Art of Hosting
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Art of Hosting
Art of Participatory Leadership and other related topic: Action learning, Open Space Technology, Theory U, Mind Mapping, etc.
Curated by F. Thunus
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Rescooped by F. Thunus from Strange days indeed...
July 24, 2012 9:25 PM!

Dear reader,

Dear reader, | Art of Hosting |

This is one of my news digests. If you like my editorial choices, there are more to be found by clicking on the "dear reader" link, and on my name above.
Enjoy !


Via F. Thunus
Donald Thomas's curator insight, August 30, 2014 8:07 AM

this is 

Wuzea Recherche's comment, March 15, 2015 6:45 AM
Propose de rechercher une ressource en tapant un mot clé dans le champ de recherche. Wuzea :
Vasu10's curator insight, June 9, 2021 1:49 AM
Takeoff projects help students complete their academic projects. Register at takeoff projects today to find and learn about different interesting big data projects and grab the best jobs. Get started right now.
Scooped by F. Thunus
July 25, 2:44 AM!

Applying Appreciative Inquiry & Positive Psychology to Improve Your Evaluation Practice

Learn about how applying an Appreciative Inquiry and Positive approach to your evaluations can create meaningful change in your evaluation practice! Drs. Tessie Catsambas and Stewart Donaldson share their thoughts! #evaluation #appreciativeinquiry #positivepsychology #evaluator #cgu #TEI
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Scooped by F. Thunus
July 21, 1:39 AM!

🌪️ Living with complexity and an exploration of the Cynefin framework

Douglas Squirrel, author of Agile Conversations, joins Bill Raymond on the Agile in Action podcast. Douglas discusses the misconceptions around agility in tech teams and the importance of experimentation in complex environments.

Bill and Douglas discuss the benefits of rapid experimentation, handling complexity and chaos, and avoiding common pitfalls in software development.

In this podcast, you will learn the following:

✅ The Cynefin framework for managing complexity

✅ The importance of experimentation in software teams

✅ How to avoid common development pitfalls

🎉 Strategies to make tech teams more profitable

To reach Douglas, read the transcript, and much more, follow this link:

YouTube Chapters:

00:00 Introducing Douglas Squirrel
00:27 Defining Agility in Software Teams
01:35 Introduction to the Cynefin Framework
03:15 Exploring the Simple and Complicated Quadrants
04:51 Understanding the Complex and Chaotic Quadrants
11:19 Dealing with Burnout in Complex Environments
13:37 Delivering Value Through Experimentation
17:16 The Value of Negative Results
17:50 Challenging the Concept of Best Practices
18:26 Explaining Failures to Clients
18:53 Embracing Complexity in Innovation
21:07 Signs You're Not in the Complex Domain
23:13 The Danger of Not Testing Innovations
25:04 Encouraging Frequent Customer Feedback
26:39 Designing Effective Experiments
30:13 Real-World Examples of Experimentation
33:02 Conclusion and Contact Information
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Scooped by F. Thunus
July 18, 2:30 AM!

Shades of Life - June 27-24 Tenneson, Jerry & Kathy talk about Art of Hosting, connection, belonging

This Shades of Life conversation theme was prompted by Tenneson and Kathy having participated in an Art of Hosting Zoom Open Space Session this week, Kathy having also participated in a Change Leaders Network call focused on connecting and belonging and Jerry having been at his tattoo shop earlier this week ¯\_(ツ)_/¯.

We chatted about what is at the core of AoH, if there is a core, that one cohering element is the belief in the value of good conversations. We shared some of our experiences of belonging and connection within and beyond AoH, how the fields we create invite people into intimacy and vulnerability and they find something they have been longing for that they did not even know they were longing for. We also talked about how AoH is just part of who we are.

We acknowledged the evolution of the Art of Hosting community/network from one relatively small community to a community or network of communities, each with its own center. The conversation earlier this week asked questions like do we need the language of steward/apprentice anymore.

As always, we are interested in whatever reflections listeners would like to share with us.

#artofhosting #connection #belonging #conversation #conversationsmatter #fieldsofconsciousness #openheartedness
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Scooped by F. Thunus
July 14, 2:25 AM!

Change Management

#Change #Management
The link to the Course:

Change is a constant in many of our lives. All around us, technologies, processes, people, ideas, and methods often change, affecting the way we perform daily tasks and live our lives. Having a smooth transition when change occurs is important in any situation and your participants will gain some valuable skills through this workshop.
The Change Management course will give any leader tools to implement changes more smoothly and to have those changes better accepted. This course will also give all participants an understanding of how change is implemented and some tools for managing their reactions to change.
Course Objectives
List the steps necessary for preparing a change strategy and building support for the change
Describe the WIFM – the individual motivators for change
Use needed components to develop change management and communications plans, and to list implementation strategies
Employ strategies for gathering data, addressing concerns and issues, evaluating options, and adapting a change direction
Utilize methods for leading change project status meetings, celebrating a successful change implementation, and sharing the results and benefits
Describe the four states of Appreciative Inquiry, its purposes, and sample uses in case studies
Use strategies for aligning people with a change, appealing to emotions and facts
Describe the importance of resiliency and flexibility in the context of change.
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Scooped by F. Thunus
July 11, 1:41 AM!

Mind Map! 😲🌳✨ Mind map idea for notes and assignments #shorts #ytshorts #mindmaps #saritapatel_87

Mind Map! 😲🌳✨ Mind map idea for notes and assignments #shorts #ytshorts #mindmaps #saritapatel_87 #trending #viral #mindmapping #design #drawing #nhuandaocalligraphy
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Scooped by F. Thunus
July 7, 2:30 AM!

Why is complexity important

In the latest episode of "Well it Depends", Pawel and Paddy answer the question 'why is complexity important?'

The recommendations from this episode:
Dave Snowden's 'Cynefin' Introduction video

Maarten Dalmijn - "Driving Value with Sprint Goals" by

Robert Sapolsky "Determined" -

Snowden & Boon on HBR - A Leader's Framework for Decision Making
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Scooped by F. Thunus
July 4, 2:05 AM!

The Power of Leadership How to Influence Others and Shape the World #shorts

Vida Skreb emphasizes that leadership involves recognizing one's power and deliberately choosing how to use it. It is about determining the values, behaviors, and purposes you want to promote and how you wish to influence others. Effective leadership requires a conscious and proactive effort to shape and inspire those around you.

Challenge yourself and join the World Association of Brain Athletes
#mindmapping #tonybuzan #leadership
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Scooped by F. Thunus
June 30, 2:10 AM!

Team Building Techniques: Appreciative Inquiry Explained

Feeling lost on how to build a strong team as a new manager? Struggling to break the ice and get everyone on the same page?

In this video, I am sharing a powerful tactic used to boost team morale, communication, and overall engagement: The Appreciative Inquiry Technique.

Here's what you'll learn:

How a simple Monday morning ritual transformed a new team from quiet strangers to a motivated unit.
The science behind Appreciative Inquiry and why it works.
Practical tips for implementing Appreciative Inquiry in your own team (it's easier than you think!)
Want to share your experiences or ask questions? Leave a comment below!

#AppreciativeInquiry #TeamBuilding #ManagementTips #NewManager #ProjectManagement #Fridaychat #SambprasadKuvalekar
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Scooped by F. Thunus
June 27, 2:42 AM!

Best 5 Free vs Paid AI MindMap Tools | How to Use MindMapping? | Whiteboard For Android & Laptop

Best 5 Free vs Paid MindMap Tools | How to Use MindMapping? | Whiteboard tools For Android & Laptop

Discover the top mind-mapping tools that can boost your productivity and creativity! This video reviews powerful software and apps designed to help you brainstorm ideas, organize thoughts, and visualize concepts effectively. From feature-rich platforms to user-friendly apps, find the perfect tool to streamline your workflow and enhance collaboration. Whether you're a student, professional, or creative thinker, mastering these tools will revolutionize how you approach planning and problem-solving. Let's dive into the world of mind mapping and unleash your potential!

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Scooped by F. Thunus
June 23, 1:30 AM!

Mindmaps for Beginners: Step-by-Step Guide

Mindmaps and flowcharts are visual tools that have revolutionized the way we organize information, brainstorm ideas, and enhance productivity. Originating from the brilliant minds of visual thinkers, these constructions provide a structured yet flexible approach to problem-solving and idea generation. Their utility lies in their ability to simplify complex concepts, stimulate creativity, and improve understanding through visual representation.
They serve as a bridge between abstract thoughts and tangible results, guiding users through a logical sequence of ideas and solutions. By leveraging spatial organization and nonlinear thinking, mindmaps and flowcharts enable individuals to see the bigger picture while exploring intricate details. Their adaptability lends itself well to various fields, such as education, project management, and creative pursuits. As technology continues to advance, these visual tools remain integral in fostering innovation and streamlining complex processes.

P. Geo. Ricardo A Valls, M. Sc. and Geo Gadfly
Valls Geoconsultant
Scopus Author ID: 7003369619/35335510700
ResearcherID: S-6604-2018

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Scooped by F. Thunus
June 16, 1:46 AM!

2 Positive Psychology related techniques to help provide constructive criticism.

2 Positive Psychology related techniques to help provide constructive criticism: Appreciative Inquiry and Growth Mindset.

#criticism #feedback #positivepsychology #appreciativeinquiry #growthmindset #1extraordinarylife #shorts
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Scooped by F. Thunus
June 13, 1:46 AM!

How To Download and Use MindMap app 2

How To Download and Use MindMap app 2
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Scooped by F. Thunus
Today, 1:40 AM!

Master Decision Making with the Cynefin

The Cynefin Framework

The Cynefin Framework, created by Dave Snowden and Mary Boone in 1999, categorizes problems into five domains: Simple, Complicated, Complex, Chaotic, and Disorder. This helps decision-makers determine the nature of issues and choose appropriate responses. Simple issues need straightforward solutions, Complicated problems require expert analysis, Complex situations use a probe-sense-respond strategy, Chaotic conditions need immediate action, and Disorder indicates confusion about which domain applies. This framework assists in avoiding oversimplification of complex issues or overcomplication of simple ones. Effective use involves continual reassessment, open dialogue, and agile response strategies.
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Scooped by F. Thunus
July 23, 12:39 AM!

Idrinth Mini Mindmap

A mindmap tool hosted at that is both open source and free to host. Meant for collaborations on ideas - let me know your feedback!

#buildspace #nightsandweekends #erevald
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Scooped by F. Thunus
July 20, 1:38 AM!

7 Innovative Mindmapping Techniques for Boosting Creativity

7 innovative mindmapping techniques to boost your creativity in this video. Learn how to use radial mindmapping, reverse mindmapping, and double bubble mindmapping to organize ideas and spark new insights.

Explore flowchart mindmapping, multi-layered mindmapping, and visual mindmapping to enhance your brainstorming sessions.

This video is perfect for solopreneurs and small business owners looking to unlock their creative potential. Transform your mindmapping skills and generate fresh, innovative ideas!
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Scooped by F. Thunus
July 16, 1:42 AM!

Introduction the Cynefin Framework #agile

Douglas Squirrel shares the Cynefin Framework

Understanding the Simple, Complicated, Complex, and Chaotic Quadrants

Simple, represented by a common car, where everything is easily understood; Complicated, like a Formula One car, which requires expert knowledge and the following of rules; Complex, akin to a test pilot flying a new airplane, which involves unknowns and requires exploration; and Chaotic, similar to an aircraft in a tailspin, where quick and random actions are necessary to regain control.
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Scooped by F. Thunus
July 13, 2:15 AM!

Brainstorming Techniques: Generating Research Topic Ideas || EP 110 || WritersER

Topic Ideas for Your Research Topic: Discover the ultimate guide to brainstorming and refining your dissertation research topic ideas in this episode of "Dissertation in 90 Days."

We cover everything from understanding the importance of a good research topic to practical brainstorming techniques, refining your ideas, and creating an actionable plan. Whether you're just starting or need help narrowing down your options, this episode has you covered.

Join us as we dive deep into self-assessment, literature review, and various brainstorming techniques like free writing, mind mapping, and SWOT analysis. Learn how to combine ideas and seek valuable feedback from advisors and peers. Finally, get practical tips on setting a timeline and staying organized throughout the process.

Stay tuned for more episodes, and don't forget to connect with the Grad Mentor Network for additional resources and support. Happy brainstorming!

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✅ Other Videos You Might Be Interested In Watching:

👉 Tips for staying motivated during a dissertation

👉How to Get the Dissertation Approved in 6 months or less (Free Playbook Included)

👉3 Mistakes to Avoid When Submitting your Dissertation Draft to Finish Faster

👉How to Structure your Dissertation | From Title Page to References | Dr. Robinson Dissertation Coach

👉How to Manage your time to COMPLETE your Dissertation Quickly with 9 Simple Steps

✅ About WritersER.

Many Doctoral and Ph.D. Candidates ask us the same question...

Is it really possible to finish my dissertation in less than 6 months?

They ask this question because, by the time they get to us, they are:

➢ Stressed from endless revisions
➢ Frustrated from having to spend thousands of dollars more to take 'another' class
➢ Afraid they might never finish
➢ Ready to throw in the towel

That's why we created this channel to provide tips and strategies on how to navigate the dissertation process. We believe that with the right tools, everyone can succeed.

This channel is about all things Dissertations, Dissertation Coaching, Literature Reviews, Methodology Design, Academic Research, Proposals, Qualitative and Quantitative research, and more.

For Collaboration and Business inquiries, please use the contact information below:

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🔔 Subscribe to the Channel here for more dissertation help videos:
#DissertationIn90Days #ResearchTopicIdeas #BrainstormingTechniques #PhDResearch #DissertationPlanning #AcademicWriting #ResearchMethodology #LiteratureReview #MindMapping #FreeWriting #SWOTAnalysis #GradMentorNetwork #PhDLife #GraduateResearch #DissertationHelp #AcademicSuccess #ResearchTips #PhDJourney #DissertationAdvice #ResearchStrategies

Disclaimer: We do not accept any liability for any loss or damage incurred by you acting or not acting as a result of watching any of my publications. You acknowledge that you use the information I provide at your own risk. Do your own research.

Copyright Notice: This video and my YouTube channel contain dialog, music, and images that are the property of WritersER. You are authorized to share the video link and channel and embed this video in your website or others as long as a link back to my YouTube Channel is provided.

© WritersER
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Scooped by F. Thunus
July 9, 1:41 AM!

The Mindmap Method- Exposing My Full Process for Effective Studying

This is SUPER live video that goes through every step of my studying process in depth. I am learning a topic and as I go through it explaining exactly what I'm doing and thinking. Everything is being shown as if you guys are standing behind my shoulder. We mindmap, layer and do active recall throughout. Hope you like it.

0:00- Live Studying Series
0:54- Disclaimer: how I'm gonna do this
2:49- Step 1.1- Writing Keywords & Categorising (34mins)
3:30- Tip 1: think about mindmap’s central idea
5:53- Tip 2: write keywords with GOAL of differentiating & relating topics
6:50- Tip 3: notice my studying and what goes on my keyword list
8:10- Tip 4: think critically about the categories can be visualised onto mindmap
9:00- End of skimming & bonus tip
9:35- STEP 2- CREATE THE MINDMAP (18mins)
10:13- Tip 5: visualise the mindmap in a memorable way before starting
11:15- My full thought process
13:12- Tip 6: stop and recall what you've drawn
13:55- End of mindmap & proof it's effective
14:12- Tip 7: learning more while making mindmap
16:48- Studying post mindmap
18:11- Tip 8: Don't create them immediately
19:58- Should I do a part 2?

Socials & Links 📣

INSTAGRAM: zain_asiif
WEBSITE for IB / A-Level Students:

I hope the video added some sort of value to your life... If you enjoyed the video, please show some love and drop a like + comment!! 🌟 Share it with friends that you think would like it or benefit from it too 💥 And subscribe for more videos every week! 🔔
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Scooped by F. Thunus
July 6, 2:15 AM!

The Ultimate Guide to the PERFECT Mindmap (6-Step Checklist)

The first 500 people to use my link will get a 1 month free trial of Skillshare

Intro: 0:00
Step 1: 1:17
Step 2: 2:09
Step 3: 3:27
Step 4: 4:17
SkillShare: 6:34
Step 5: 8:22
Step 6: 11:52
A+ Examples: 12:55
Summary Checklist: 19:12

🔊 Sound Library of choice (Epidemic Sound):
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Who am I:
I'm Archer, a second-year medical student in Australia making videos about studying, productivity and technology.

If you have any questions or want to have a chat, feel free to leave a comment below and I'll get to it as soon as possible. If you DM me on Instagram I'm more likely to see it sooner!
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Scooped by F. Thunus
July 2, 2:25 AM!

How to use a 'Mind Map'?

Unlock the power of #Mindmapping to boost classroom learning! 🌍✨
Watch our webinar to discover effective strategies for making your #Geography class more interactive and engaging. 🗺️🧠
#mindmaps #funteaching #teachingmethods #interactivelearning
#teachertraining #teachingtips
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Scooped by F. Thunus
June 29, 2:30 AM!

How To Use Sticky Notes For Brain Stroming Mind Map #shorts #viral #trending #mindmap

How To Use Sticky Notes For Brain Stroming Mind Map #shorts #viral #trending #mindmap #subscribe #satisfying #shortsfeed #shorts #short #shortvideo #shortsvideo #song #viral #viralshort #video #viralvideo #viralshorts #vlog #viralvideos #vtuber #trending #tranding #trendingshorts #trend #trendingvideo #mindmap #mindmapping #brainstroming #duaartandcalligraphycorner #art #frontpage #youtube #youtubeshorts #youtuber #ytshorts #youtubeshort #ytshort #yt #youtubevideo #youtubechannel #youtubevideos
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Scooped by F. Thunus
June 25, 1:48 AM!

How to make a mindmap in Microsoft Word

Recorded on Friday 24th May 2024
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Scooped by F. Thunus
June 18, 1:48 AM!

Power of Mind Mapping || Vanya Arya ||

#vanyaarya #mindmapping #motivation
"This is an Official Account of Vanya Arya"
Vanya Arya is a well-known Numerologist, Astrologer & Guest Speaker on Aaj Tak,GNT, News X, Repubic, News 18,India News, Aaj Tak, NDTV, and News India 24*7!!!

Join us in a journey of Spirituality, Astrology, Motivation, Daily Life..

Open your doors to opportunities & manifestation.Join us in our journey to spread positivity all over the world.

Vanya Arya is BCA & MS (BITS PILANI) .
Vanya Arya has transformed many lives within India & overseas.Vanya Arya is a very famous life coach & has immense experience in transforming lives & making their life smooth. Vanya Arya believes in spreading light in the life of others.

Thank you!

For Any Queries Email 💌
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Scooped by F. Thunus
June 15, 1:47 AM!

5 Best Mind Mapping Software in 2024

Friends all Software downloading links in comment box & in Description for your convenience.
Are you ready to unlock your creativity, enhance your productivity, and organize your thoughts like never before? Look no further than the 5 best mind mapping software options of 2024!
#aiwebsite #aitools #mindmaping #software
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Scooped by F. Thunus
June 11, 1:45 AM!

Mindmap Exercise by Batch 5 2024

This is Mindmap Exercise of Batch 5, 5 teams will share how to make mindmap. DO put in comment which one you think is the best

If you want to learn PMP you can join our program
Mob: +18483380545
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