Belize Zoo on Huffington Post Top 10 | Cayo Scoop!  The Ecology of Cayo Culture |

The Belize Zoo is on the Huffington Post's Top 10 list for zoos!  Of course it is.  Congratulations to the Belize Zoo.  


"'The Best Little Zoo in the World' was founded nearly 30 years ago to provide sanctuary for wild animals used in a documentary about tropical forests.  Today the zoo, located 29 miles west of Belize City, exhibits more than 150 animals native to Belize.  A major draw is the represented five wildcat species found in the Central American country: jaguar, puma, ocelot, margay and jacuarundi.  The Problem Jaguar Rehabilitation Program is just one of the zoo’s initiatives that help to promote conservation and awareness, and to protect Belize’s natural resources."