BWRC's Wild Spring Breaks | Cayo Scoop!  The Ecology of Cayo Culture |

The Belize Wildlife Referral Clinic is doing 'wild' Spring Break study abroad classes for 2014.  Sounds like a unique learning experience that is fun, and introduces Belizean culture at the same time.


In related news, they are also offering their Wildlife Medicine & Conservation Program courses too.


"Spend a Wild-Spring-Break in Belize with BWRC! Great for veterinary student groups.  2014 slots available...  The Wild-Spring-Break program is an intensive program which focuses on key topics in wildlife medicine. This program also introduces wildlife rescue and rehabilitation; and wildlife conservation strategies...  Students visit wildlife and conservation organizations around Belize; and guest speakers enrich the course content with perspectives drawn from the front lines of wildlife medicine and conservation.  In between visiting field sites and classroom sessions, students enjoy recreational activities and are introduced to Belizean culture."