Augmented, Alternate and Virtual Realities in Education
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Augmented, Alternate and Virtual Realities in Education
Technology mediated reality and multi-user virtual environments collide and present teachers and learners with unprecedented learning possibilities..
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Scooped by Peter Mellow
November 17, 2015 4:26 PM!

2015 International Conference Virtual and Augmented Reality in Education (VARE´15)

2015 International Conference Virtual and Augmented Reality in Education (VARE´15) | Augmented, Alternate and Virtual Realities in Education |
Virtual Reality, VR, Augmented Reality, AR, Education, Video Games, International Congress, Human Computer interaction, HCI, Computer Animation, interactive multimedia, interactive books
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Scooped by Kim Flintoff
July 15, 2012 9:45 PM!

The Federal Consortium for Virtual Worlds CON2012

The Federal Consortium for Virtual Worlds CON2012 | Augmented, Alternate and Virtual Realities in Education |

The Information Resources Management College (iCollege) of the National Defense University established the Federal Consortium for Virtual Worlds (FCVW) in July 2007. The consortium was created to explore multi-agency and intra- agency collaboration using the robust capabilities of virtual worlds, examining best practices across multiple sectors. The objective of the consortium is to help government agencies to share resources, training, and experience; leverage outreach capabilities and practices; connect to new partners and business opportunities; and demonstrate the benefits for virtual worlds’ collaborative capabilities


KF:  This link provides access ot the keynotes and other presentations from this year's conference - "FCVWCON2012 Inspire the Future"

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