune 500 could be rightly accused of neglect when it came to taking advantage of such valuable marketing tools.


So it comes as a pleasant surprise that in 2012, many of the nation's largest businesses appear to be embracing social media. In particular:

Corporate Blogging: This year's report shows Fortune 500 companies have increased their use of blogs by 5 percent -- with 28 percent actively blogging in 2012 compared to 23 percent last year.Microblogging: Twitter use for corporate communications is also on the climb, up 11 percent to 73 percent from 62 percent last year.Facebook: The number of Fortune 500 firms that embrace Facebook is up 8 percent over 2011 (66 percent versus 58 percent).


In addition, 62 percent of the Fortune 500 is now using YouTube. Another 2 percent (11 companies total) are dabbling with Pinterest.


While more large companies are using social media to promote their brand, a recent report from social engagement software developer Genesys says that despite the uptick in adoption, 55 percent of Fortune 500 companies shy away from using social media as a means for customer service and support.


"Many large consumer-facing companies are still struggling and not confident in their ability to deal with customer queries and complaints via social media," said Genesys' head of global sales, Tom Eggemeier. "Consumer-facing companies need to resolve this disconnect by developing a customer service strategy that understands and integrates social media channels across every customer touch point."


Viewing social media exclusively as a marketing tool fails to take into consideration why consumers follow brands online in the first place. While they certainly want to know about the latest deals and offers, consumers are increasingly interested in answers and solutions to real-time questions and problems, and they're not shy about using your business or brand's Facebook page to ask questions and complain about your response, or the lack there of.


When businesses and brands fail to monitor social utilities like Facebook, Twitter and even their own blogs, they do more damage than good. As a result, it doesn't really matter what percentage of the Fortune 500 uses social media. What matters is how they're using it.

Via Elise Franzetta Ware
Jordan Sanders's insight:

That's what we like to hear! 

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Rescooped by Crystal Coleman from Cultivating Community
May 9, 2013 5:28 PM!

Understanding Your Community's Value

Understanding Your Community's Value | Community Managers |
Two of the most common questions Forrester receives from marketers are “How do I know if it’s worth having a community?” and “How can I prove to my executives that my community is worth their investment?

Via zapleahy
Crystal Coleman's insight:

Providing evidence of value... the holy grail of community management.

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Rescooped by Crystal Coleman from CMGR - Crystal Style
May 3, 2013 6:54 PM!

What can retail learn from community managers? - Retail Customer Experience (blog)

What can retail learn from community managers? - Retail Customer Experience (blog) | Community Managers |
What can retail learn from community managers?
Retail Customer Experience (blog)
A few years ago, the role of community manager as we know it today didn't exist.
Crystal Coleman's insight:

I was just saying this morning how work in retail customer service should be a prereq for community managers. Here are some of the reasons why. 

Crystal Coleman's curator insight, May 3, 2013 6:39 PM

I think it'd actually be interesting to look at the flip side, too... what can retail learn from CM.

Scooped by Jordan Sanders
April 24, 2013 10:23 AM!

Facebook Marketing Tools that Lead to Results [Reference]

Facebook Marketing Tools that Lead to Results [Reference] | Community Managers |
Ian Cleary of RazorSocial stops by to provide a great reference of the various tools that you can use to improve your productivity on Facebook.
Jordan Sanders's insight:

I've used Rafflecopter several times with excellent results. The other tools I haven't used yet but plan on trying soon!

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Scooped by Ally Greer
January 26, 2015 2:08 PM!

Thank You, Community Managers! #CMAD

Thank You, Community Managers! #CMAD | Community Managers |

A few short years ago, the term 'community manager' snuck into business world. Companies were rushing to find themselves one, even though they might not have even been sure what exactly he or she would do once she came along. Some of us have been doing it forever (since before the title was even created!), and some of us have just begun. Regardless of which of these categories you fall into, we at have one thing to say: thank you!

Ally Greer's insight:

What is Community Manager Appreciation Day (#CMAD)? It's a day, in the words of my pal Carter Gibson , that gives us a chance to "explain, defend, and broadcast what it is, exactly, that we do."

I really like this interpretation of the "holiday" that happens to be taking place today. It's not about gloating in our accomplishments or being pampered just because of our job titles. It's not about throwing parties just because we can (even though we definitely will be throwing parties). It's about taking pride in what we do and making it easier to understand for those on the outside.

Working in community isn't easy. I'm still not even sure I've got it all figured out yet. But we are lucky enough to be able to use our passion for community to create our own group of peers who can relate to the job that we do, help us when necessary, and support us when it gets confusing or tricky. Those are the people who I want to thank today.

Thank you, community managers.

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Scooped by Ally Greer
May 29, 2014 4:06 PM!

Learning to Build Community Through Failure

Slides from my talk at the San Francisco Online Community meetup on May 28, 2014. 

Ally Greer's insight:

Last night, I spoke at the San Francisco Online Community meetup about what I learned from starting an ambassador program at before I really knew what exactly I was doing.

Though it didn't quite work out as I expected, I learned a lot, and have now launched a new community strategy that includes 4 tiers of community with different levels of activity and involvement.

I learned that you can't build community around just a brand, and that you can't force people to be a part of a community that they don't want to participate in.

I also learned the importance of a community content strategy. If you aren't consistently engaging community members with meaningful content, chances are they aren't going to come back.

**Stay tuned for video!**

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Suggested by Bigfoot Digital
May 5, 2014 12:58 PM!

Helpful community-related features on Google+

Helpful community-related features on Google+ | Community Managers |

Google Plus is an up-and-coming social media network that can help you reach your market and even achieve higher search rankings. But, to get these benefits you have to take advantage of some of the site’s features. 

Ally Greer's insight:

I'm a big fan of Google+ communities, notably thanks to their organization. How about you?

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Scooped by Jordan Sanders
December 2, 2013 2:18 PM!

7 powerful Facebook statistics you should know for a more engaging Facebook page

7 powerful Facebook statistics you should know for a more engaging Facebook page | Community Managers |
This post was originally published on the Buffer blog.

One of the things we focus on most at Buffer is the best time to post to Twitter and Facebook. This is because we want ...
Jordan Sanders's insight:

Great insights - though much confirms what I already knew :P #cmgrchat

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Scooped by Cedar Brown
November 21, 2013 5:41 PM!

168 Case Studies On Generating Traffic From 124 Experts

168 Case Studies On Generating Traffic From 124 Experts | Community Managers |
Here are 168 Case Studies on generating traffic from 124 experts broken down into 9 chapters. Each chapter consists of detailed, step by step case studies.
Cedar Brown's insight:

Loads of helpful content!

Jordan Sanders's comment, December 2, 2013 10:48 AM
that's a lot of case studies by tons of experts :P
Scooped by Jordan Sanders
June 3, 2013 6:17 PM!

Rafflecopter is Hiring (& Meet Our Newest Team Member!)

Rafflecopter is Hiring (& Meet Our Newest Team Member!) | Community Managers |
Woah! We're happy to announce that Rafflecopter is officially hiring :) In addition, we've hired our first employee over the past month.
Jordan Sanders's insight:

So excited to be @Rafflecopter 's Community Manager (and more) :)

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Rescooped by Ally Greer from Digital Marketing Digest
May 24, 2013 11:14 PM!

Build Community With Purpose

Build Community With Purpose | Community Managers |

So youve been tasked with building your brands online community strategy. Fantastic! 

Ally Greer's curator insight, May 24, 2013 8:29 PM

In this morning's weekly community manager hangout, Scoopiteer and cancer survivor/research advocate Martin Smith joined us to talk about how communities can save the world.

One of the things Marty mentioned that really hit home for me was that if your storytelling is genuine and authentic, you won't have to try and prevent it from sounding too "market-y." How can you do this? Have a purpose. Define it, believe it, and live by it.

Sculpt's comment, May 25, 2013 12:40 AM
Love it (and yes, live it). Thanks for scooping :D
Sculpt's curator insight, May 25, 2013 12:49 AM

An inspiring Community Manager Hangout (#cmgrhangout) Friday afternoon spawned this quick and dirty blog post. WHY does your brand create? Build your community on a foundation of shared purpose, engagement (and action) will come easy. 

Scooped by Crystal Coleman
May 24, 2013 7:35 PM!

Salvaging Your Sanity as a Community Manager

With 5 years of Community Management under her belt, Kat French offers some great advice on how to take care of the person who takes care of the community.
Crystal Coleman's insight:

Really good companion piece to Maria Ogneva's great "Dark Side of Community Management" article from last week.

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Rescooped by Ally Greer from Must Market
May 24, 2013 12:50 PM!

How Communities Save The World #cmgrhangout LIVE 5.24 at Two EST

How Communities Save The World #cmgrhangout LIVE 5.24 at Two EST | Community Managers |
Bringing communities together around a cause is one of the most meaningful and rewarding types of community management. Marty Smith shares how he does it.

Via Martin (Marty) Smith
Ally Greer's insight:

So excited to have Marty Smith on today's #cmgrhangout! We're going to talk about storytelling and bringing communities together around personal stories to make an impact and "Save The World."

Martin (Marty) Smith's curator insight, May 24, 2013 10:55 AM

Looking forward to my HANGOUT with Ally, Tim and Jonathan discussing how community saves the world AND your Internet marketing.

Scooped by Jordan Sanders
May 20, 2013 2:14 PM!

Ads On Social Media: Something We All Need To Get Used To

Ads On Social Media: Something We All Need To Get Used To | Community Managers |
While it's true social networks often start with relatively few ads, it's a given that'll change in time. Now Yahoo has acquired Tumblr, and more ads are on the way. Needless to say, not everyone is happy about this.
Jordan Sanders's insight:

Something we should all (#cmgr) keep in mind

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Scooped by Ally Greer
May 8, 2013 8:57 PM!

Adding Gamification to Your Community | Social Media Today

Adding Gamification to Your Community | Social Media Today | Community Managers |

According to a definition in the Gamification Wiki,"Game Mechanics are constructs of rules and feedback loops intended to produce enjoyable gameplay."  To break the definition into simpler terms, game mechanics let you build features that are fun and addictive. 

Ally Greer's insight:

I'm currently trying to learn as much as I can about gamification, and this post was suggested to me by a fellow community manager.

It has some great insights, as well as this super useful chart that can help figure out what types of gamification you can implement to meet each of the innate human desires.

Gamification is some really interesting stuff, and I would definitely recommend all community managers to investigate it, at least on a basic level.

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Scooped by Ally Greer
April 30, 2013 3:33 PM!

The Must-Have Resources for Community Managers, According to Them

The Must-Have Resources for Community Managers, According to Them | Community Managers |
We spoke with professional community managers and asked them to list a few of their personal must-have resources. Many of these may be of use to you.
Ally Greer's insight:

Hey community managers - wondering what resources the best of the best are using? Check out these tips from some of the coolest minds out there.

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