Why Skip the Coast and Head to Inland Belize this 2018 | Cayo Scoop!  The Ecology of Cayo Culture | Scoop.it

The San Ignacio Resort Hotel hits the nail on the head with their article about skipping the coast, and heading straight to where all the magic happens: Cayo.  All the best adventures are here in Cayo, from caves to lakes to waterfalls.


"As much as we LOVE our gorgeous coastal destinations—we encourage you to skip those common places and try something new while travelling the warm and sunny Central America.


This piece of paradise has an array of activities to offer-- forget diving! Imagine zip lining through tropical forests, enjoying unimaginable views. Or cave tubing through ancient caves where the Maya have more stories to tell than you can imagine. Also, the perfect way to get over the fear of heights has got to be by climbing to the top of a Maya Ruin.


A lot can be said by simply walking on the Hawkesworth Bridge. And it is not the only landmark found in San Ignacio, Belize. Take a cultural tour with us to learn more about what makes this town special. Plus, there’s long-standing Maya Ruins dotted along the area. You will be fascinated by what you can learn from these historical sites."