No-Plastic - No-Styrofoam Exhibit | Cayo Scoop!  The Ecology of Cayo Culture |
The new exhibit at the SISE HoC, based on the sustainable summer camp held in Bullet Tree, was launched last week.
"PRESS RELEASE On Thursday 4th of October, Hon. Minister Dr. Omar Figueroa, in collaboration with Dr. Anita F. Tzec and her organizing team from Bullet Tree Falls village in the Cayo District, officially launched an exhibit on the results of the “1st No-plastic, No-styrofoam Kids Summer Camp, 2018”, which they jointly held in July of this year. The camp, was in line with GOB’s bold effort to phase out single-use plastic and styrofoam food utensils in Belize. It sought to create awareness in children and their families, on the negative health and environmental impacts of single-use plastic and styrofoam, as well as the importance of supporting this ban in our country. It was held from the 9th to 29th of July of the current year, with a total of 50 children, ages 5 yrs. to 16 yrs. from Monday to Saturday – between 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. This summer camp was highly interactive, using dynamic, ludic methodologies. The facilitators of the camp were invited specialists from Belize, Guatemala, Mexico, Argentina, USA and Russia, who taught children through creative art, painting, music, drama, puppet theater, photography, yoga, planting etc., making it a highly participatory and hands on camp. At the end of each week, children were taken on field trips to different Protected Areas in Belize, giving them the opportunity to experience the importance of phasing out single-use plastic and styrofoam, in an effort to keep Belize clean and conserving our cultural and natural heritage, rich biodiversity, as well as our terrestrial and marine ecosystems. These are opportunities they would otherwise not have. The exhibit of the results of this camp, displaying all the creative work of the children, as well as a photography exhibit, is currently being held at the NICH House of Culture in San Ignacio Town, Cayo District. It is open to the public until the 18th of October. The exhibit was made possible through funding from Hon. Minister Dr. Omar Figueroa and the Protected Areas Conservation Trust (PACT)."