Rotaract Fills Backpacks | Cayo Scoop!  The Ecology of Cayo Culture |

Feelgood news of the day.  The Rotaract club of Benque delivered the first round of backpacks to the students that needed them. Looks like they had a lot of fun doing it too.  Thanks, Rotaractors, for making a difference in the lives of those students!

"Through the collaboration of the Principals and Teachers at Mount Carmel Primary School and Hills of Promise Primary School in Benque Viejo, La Inmaculada Primary School in Arenal and San Jose Succotz Primary School, a total of 40 deserving children were selected as beneficiaries of this year's program.  Selection was done based on the family's financial need.  On Sunday, August 23, 2015 school bags with supplies were given to children and parents of children from Hills of Promise Primary School and Mount Carmel Primary School in Benque Viejo.  The families were extremely grateful for the assistance as this helps them to alleviate their expenses for this coming school year 2015-2016. "