Art of Hosting
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Art of Hosting
Art of Participatory Leadership and other related topic: Action learning, Open Space Technology, Theory U, Mind Mapping, etc.
Curated by F. Thunus
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Scooped by F. Thunus
July 10, 2012 4:38 AM!

Exemple de facilitation de séminaire : réorganisation et mobilisation

Exemple de facilitation de séminaire : réorganisation et mobilisation | Art of Hosting |
Exemple en vidéo d'un séminaire conçu pour préparer une réorganisation des forces commerciales. Facilitation assurée par 5 facilitateurs.
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Scooped by F. Thunus
July 9, 2012 2:20 AM!

Employee Wellness Programs Pay Off

Employee Wellness Programs Pay Off | Art of Hosting |
A recent survey shows that investing in your team's health can boost your bottom line in the long run.
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Scooped by F. Thunus
July 7, 2012 10:23 AM!

Why We Stop Learning: The Paradox of Expertise

Why We Stop Learning: The Paradox of Expertise | Art of Hosting |
How to keep learning when people think you know it all. By Matthew D. Lieberman, Ph.D....
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Scooped by F. Thunus
July 7, 2012 5:47 AM!

6 Exercises To Strengthen Compassionate Leadership

6 Exercises To Strengthen Compassionate Leadership | Art of Hosting |
Want loyal, dedicated, and passionate employees? Be a loyal, dedicated, and passionate boss. Here are some tools to develop well-being in your workplace through better communication.
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Scooped by F. Thunus
July 6, 2012 2:36 PM!

How Effective Leaders Talk (and Listen)

How Effective Leaders Talk (and Listen) | Art of Hosting |
Boris Groysberg and Michael Slind, authors of "Talk, Inc.: How Trusted Leaders Use Conversation to Power Their Organizations." (If you want to learn more about how effective leaders talk (and listen) you might like this podcast:
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Scooped by F. Thunus
July 4, 2012 1:07 AM!

To Be A Great Leader, Author Says, “Do Nothing!”

To Be A Great Leader, Author Says, “Do Nothing!” | Art of Hosting |
Okay, I'll just get this out of the way so we can move on. While it's an excellent book, I don't like the title, Do Nothing! On the other hand, the subtitle (RT @BobBurg: Today's post: What could "Do Nothing Leadership" possibly mean?
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Scooped by F. Thunus
July 2, 2012 1:50 AM!

11 Signs You Need to Change How You Communicate

11 Signs You Need to Change How You Communicate | Art of Hosting |
We cannot make other people act as we’d wish, but we can become aware of when we act in ways that lead to problems in relationships.
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Scooped by F. Thunus
July 2, 2012 1:49 AM!

The 'Busy' Trap

The 'Busy' Trap | Art of Hosting |
The "crazy busy" existence so many of us complain about is almost entirely self-imposed. (This is the stuff #innovation is made of. anxiety: The 'Busy' Trap Let's play!
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Scooped by F. Thunus
July 1, 2012 3:16 PM!

The July 2012 Leadership Development Carnival

The July 2012 Leadership Development Carnival | Art of Hosting |
From @greatleadership: The July 2012 Leadership Development Carnival ~so much good stuff in a package for you!
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Scooped by F. Thunus
June 29, 2012 9:08 AM!

Good and outstanding leadership: what's the difference?

Good and outstanding leadership: what's the difference? | Art of Hosting |
The Guardian (blog)Good and outstanding leadership: what's the difference?The Guardian (blog)An appreciative inquiry approach leads to looking at what works and building on this – rather than getting mired in the weeds of old problems.
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Scooped by F. Thunus
June 29, 2012 12:29 AM!

The Clearest Path to a Career That's Right for You

The Clearest Path to a Career That's Right for You | Art of Hosting |
Nothing in career strategy is more important than picking the career field that's right for you. Get that right, and you may be headed to happiness and fulfillment in your work.
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Scooped by F. Thunus
June 28, 2012 4:58 PM!

The 5 Habits of an Empathic Communicator

The 5 Habits of an Empathic Communicator | Art of Hosting |
How we respond to others is largely a function of habit. Many small, repetitive, automatic responses that grow over a long period of time form habits. Mostly, these reactions are outside of our con...
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Scooped by F. Thunus
June 28, 2012 1:29 PM!

16 Tricks, wie Sie wach bleiben, wenn Sie müde sind

16 Tricks, wie Sie wach bleiben, wenn Sie müde sind | Art of Hosting |
Hier folgt ein Abschnitt aus dem Workplace Survival Kit.
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Scooped by F. Thunus
July 9, 2012 3:51 PM!


Prosesslederstudiet | Art of Hosting |
prosesslederstudiet leveres av de tre konsulentselskapene; Lent, Emergence og Futurefields (Vi forsatt plasser på prosesslederstudiet som er foregår i Oslo og går over 3 samlinger...)...
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Scooped by F. Thunus
July 8, 2012 5:03 AM!

The Dialogue Experiment

What if we intentionally forged our social solutions in the fires of creative chaos?
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Scooped by F. Thunus
July 7, 2012 10:11 AM!

Leaders Open Their Ears Wide

  The ability to hear sound comes naturally, but the ability to understand a sound's meaning (including someone's words and emotions) is learned. (RT @MartinaMcGowan: Do you know how to listen?
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Scooped by F. Thunus
July 6, 2012 2:36 PM!

Narcissism: The Difference Between High Achievers and Leaders

Narcissism: The Difference Between High Achievers and Leaders | Art of Hosting |
A chief executive had a dilemma. After working in a fast-growing company as COO, he accepted an offer from venture capitalists to start his own company.
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Scooped by F. Thunus
July 6, 2012 1:24 AM!

If You Don't Prioritize Your Life, Someone Else Will

If You Don't Prioritize Your Life, Someone Else Will | Art of Hosting |
"A 'no' uttered from the deepest conviction is better than a 'yes' merely uttered to please, or worse, to avoid trouble." So said Mahatma Gandhi, and we all know how his conviction played out on the world stage.
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Scooped by F. Thunus
July 2, 2012 2:21 PM!

Poor Wellbeing Is Killing Your Business

Poor Wellbeing Is Killing Your Business | Art of Hosting |
What does your employees' wellbeing have to do with your company's performance? Plenty. There are five distinct, interrelated elements of wellbeing, and all of them affect the bottom line.
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Scooped by F. Thunus
July 2, 2012 1:49 AM!

Leadership Development and Transformational Change | Rethinking Complexity

Leadership Development and Transformational Change | Rethinking Complexity | Art of Hosting |
4 elements are needed in order to set the stage for transformation. Would you add any others to the list?
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Scooped by F. Thunus
July 1, 2012 3:16 PM!

Action Learning for Leadership Development

Action Learning for Leadership Development Introduction When devising any leadership programme, it is important to ensure that as participants students are not only ‘taught’ or trained, but that they have the opportunity to put learning into action.
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Scooped by F. Thunus
July 1, 2012 3:15 PM!

Waking the Dead - How to Revive a Disengaged Workforce

Waking the Dead - How to Revive a Disengaged Workforce | Art of Hosting |
Building a culture of employee engagement takes time and patience. Plus a long term commitment at every level of the organizaiton.
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Scooped by F. Thunus
June 29, 2012 12:30 AM!

Hierarchy's Last Stand: Your Paycheck

Hierarchy's Last Stand: Your Paycheck | Art of Hosting |
It's a puzzle that some people still seek high status for its own sake. Leadership, wealth, and well-being have increasingly little to do with hierarchy, and the perks of power aren't what they used to be.
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Scooped by F. Thunus
June 28, 2012 5:00 PM!

Tips (Teamwork and Leadership Bloggings)

Tips  (Teamwork and Leadership Bloggings) | Art of Hosting |

What do good leaders do? Good leaders tell stories. Stories can be drawn from many facets of life. All a leader has to do is start looking for them. Here are three suggestions: (What do good leaders do? Tell stories.

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Scooped by F. Thunus
June 28, 2012 1:30 PM!

Let Your Ideas Go

Let Your Ideas Go | Art of Hosting |
There are two ways of holding an idea. One is with a closed fist, and one is with an open palm. When you hold an idea in a closed fist, you control it. It is yours. And no one else can access it. Ideas held tightly — as if in a fist — can't be seen.
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