Feelgood news of the day.  The video about the Belize Zoo's journey to get handicap accessible is a great story.  They currently have a crowdfunding campaign going on right now on indiegogo.com.  If you'd like to donate: http://www.indiegogo.com/projects/belize-zoo-accessibility-project


"Our story begins with a man named Jerome who had grown up at and loved The Belize Zoo.  While working, Jerome was injured, which eventually led to one of Jerome’s legs being partially amputated.  When he went to The Zoo to visit after his surgery, Jerome realized that he could not maneuver his wheelchair through the gravel pathways.  He could no longer access the place that meant so much to him.  So The Belize Zoo reached out to the Inclusive Recreation Resource Center at SUNY Cortland (IRRC) in the hopes that we would be able to help The Zoo create a more inclusive environment not only for Jerome but for all of The Zoo’s patrons.  A love affair was born. Working together to form The Belize Zoo Transformation Project, The Belize Zoo and the Inclusive Recreation Resource Center formulated a plan to not only make The Zoo more accessible but also to promote inclusion and accessibility in the US and Belize."