Finding Culture & Adventure Fit for a Teen | Cayo Scoop!  The Ecology of Cayo Culture |

Sunday read.  Great article highlighting a few of the many local cultural attractions that are great experiences for teenagers.  Well written, and Xunantunich, Cahal Pech, and the sites in MPR(Rio Frio Cave is pictured above), are all in there.  They loved their stay at the San Ignacio Resort Hotel, and enjoyed the Green Iguana Conservation Project.


"Our week in San Ignacio barely scratched the surface of the outdoor and cultural excursions offered here..


We wanted to make sure we learned as much as we could about our hometown for the week, so we dedicated a full morning to San Ignacio itself. We toured through the fruit and vegetable market (busiest on Tuesdays, Fridays and Saturdays) and also really enjoyed learning about the history and process of cacao and drinking chocolate in the Mayan tradition at AJAW Chocolate and Crafts. Additional tours offer cooking classes and lessons on corn processing and tortilla-making at a Mayan women’s co-op...


Xunantunich and Cahal Pech: both these archaeological sites are rich in historical and cultural significance, and both are within easy distance of San Ignacio. Our leader, San Ignacio Resort Hotel guide Cruz, shuttled us only 25 minutes to arrive at Xunantunich, where we walked in the footsteps of Mayan people who civilized this region long before Columbus made his mark (or Christ, for that matter)."