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Scooped by Ricard Lloria!

#Recomiendo #Pymes #Empresas De la publicidad histórica a la estética vintage - Por @NataliaPiernas

#Recomiendo #Pymes #Empresas De la publicidad histórica a la estética vintage - Por @NataliaPiernas | Business Improvement and Social media |
Las empresas, con el paso de los años, han recuperado la publicidad histórica, poniéndose de moda un estilo que se conoce con el sugerente término de vintage
Natalia Piernas's comment, June 18, 2015 2:59 PM
Gracias por tu recomendación, Ricard!
Ricard Lloria's comment, June 18, 2015 3:16 PM
Un placer Natalia :)
Scooped by Ricard Lloria!

#SM 8 #Tools to Create The Perfect Post Title by @ffmcardoso

#SM 8 #Tools to Create The Perfect Post Title by @ffmcardoso | Business Improvement and Social media |
  When creating a post one of the most important things is the title. By any means the content and topic need to be useful for your audience, however the first thing people will see is the tit...
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Scooped by Ricard Lloria!

#RedesSociales #Socialmedia Aprende los grandes beneficios #SEO de reflotar viejos posts (infografía)

#RedesSociales #Socialmedia Aprende los grandes beneficios #SEO de reflotar viejos posts (infografía) | Business Improvement and Social media |
Si gestionas un blog seguro que dedicas mucho de tu tiempo a todas las tareas que esta ocupación conlleva: seleccionar contenidos de calidad e interés, dotar a tu sitio de un diseño atractivo y amigable, redactar buenos artículos, elegir títulos...
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Rescooped by Ricard Lloria from Organisation Development!

10 Guidelines for Business Model Innovation in Established Companies | #Innovation #Management

10 Guidelines for Business Model Innovation in Established Companies | #Innovation #Management | Business Improvement and Social media |
Leading CEOs worldwide expect major changes to their company’s business model until 2020. As a consequence, organizations are currently about to realize that, today, business model innovation has become as important as technological innovation. However, developing new and viable business models still represents a serious challenge for large incumbent firms despite their resources, know-how, and key technologies. This article provides 10 guidelines for mastering business model innovation challenges in established companies.
We have conducted extensive empirical research on business model innovation processes in incumbent firms and condensed our experiences in working with established companies on developing new business models. Based on these findings the – what we call – “anatomy of business model innovation” has emerged. Besides other insights, it provides 10 important guidelines that need to be considered when tackling the business model innovation challenge.

Via David Hain
Gottfried's curator insight, June 24, 2015 6:10 AM

Companies need to evolve and move forward by making substantive change: Guidelines for Business Model Innovation

Scooped by Ricard Lloria!

10 Errores mortales en los Negocios que usted Debe evitar

10 Errores mortales en los Negocios que usted Debe evitar | Business Improvement and Social media |
Error 1: No es la solución de un problema real o de una necesidadSi quieres construir un negocio exitoso y rentable, debes crear valor, y una de las maneras más fáciles de ver si tu producto crea valor es mediante la evaluación de si resuelve o no un problema real o responde a una necesidad real.A veces las personas se emocionan tanto con sus ideas que se olvidan de verificar esta realidad primaria.
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Scooped by Ricard Lloria!

Recordando a Carlos Matus: un sabio de la alta gestión de gobierno

Recordando a Carlos Matus: un sabio de la alta gestión de gobierno | Business Improvement and Social media |
Hace unos años me encontraba preparando material para realizar un curso sobre Planificación Estratégica en el Mágister en Gestión Pública de la Universidad de Santiago de Chile. En esa ocasión tuve...
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Scooped by Ricard Lloria!

#Pymes #Empresas #B2C Toma de decisiones en la era de orientación al cliente por @JunaAlbert

#Pymes #Empresas #B2C Toma de decisiones en la era de orientación al cliente por @JunaAlbert | Business Improvement and Social media |
La producción y la estrategia de venta han cambiado y han pasado de estar centradas en el Producto (4 P’s: Producto, Posición, Promoción, Precio) a estar centradas en el Cliente (4 C’s: Consumer, Cost, Convenience, Communication). La toma de decisiones sobre …
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Scooped by Ricard Lloria!

#HR #RRHH 10 Distractions That Kill Workplace #Productivity

#HR #RRHH 10 Distractions That Kill Workplace #Productivity | Business Improvement and Social media |
Smartphones, the Internet, social media and emails are among the 10 biggest workplace productivity killers.
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Rescooped by Ricard Lloria from APRENDIZAJE!

#Socialmedia #Contentcurator Content is king: easy & simple ways to curate relevant content

Content is King: we've heard this sentence so much that for a lot of us it can become a factor of stress and frustration. Are you suffering content FOMO? Relax: content curation is here to the rescue. And here's how to make it practical and easy through hands-on best practices and tips as well as free or freemium tools to stop worrying about not doing enough with content. 

Via Guillaume Decugis, Marta Torán
senameintr's curator insight, May 8, 2015 1:38 AM

Excellent slideshare on content curation. Worth viewing it. 

Marta Torán's curator insight, June 13, 2015 3:10 PM

Una excelente presentación sobre Curación de Contenidos

ignis ideas+innovación transmedia's curator insight, August 7, 2015 9:35 AM

These are the slides of a talk I gave to the Social Media for Non-Profits conference on June 11 in Mountain View. 


Like many large and small businesses, non-profits are often looking at social media in general and content in particular as a huge opportunity to embrace but also one that is hard to master. Limited resources, lack of inspiration, lack of credibility are often mentioned as blocking factors so that overall a lot of people are left with fear of missing out. 


My talk was thus on how to relieve that stress by using content curation - which in itself is not easy but can become much easier with the appropriate tools or combination of tools. 


The presentation covers the key benefits of a good content strategy, how content curation can help as well as best practices, tools and a few case studies as well. 

Rescooped by Ricard Lloria from MarketingHits!

6 Ways to Build a Rabid Following on #SocialMedia

6 Ways to Build a Rabid Following on #SocialMedia | Business Improvement and Social media |
The days of build it and they will come are behind us. Content is king and all businesses, whether they like it or not, are in the content business. The smart companies know this and are setting themselves up for long-term success in their markets.

That's all fine, but how can a business get started? I have had the pleasure of interviewing more than 100 smart entrepreneurs. During those conversations, I have noticed a trend in how they built their audiences and then turned those audiences into profitable businesses.

Before you can turn a website visitor into an active and engaged part of your audience or community, you first need to attract them. These steps along the path to building an online audience will enable you to attract your perfect audience member, grow and nourish that relationship, and then monetize it over time.

Here are the six steps along the path to building an audience of rabid fans:

Via Brian Yanish -
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Proceso de evolución para llegar ser una organización digital | Blog de @JordiCarrio

Proceso de evolución para llegar ser una organización digital | Blog de @JordiCarrio | Business Improvement and Social media |
Para evolucionar a un nuevo modelo de comercialización digital acorde con el ciclo de compra de nuestro potencial comprador, requiere también que toda la
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Rescooped by Ricard Lloria from Administración de organizaciones y empresas!

Un Plan de #Innovación para #empresas: 19 claves del mapa de acción.

Un Plan de #Innovación para #empresas: 19 claves del mapa de acción. | Business Improvement and Social media |
Plan de innovación para empresas: un mapa de acciónPor Juan Pastor. Repensadores. - “Una hoja de ruta muy útil” - &

Via Manuel Gross
Manuel Gross's curator insight, June 8, 2015 12:37 PM

El plan de creatividad e innovación es el documento que nos servirá como hoja de ruta para la puesta en marcha, seguimiento y evaluación de la estrategia en esta materia. Para algunos puede ser una tarea nueva y dificultosa, así que os dejamos algunas recomendaciones básicas.

Rescooped by Ricard Lloria from MarketingHits!

#Content #Marketing for "Boring" Industries: 10 Tips for Creating Interesting Content

#Content #Marketing for "Boring" Industries: 10 Tips for Creating Interesting Content | Business Improvement and Social media |
Ever start writing a piece and wonder if anyone's even gonna read it?

Not to make you paranoid, but ... you should be paranoid.

Chartbeat conducted a study in 2013 that indicates most readers are only getting about 60% of the way through a piece of content. The other 40% of the stuff you wrote? Well, you could've gone home early that day. (You can read more about that study here.)

Via Brian Yanish -
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Rescooped by Ricard Lloria from APRENDIZAJE!

#Socialmedia Sobre #contentcuration e investigación | Los Content Curators

#Socialmedia Sobre #contentcuration e investigación | Los Content Curators | Business Improvement and Social media |

Via Marta Torán
Marta Torán's curator insight, June 17, 2015 4:10 PM

Javier Guallar, curación de contenidos, investigación

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#PYMES How Small #Businesses Can Use Big Data | SmartData Collective

#PYMES How Small #Businesses Can Use Big Data | SmartData Collective | Business Improvement and Social media |
As a small business owner, you may think that Big Data could not be any sort of help to you. After all, that market is for big businesses with lots and lots of resources. In reality that isn’t actually true. As a small business you can make use of Big Data in your own unique way.
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Rescooped by Ricard Lloria from APRENDIZAJE!

#RRHH #Empresas ¿Por qué tu todavía no necesitas un científico de datos?

#RRHH #Empresas ¿Por qué tu todavía no necesitas un científico de datos? | Business Improvement and Social media |
El Big Data esta en boca de todos y con ello la profesión de científico de datos pero... realmente sabes por qué todavía tu no necesitas uno en tu empresa

Via Marta Torán
Marta Torán's curator insight, June 16, 2015 3:27 PM

Muy interesante.

Qué es un científico de datos y qué hace.

Por qué su contratación debe ser el colofón de una estrategia. Primero, desarrollar en la empresa la habilidad de analizar y usar los datos. 

Scooped by Ricard Lloria!

El rol de los negociadores en los conflictos de las #PYMES familiares

El rol de los negociadores en los conflictos de las #PYMES familiares | Business Improvement and Social media |
Por Miriam JulianiSuele suceder que los directivos de Pymes familiares son parientes entre sí, y a partir de esos lazos trasladan al seno de la sociedad cuestiones que no siempre tienen que ver con el giro comercial de la misma.Es que la diversidad de los roles que los integrantes de las Pymes familiares cumplen dentro de la empresa hace que los problemas de la familia se mezclen con las cuestiones sociales, lo que trae como consecuencia serios conflictos que ponen en peligro el futuro comercial, llevando a la empresa –en el peor de los casos– hasta su propia extinción
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Rescooped by Ricard Lloria from Innovation & Creativity!

Thomas Edison and developing a culture of #creativity

Thomas Edison and developing a culture of #creativity | Business Improvement and Social media |
It is only by intentionally cultivating cultures that connect people that we will spark job growth, the economy and America’s innovative spirit.

Via Anne Leong
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How to become an innovative company by @xcampscoma


In today’s global and constantly changing market, every day that goes by shows that nothing lasts

forever. What worked yesterday will not necessarily work tomorrow. Therefore, one of the great

challenges faced by many companies, particularly SMEs, is being able to respond to these constant

changes in the market with new solutions that provide value.

Against this background of ever more variables and fewer constants, it is commonly agreed that

innovating is essential to guarantee the future of any company. There is no doubt about it. The

competitiveness of any company increasingly depends on its capacity to innovate.

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15 tipos de trolls que podemos encontrar en las #redessociales por @KekaSanchez

15 tipos de trolls que podemos encontrar en las #redessociales  por @KekaSanchez | Business Improvement and Social media |
  Nos pasamos horas interactuando con otras personas en Twitter, Facebook, Instagram… A veces no somos más que voyeurs, husmeando en vidas ajenas, de personas de nuestro entorno, de amigos, de famosos o de completos desconocidos. Personas que nos divierten, … Sigue leyendo →
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Rescooped by Ricard Lloria from MarketingHits!

#Twitter now allows sharing of block lists to help make Twitter safer

#Twitter now allows sharing of block lists to help make Twitter safer | Business Improvement and Social media |

Twitter is making it possible to share block lists on This new, advanced feature makes blocking multiple accounts easy, fast and community driven.

Mute and block are tools to help you control your Twitter experience. While many users find them useful, we also recognize that some users — those who experience high volumes of unwanted interactions on Twitter — need more sophisticated tools. That’s where this new feature comes in. You can now export and share your block lists with people in your community facing similar issues or import another user’s list into your own account and block multiple accounts all at once, instead of blocking them individually. We also hope these advanced blocking tools will prove useful to the developer community to further improve users’ experience.

Via Brian Yanish -
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Rescooped by Ricard Lloria from Entrepreunership, eCommerce, Management, Small Business & Work Orientation!

Best Tips for #Branding Your Company

Best Tips for #Branding Your Company | Business Improvement and Social media |
"Best Tips for Branding Your Company" provides a video with author, Edwin Dearborn, featuring his 23 best tips for branding your company and startup.

Via ThePinkSalmon
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#Pymes #Empresas Revolucionar al #marketing 5.0 - by @nalonso5

#Pymes #Empresas Revolucionar al #marketing 5.0 - by @nalonso5 | Business Improvement and Social media |
Revolucionar al marketing 5.0, es dar una nueva visión adapta a una nueva realidad donde el empoderamiento es de las personas y las marcas son la arcilla.
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Indicadores de gestión para el cuadro de mando en #PYMES

Indicadores de gestión para el cuadro de mando en #PYMES | Business Improvement and Social media |
por Claudio PizziEs posible que además de la planilla de caja diaria, el presupuesto anual y los flujos de fondos, usted quiera llevar el control de su organización en base a indicadores. Como sabe, el cuadro de mando integral, diseñado por Norton & Kaplan, necesita de indicadores para poder funcionar, al igual que objetivos estratégicos y el mapa para traducir la estrategia en términos operativos. Las perspectivas definidas por ellos, necesitan de indicadores palanca y de resultado. Los primeros empujan a los segundos, nos van a mostrar si estos segundos en definitiva se cumplirán.
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Rescooped by Ricard Lloria from Educación, TIC y ecología!

¿Qué es la curación de contenidos? | David Soto

¿Qué es la curación de contenidos? | David Soto | Business Improvement and Social media |

♥♥Todo lo que tienes que saber sobre la curación de contenidos: Qué es, para qué sirve, cuáles son las fases y las herramientas gratuitas más interesantes♥♥

Via Ramon Aragon
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