Augmented, Alternate and Virtual Realities in Education
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Augmented, Alternate and Virtual Realities in Education
Technology mediated reality and multi-user virtual environments collide and present teachers and learners with unprecedented learning possibilities..
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Rescooped by Peter Mellow from Learning and Teaching in an Online Environment
July 13, 2018 12:05 AM!

A Chat with Donald Clark

The first part of this discussion is around VR and AR use in education.

A Chat with Donald Clark and Arun Pradhan

Via ColinHickie
Peter Mellow's insight:
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Rescooped by Peter Mellow from Learning and Teaching in an Online Environment
March 28, 2016 9:04 PM!

Donald Clark Plan B: Amazing, mind-blowing ‘people’ possibilities in VR and AR

Donald Clark Plan B: Amazing, mind-blowing ‘people’ possibilities in VR and AR | Augmented, Alternate and Virtual Realities in Education |
When I demo VR to people they often struggle to see its potential application in the real world. One dimension they often miss is its potential to let you interact with other people - it’s social dimension. Far from being socially isolating, it may be socially liberating. The possibilities are mind-blowing.

Via ColinHickie
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