Matthew Valdovinos, one of the NMSU film school students that did the Belize study abroad documentary film course, has released the documentary about the Green Iguana Conservation Project.  It starts out with Humberto Requena and Eddy Estrada defining what the project does.  Interesting fact: the San Ignacio Resort Hotel has been able to raise the survival rate from around 6% to around 60% in the hatchery.


Daniel Velazquez, one of the cofounders of the project explains how the project is sustainable, so it will stand the test of time, and shows some footage from the project in 1999.  The documentary also has interviews with Miriam Roberson and the Belize Wildlife Referral Clinic's Dr. Isabelle Paquet Durand,  and if you ever wanted to know how to clean an iguana, you can learn it by watching.  This video is well worth the watch.


On Vimeo: