George Price - The Father of Our Nation | Cayo Scoop!  The Ecology of Cayo Culture |

A brief biography of George Price.  A fitting article to end National Service Dayo with.  Don Hector Silva tonight remembered him happily, and said that before he passed he came up with an idea for a peaceful revolution to bring justice back to the system.  He'd called it a 'second revolution,'  the first being the gaining of independence 31 years ago.  The comments at the end of the article are great, and you can leave condolences or other comments if you'd like.  


"George Price entered into politics in 1944.  With three days of preparation, he lost his first election.  In 1947 however, he was elected to the Belize City Council and from 1958 to 1962 he was the Mayor of that Capital.  In protest against the devaluation of the British Honduran dollar in 1949, a few citizens, George Price included, formed the People’s Committee.  Here was the start of the Peaceful, Constructive, Belizean Revolution.  It was the forerunner of the Peoples United Party, officially established on September 29, 1950.  6 Years later, George Price was elected Party Leader."