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Curated by Gust MEES
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Scooped by Gust MEES
December 4, 2012 2:15 PM!

BlackHole Will Get More Complex, Android and Mac OS Are Prime Attack Targets

BlackHole Will Get More Complex, Android and Mac OS Are Prime Attack Targets | Apple, Mac, MacOS, iOS4, iPad, iPhone and (in)security... |
Attackers have expanded their attacks beyond the Windows platform to include Mac OS X and Android. 27 Percent of All Cybercrime Linked to the ‘Blackhole’ Exploit Kit, Sophos said.


Even though the overall market share for Mac OS X remains small compared to other platforms, the number of Mac threats are growing as more users switch. Flashback, the malware that reportedly infected hundreds of thousands of Apple systems in April was the largest mass attack this year, but it's not the only Mac malware out there. In a typical week, SophosLabs detects 4,900 pieces of OS X malware on Mac computers.


===> In a snapshot of Mac malware detected over a one-week period in August, SophosLab detected various variants of fake antivirus, codecs and Flash player. <===


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Scooped by Gust MEES
December 3, 2012 10:24 AM!

Dockster Mac malware found on Dalai Lama-related website

Dockster Mac malware found on Dalai Lama-related website | Apple, Mac, MacOS, iOS4, iPad, iPhone and (in)security... |
Mac malware has been found on a website related to the Dalai Lama, capable of allowing hackers to steal files and spy on keystrokes.


If your Mac is infected by OSX/Bckdr-RNW, remote hackers will be able to steal information from your computer and capture any keypresses you make. The attack was presumably designed to infect computers visiting the Dalai Lama-related website, which - one would imagine - would belong to sympathisers with the exiled Tibetan government.


===> Running a Mac without anti-virus software is a little like running naked through a field of thistles. Sooner or later, something bad is going to happen. <===


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Rescooped by Gust MEES from ICT Security-Sécurité PC et Internet
December 4, 2012 11:33 AM!

Security Threats in 2013 - Check also for Mac Malware

Security Threats in 2013 - Check also for Mac Malware | Apple, Mac, MacOS, iOS4, iPad, iPhone and (in)security... |

Read about the latest cyber security trends in the Sophos Security Threat Report 2013.


Most malware developers have found it more profitable to attack Windows than to learn new skills needed to target the smaller OS X user community.


===> But Macs are finding a new home in thousands of businesses and government agencies, and malware authors are paying attention. <===

Forrester Research analyst Frank Gillette recently reported that “almost half of enterprises (1,000 employees or more) are issuing Macs to at least some employees—and they plan a 52% increase in the number of Macs they issue in 2012.”


===> Even more Macs are arriving unofficially through bring your own device arrangements, where they are often an executive’s device of choice for accessing web or cloud applications. <===


===> Growing Mac usage means many IT organizations must objectively assess, mitigate, and anticipate Mac-related malware threats for the first time. And the risks are clearly increasing! <===






Check also my Curation about it:




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