Happy 25th Birthday, Hol Chan! | Cayo Scoop!  The Ecology of Cayo Culture | Scoop.it

Happy birthday from Cayo to the Hol Chan Marine Reserve!  National Geographic has a great article about Hol Chan being in existence for 25 years.  Hol Chan having its quarti-centurial birthday is indeed a reason for celebration.


"The story of Hol Chan is laden with good news and useful guidelines for conservation efforts elsewhere.  And there are several positive, encouraging themes in the tale.  First, of course, is the marine reserve, itself. Hol Chan is exceedingly popular, heavily visited during the course of a year, yielding massive financial rewards to numerous stakeholders.  But beyond that happy circumstance is the story about how Hol Chan came to be the first marine reserve in the country.  It was no accident. It was part of a strategic plan conjured up by staff and associates of the Wildlife Conservation Society.  And the plan was to start with Hol Chan as a model the public and the government could contemplate, and learn how the benefits and lessons derived from a modest-sized marine park might be extended to the entire coral reef ecosystem."